
(AC503, Ingrid, 2010-05-18) 6-well plate format (200K/well = 100K/ml)(1) No Dox control of both cells grew similarly before Day4, doubling time約為24h
(2) #7 continued to grow between Day 4 and Day 7
(3) #19 stopped to increase after Day 4 (猜測是第三天換 medium時同時移掉 死細胞)
(4) YLC 將Day 8細胞拿來做SA-b-Gal staining,是positive, 但比例不詳

(AC 263 小夏) 6-well plate format (200K/well = 100K/ml) DNA content analysis @ 48 h
Results: 71% vs. 78% (#7); 72% vs. 84% (#16); 72% vs. 85% (#19)

(AC 278 小夏) 6-well plate format (100K/well = 50K/ml) DNA content analysis @48 h
Results: 49% vs. 57% (#7); 56% vs. 80% (#19)
(AC401, 小嬿) 24-well plate format (10K/well = 25k/ml); 7.5% FBS, 三天補一次Dox
(1) No Dox control of both cells grew fine until Day 6 (i.e. in 24-well plate, 從10K 長到 200/300K都還OK換算為concn就是500K-750K/ml都還可以)
(2) On day 8, both #16 and #19 have dead cells

所以綜合大家的條件若細胞養在 50K/ml, 在前五天估計細胞都不會因太滿而死掉。上圖附上小嬿細心的記數圖表,是八天的結果。

3 thoughts on “TW01TetER相關”

  1. 我的實驗是AC503,2010/05/18做的,YLC幫我做的SA-b-Gal staining有做2次,一次是DAY6(當初種100K/well),另一次是DAY8(當初種200K/well).皆有綠染細胞,但比例不詳.

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