Our Projects

Our ultimate goal is to unravel the molecular alterations that lead to the transformation of oral keratinocytes and the corresponding countermeasures. This includes exploring various areas such as the lytic switches of oncogenic herpesviruses, prognostic biomarkers for betel quid associated oral cancer, and the malignant conversions of potentially malignant disorders in the oral cavity.

Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV), Kaposi Sarcoma Herpesvirus (KSHV), Rta/BRLF1, K-Rta, R-Rta, latent-lytic switch, PTKs and PTPs array (PAPA), oncogene induced senescence (OIS), Rta mediated CpG methylation, oral cancer, discoidin domain receptor tyrosine kinase 1 (DDR1), angiolymphatic invasion (ALI), perineural invasion (PNI), collective cancer cell invasion, cancer-associated fibroblast (iCAF, myCAF), CAF-index, tumor growth factor-beta induced (TGFBI), hyaluronic acid hydrolase 1 (HYAL1), oral potentially malignant disorders (OPMD), malignant transformation, 11q13.43 methylation.

The Avenue

2020/09/26 中興大學-那間Pizza半日遊
2020/02/06 Dan and Yi-Mi visited NHRI
2019/06/02–55th ASCO annual meeting
2019/02/19 春節聚餐(與陳振陽老師、吳仲峻博士攝於新竹饗食天堂)
2018/07/30 EBV-KSHV joint meeting at U Wisconsin (Madison, WI, USA)
2018/04/19 恩師龔行健院士榮退
2018/06 NPC Gordon Research Conference at The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, China
2016/06 NPC Gordon Research Conference at The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, China
2016/02/03 與Dan & Yi-Mi 拜訪行動基因 (ACT Genomics, Nei-Hu, Taipei, Taiwan)
2016/05/26 恩師陳振陽特聘研究員榮退
2014/05/02 TJCC & ACOS (Daniel SY Su in front of “Characterization of Recurrent Gene Fusions and Mutations in 18 Taiwanese Breast Cancer Tissues)
2013/10/24 The 51th JSCO (Tokyo, Japan) (Identification of Recurrent Gene Fusions in Luminal Type Breast Cancer in Taiwan)
2013/07 Lab photo
2010/09/06 第14屆國際EBV會議台灣學者合影留念 (英國伯明罕)
2009/09/13 The 12th International Workshop on KSHV and Related Agents (Charleston, South Carolina, USA)
2006/10/12 ICSB-2006 (Yokohama, Japan)(與台大高成炎教授、林仲彥老師及高教授高徒於大井町站前合影留念)
2005/11/08 合影於臨床研究組 (R1-7F)
2005/11/06 CWRU alumni reunion at IBMS–the PTK and PTP array (PAPA) era
2004/10/05 合影於臨床研究組 (R1-7F)
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