由 sufang 在 五, 07/25/2014 – 10:50 發表 Pre-published CCA TLCN申請書 檢體

Letter_of_Intent_FGFR fusion (to be FTPd)
Biosamples_Request_Form_gene fusion (to be FTPd)

相關書信  a recent published genomic changes in IHCC 12 messages
LTCHEN Sun, Mar 23, 2014 at 9:55 AM To: hung1228 , “Kelvin Tsai K.” , Chien-Feng Li , Su-Fang Lin , 姜乃榕 , Chiun Hsu
A recent published genomic changes in IHCC for your reference, including IDH 1/2 mutation and FGFR2 fusion!
Best egards, LT Chen IHCC genomic changes Oncoloist’14.pdf 1372K  Su-Fang Lin To: LTCHEN Cc: hung1228 , “Kelvin Tsai K.” , Chien-Feng Li , 姜乃榕 , Chiun Hsu
This is really neat!! Are there accompanying supplemental materials associated with this communication? (I am curious about what are the 182 cancer genes and the 36 introns). Also, is that a routine to use various IHC stainings in ruling out non hepatic primary tumors including NSLSCL, breast cancer, prostate cancer, neuroendocrine carcinoma?) In other words, is that a common feature that other cancer types frequently metastasize to this site?
Thanks for the answers in advance!! Su-Fang
Dear SF:
usually the possibility of secondary liver tumors were excluded by history and clinical imaging study! Best LTC
Dear DY:
Enclosed, some papers for your reference! We are interested in some fusion genes in IHCC, including the FGFR2, ROS-1 and ALK! Can you help to design some RT-PCR methods to detect these mutations, we can try to have some RNA from fresh frozen and formalin fixed paraffin embedded tissues for testing in parallel! If possible, will you come to visit out institute in Tainan at W3 morning, perhaps around 10:00am (you can take the 9:00 am 自強 from kaohsiung to Tainan, it will arrive around 9:30-35, then you can take a shuttle that will leave the Tainan rear station 後火車站 at 9:40 to NCKUH! or please just call me to let you know your departure time and I shall pick you up at the rear Tainan station! Best LT Chen

Su-Fang Lin Mon, Mar 24, 2014 at 10:09 AM To: LTCHEN , Daw-yang Hwang 黃道揚 <910208 mail.kmuh.org.tw="">
Cc: “Kelvin K. Tsai” , hung1228 , Pon
Dear 所長: 我星期三這裡有meeting,所以就不過去「熱烈歡迎」黃醫師囉!
但是先跟大家報告⼀下上星期我與UMich Dr. Dan Robinson (@Chinnaiyan Lab)討論過、 我們的60個膽道癌檢體想要請他們幫忙做RNA-seq, 要找gene fusion. 他again,爽快地說可 以當做research cohort,就把檢體送過去,當他們臨床loading較輕時,會幫我們的檢體放 進去、⼀批一批做出來。Novartis clinical trial那部份, 那他們就會要廠商支付耗材費、目 前與他們合作的廠商是pay他們約5000美金/sample (MI-ONCOSEQ). (Novartis is not one of them, he guessed the PET result we saw last time could be the one sent to Detroit, where Novartis has a big cohort for their clinical trial on FGFR inhibitors)
黃醫師在哈佛的mentor, Dr Hildebrandt, 是不是在UMich還有Lab? 您說暑假會去(UMich) 那裡visit個2–3週,是可以做實驗的嗎? 還是補paper or family trip? Dan Robinson也是龔 行健院長的學生, 他在CWRU的成名作就是以multi-plex PCR檢查cancer cell中90個 protein tyrosine kinase的表現情形。他NGS的library做得非常好,用眼睛找fusion gene的 功力更是沒話說,若能和他聊⼀一聊應該會收獲很多(不過,他們NGS做慣了,可能會要你 打消主意只用PCR看少數gene fusion…) Best, Su-Fang (菩薩保佑台灣!)

Su-Fang Lin To: 陳所長   Tue, Mar 25, 2014 at 4:51 PM
Dear 所長:
初稿寫好了, 有空可以麻煩您不吝斧正一下嗎? 感謝~
Best, Su-Fang
2 attachments
Letter_of_Intent_FGFR fusion.doc 76K
Biosamples_Request_Form_gene fusion.doc 44K

Daw-yang Hwang 黃道揚 <910208 mail.kmuh.org.tw="">
Wed, Mar 26, 2014 at 9:32 PM
To: Su-Fang Lin , LTCHEN , Daw-yang Hwang 黃道揚 <910208 mail.kmuh.org.tw="">
Cc: “Kelvin K. Tsai” , hung1228 , Pon
Dear all,
It is very nice to visit NHRI in Tainan, enjoy a good lunch, and meet and discuss collaborations in the future. Please let me know if I can be of any help! I will find out the computer system and software (CLCbio Workbench) quote, and will work on the bisulfite analysis.
5 of 9 4/8/14 9:13 AM
Gmail – a recent published genomic changes in IHCC https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ui=2&ik=d85e4…
Dr. Hildebrandt dose not have a lab in UMich anymore. I will go there to visit a collaborator, and also for a family trip. I will be very happy if I can visit Dr. Robinson, if Dr. SF Lin can to introduce me to him. I was very aware of his previous tyrosine kinase work when I was student.
I will order a Illumina library preparation kit to test our fusion gene hypothesis, the Illumina sales is out of town these few days. Hope our concept can work.
Kindly regards, Daw-yang

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