Bo Zhao

Bo Zhao (Brigham and Women’s Hospital / Harvard Medical School, USA)
–”NPC Epigenetic Landscapes and Super-Enhancers”

Chromatin modifying enzymes are frequently altered in NPC (Lin D et al Nature Genetics 2014) exome-seq results

Epigenetic changes are reversible and druggable

Super-enhancers are recently discovered enhancers with

(1). Extraordinarily wide and tall signals for H3K27ac, BRD4 etc
(2) critical importance for cell identity, proliferation , renewal, differentiation, and oncogenesis

Superenhancer are very cell type-specific?

Alterations in genome structure acquire new super-enhancers epigenetic alterations at CTCG. Zhou et al Cancer Discovery 2016


Viral super-enhancers
• resting B cells
• EBV infection
• immortalized lymphoblastic cells

The method

H3K27ac ChIP-seq analyses

NPC biopsies. C88T, C128T C15
Control tissue

H3K29ac ChIp-seq signals at the DNMT3A locus
SYK locus (gene body)

Transcription factor motif enriched at the enhancers

NPC panel: NFKB-p65, MYB, IRF1

Controls: enriched in p53, TEAD1, CEBPb).


JQ1 treatment inhibits NPC Cell liens growth
(A inhibitor of pTEBb

JQ1 treatment decreases transcription and superenhanvcer-associated gene expression

In the virgenome. ChIP-sea shows superenhancers at




Assigning enhancers to their direct targets: HiChIP

Super-enhancers town stream of MYC link to MYC TSS

SLC2A1 links to multiple enhancers

Crisper experiment identify NF-KB and GLUT1 affect

C666 is an excellent cell line and is very similar to primary NPC tumors

Super-enhancer are sensitive to tyrbations

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