GRC NPC – Liu, Fei-Fei

Fei-Fei Liu (Princess Margaret Hospital, Canada)
“Prognostic Significance of miRNA Signatures for Detection of Metastatic NPC”

  • metastatic NPC, metastamirs   let-7  miR9
  • Nanostring 654 miRNA + 34 EBV mi RNA +   mi RNA from other viruses on 124 patients
  • Bruce Oncotarget , 2015 miRNAS 154 + miRNA 449 – MENA 140 – MIRNA 34c (Bruce et al., Oncotarget, 2015)
  • N stage coefficient 0.3 p – value very significant
  • Adding LN status to miRNA signature
  • However, no miRNA signatures overlaps with those in Liu et al (Liu et al., Lancet Oncol, 2012 馬駿group)  
  • ———–以下未發表
  • Cell line data NP69 NP460 C666-1     miR-499  pops out
  • KO of more 499  73 downregulated ones top 1 is TGFBI
  • CO-IP OF ITGB3 and TGFBI (also expressed into media)
  • miRNA in TME!!
  • Also exsomal miRNA in metastatic niche
  • CD9, FLOT1

From Ming-Han

  • @Some miRNA levels highly associated to tumorigenesis (white et al, Nature review clinical oncology 8:75 2014)
  • @FFPE->microdissection-> RNA kit-> sequence.
  • @654 hmiRNA; 34EBV miRNAs had been detect
  • @normal NPE cell as control.
  • @use combined calculation to calculate:
  • miR154*0.147+mir449b*0.28-mir34C*0.311-miR140*0.653 (if value is high: high risk of relapse!!)
  • (Bruce et al: oncotarget 6: 4537 2015yr).
  • Especially mir449b and miR34C highly expressed in EBV+ NPC cell line.
  • @Mechanisms: KD of miR34C or mir449b can make C666 sensitive to Cisplatin. (C666 doesn’t affair Cisplatin!)
  • What’s the target?? TGFBI

  • Tumor repression
  • Low TFGBI consistent to promoter methylation
  • TGFBI KO mice: no tumor.
  • tf TGFBI into C666: become sensitive to cisplatin.
  • KD TGFBI into NP69: resistant to cisplatin.
  • Use 293 IP-> flag TGFBI-> pull down ITGB3.
  • TGFBI is secreting protein.
  • Model: TGFBI bind to ITGB3-> Block PTEN
  • TGFB-> induce PI3K—> PI3Kp-> resistant to cisplatin


They found exosomes have huge amount of miRNAs.

ER marker

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