(1) 夏興國:(a) 40 T/N. 三個miRNA clusters →14q32, 21q and X。其中 14q32 and 21q are down-regulated, whilst X region is up-regulated. (b) Xq26.24 (Wnt receptors) and 14q32.2 (Wnt ligand e.g., Wnt 2, Wnt 7A and 7B) seem to indicate Wnt pathway is involved in OSCC.
(2) 張所長: (a) Metastasis MMP高CTSS高,但用藥卻failed. Serine protease may be more interesting! (b) for NRPB PPG: role of methylated retinoic acid related genes/ PPARG/ALDH1A2
/SNPs/second primary