2014/01/25-26 PI Retreat

地點: 台南統一大樓
1/25/2014 (Saturday)

-OrCA: 1405 (Frozen tissues)
-NPC: 1206 (Frozen tissues)
-Biobank and Informed Consent Form (ICF) 有研究要進行才會去簽ICF
-800多例檢體要做expression array. 基因表達平台。

-乙醛Acetaldehyde, ROS, Nitrosamine
-P. gingivalis/C.albicans (TLR2 -> IL10 ->Treg)
-P.gingivalis LPS -> miR-146a increases
-P.gingivalis LPS ->TLR2-JNK, low inflammation
-E. coli LPS -> TLR4 /p38MAPK, TLR4-NFKB
-Areca nut -> increases miR-146a

  1. Direct: HPV
  2. Indirect: inflammation (P. gingivalis), carcinogens, alteration of
                    microbiome composition)

-14q32.32 miRNA DMR dense methylation
-Roxithronomycin -| RunX2 and oncogenes -> MMP13 overexpression
-CBX8: miRNAs and epigenetics PRC1, PRC2
-STAT/SOCS: miRNA and inflammation

-Tumorigenesis & lymphatic metastasis in OSCC
-Reciprocal regulation of miR-99a & IGF1R in OSCC
-50% lymph node meta
-Injection of OSCC cells into oral cavity of nude mice
-biomarkers for tumorigenesis & mypho node metastasis
-inhibitors of secreted proteins


LODC1 -| NFKB -> IL1b ->cell toxicity

-stress phenotypes & tumor environment
-ColC7-Dbf4 in S phase checkpoint
-The role of Lon in mitochondrial protein quality control

-PIK3CA amplification (1%) 而已
-EGFR cetuximab
-Pan-PI3K, BKM120, LY294002
-PI3K BYL719
-PI3K/mTOR, BE2235, BGT226
-mTOR, rapamycin
-MET, IGF1R, AXL 210
-Resistance, PI3KCA amplification
-EGFRvIII,  cell line not available


Dr Walter Liu:
-9萬癌症病人/年 47%, 65-yr-old 以上; 40%, 70-yr-old 以上
-generation oncology
-G2/M arrest by siMAGEA4
-extopic expression of MAGEA4 in HOK: RUNX1 decreased.

Janelle Kuo:
-DOK -> short term exposure
-DOK -> long term exposure
-Nicotine and NNK transformed cells: DOK NIC4, NIC5, NIC6, NNK4, NNK5, NNK6

-Oncomine-based data mining (729 datasets, 91,866 samples)
-Pathway mapping (MGSA, GSEA)
-Data preprocessing (s.g. SVA)
-CISD2 (a mitochondria protein) associated pathways

Dr. Chang I-Shou:
-Competing risk problems
-association between expression traits of a gene and time from surgery to recurrence
-Time to death, without tumor recurrence
-dependence, covariants
-competing risk problem
-probability of recurrence
-two non-parameteric methods
-Scandinavian ( J of statistics (2007))
-association study based on high-throughput genomic data
-looking for differentially epressed genes between cancer tissues and
  normal tissues
-missing heritability
-heritability of complex diseases
-GWAS 4000 SNPs, 500 traits, 1700 GWAS
-over 80% in non-coding region
-missing heritability
-gain biological insights into their associations
-post-GWAS stratagies (Freedman et al 2011, Nat Genetics)
-eQTL, its association with gene expression in appropriate tissue

1/26/2014 (Sunday)

Director Chen:
-Ph-III adjuvant
-Gem+/- CCRT
-智勤 Ph-III MM398   400 patients (100? 300?)
-DLK378 (Norvatis)  ALK/ROS1/MET
-targeting on ROS1/ALK +++

Dr. Yu:
-Klf10/Sp1/TIEG1 (TGFb induced early gene 1)
-Zinc finger protein
-KLF10 -> CDK2 interaction

Dr. Shih Neng-Yao
-Moonlighting protein
-anti-ENO1 and anti-SIK3 antibodies in patients with pancreatic cancer
-SIK3 and AMPK are cousins

Dr. 常:
-Radiation sensitization of tumor cells inudced by shear strss
-Roles of ITG and FAK
-Shear stress enhances radiation cytotoxicity by ITG/FAK/cortactin
-pretreatment with shear stress for 24 h
-Radiation -> ITGv5B? increases ->FAK increases -> cortactin increases

Dr. Su Jen-Liang
-E1A and breast cancer

Dr. Huang
-CD163 staining M∅ infiltration in pancreatisis
-stress protein HSP90a
-intracellular and secreted HSP90a 在PDA早期老鼠model就會產生
-M∅ is required for PDA development & induction of secreted HSP90a levels
-secreted HSP90ainduces EMT in HPDE cells
-TCF12: helix-loop-helix class I protein function
  . as a transcriptional repressor of E-cadherin
  . it is a critical TF to promote CRC cell EMT, migration, invasion and meta
  . co-IP with Bmi I and EZH2

Dr. 蔡坤志:
-ASPM/DVl2 as a hub
-Dv1-nonconcanical Wnt signaling pathway in Pan CSCs and meta
-EMT-MET transition in Pan CSCs
-Peritoneal stromal cell, peritoneal mesothelial cells (PMCs)
-WGS  陳寶祥、黃伯憲
-Stem Cell Report (2014, id1, Liu S UMich 其老闆是Cancer Stem Cell始祖)
-Cell Report (2013, Stankic M. Sloan Memorial Kettering)

Dr. 洪文俊:
-COX2 in breast and stromal interactin and its role metastasis
-1996 NEJM Aspirin and COX2
-NSAIDs and DuBois
-BrCa metastasis increases vs. secretion of IDO1 from fibroblasts –> degrading E-cadherin, local Kyr???? increases
-miR-183-96-182 cluster via b-catenin/TCR/LEF-1 in gastric cancer
-Bissell Nat Cell Biol Vol 5
-G9a inhibiton
-Proten Argine Methyl transferase PMRT

Dr. 莊雙恩:
-upreguation of AXL causes EGFRi therapy resistance in lung cancer
-AXL expression negatively correlates with AXL
-AXL feedback loop model
-AXL -> MIG6 -| EGFR -> AXL; MIG6 also negatively regulates many RTKs including AXL
-AXL up-regulation by (1) ligand-dependent (2) ligand-independent
-Ligand independent: (i) ROS (NFKB) (ii) acidic microenvironment (iii)?

Dr. 姜乃榕:
-Biliary tract cancer (BTC), 10-20% worldwide
-Cytokeratin 19
-KRAS mutation status: (1) stratified vs random (2) phase II trial
-TCOG T120
-ROS1 PNAS (9%), FIG-ROS 2013

Dr. 蔡慧珍:
-NET: response to mTOR inhibitor (everolimus)

王副院長 (提及ROS1是他clone的,外面extracellular domain 非常長, gene fusion 後intracellular domain becomes constructively active)

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