Anne Lee

Anne Lee (The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR China & The University of Hong Kong at Shunzen) 

“Challenges and Novel Approaches in Radiotherapy for Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma”

  • HKNPC1301 study on IMRT (2001-2010) to further improve tomorrow control for poor risk group
  • IMRT: parotid sparing (randomized trials on IMRT (late toxicity following IRT)
  • Radiotherapy – does response relationship
  • Fundamental + Novel to achieve “personalized NPC treatment”
  • Further development of IMRT
  • Radiotherapy set-up with image
  • Accurate delineation of GTV
    • GTC; fusion of MRI and PET-CT
    • Technological advance: MRI-simulation, MRI-Linac
  • RT technology evolution (particle beam RT hydro therapy)
  • Intensity modulated proton therapy
  • IMPT vs IMRT for NPC: decreases in radiation does to normal structures 
  • carbon Ion radiotherapy for recurrent NPC
  • Boron Neutron Capture Therapy (BNCT)
  • Approach 1B: adaptive RT to ensure continual conformity re-planning
    • re-planning in fractionated IMRT
  • Approach 2A:
    • marked variations in philosophies and practice ( == clinical target volumes (CTV) for nasopharyngeal carcinoma R&O 2018
  • Atlas of illustrative case of a T1N1M). —> international consensus

  • Approach 2B: to improve consistency and efficiency; development of artificial intelligence
  • AI in precision oncology
  • Nomogram fro reining risk assessment
    • – Prognostic utility of 18
    • – Pre-RT EBV-DNA
    • – Prognostication of EBV DNA at midpoint of RT
    • – ASCO 2017 (from Taiwan guideline)
  • Genome/Genetic profile to predict RT and chemo sensitivity
  • RSI a hub of ten genes for NPC
  • Radionics
  • Head and neck cancer meeting 2018 O’Suillvin et al (?)

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