補遺:mir-17-92 cluster

 mir-17-92 cluster是由MIR17HG這個gene transcribed出來的:

MIR17HG: This gene is the host gene for the MIR17-92 cluster, a group of at least six microRNAs (miRNAs) that may be involved in cell survival, proliferation, differentiation, and angiogenesis. Amplification of this gene has been found in several lymphomas and solid tumors. Two non-protein coding transcript variants have been found for this host gene, but only the longest is a polycistronic transcript containing the MIR17-92 cluster.


MIR17HG全長為6756bp,裡面的六各microRNA precusors位置從

mir-17 (chr13:92,002,859)
mir-18a (chr13:92,003,005)
mir-19a (chr13:92,003,145)
mir-20a  (chr13:92,003,319)
mir-19b-1 (chr13:92,003,446)
mir-92a-1 (chr13:92,003,568)


彼此靠得非常近,總結來說,他們來自a single primary transcript,受到相同的調控,沒有獨自的promoter。

4 thoughts on “補遺:mir-17-92 cluster”

  1. 舉手發問

    ENCODE去探查TFs binding

    除了UCSC Genome Browser 跟 ChIPBase外

    還有其他整合頁面可以幫助Data mining嗎?

    ChIP Sequence的data 通常是用哪種方式分析?

  2. 快速用ENCODE掃一下,除MYC和epigenetic modifers (CHD2 and HDAC8)有明顯bind上去的signal之外,另外GATA2, JUND, JUNB, FOS, NR4A1也好像有involve (in expression regulation). 而且它們都cluster在5'regulatory region, 因此比較像是一起被on或是一起被off.

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