3/11 會議彙整(更新)

(A) Diagnosis and Prognosis Biomarkers

  1. Pancpin (張)
  2. AXL (long/short forms) (莊)
  3. Hsp27/70/90/Cdc 25A, B, C (陳、黃)
  4. Treg (detection of Foxp3 promoter methylation) (黃)

(B) Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine

  1. HMT、HDAC (夏)
  2. Anticancer synergism/sensitivity/resistance (莊、劉)

(C) Tumor Biology

  1. PTKs (protein tyrosine kinase) up-regulated in CAPAN1:DDR1, EPHA1, EPHA2, EPHB3, ERBB2, ERBB3, ERBB4,MERTK, MET, RON,PTK6,SRMS,TNK1 (林)
  2. PTPs (protein tyrosine phosphatase) up-regulated in CAPAN1: PTPN20,PTPRF, PTPRH, PTPRJ,PTPRK,PTPRR (林)

另外明天(3/12)下午3:30與陳醫師round table discussion、

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