2018 Madison Meeting Index Page

July 28 Saturday
Keynote Address 1 (Henle Lecture: Paul Lieberman)

July 29 Sunday

  • Global Changes in the Host B cell During the Pre-latent Phase of EBV Infection (Paulina Mrozek-Gorska)
  • Single-Cell Analysis of Gammaherpesvirus Infection and Gene Expression (Lauren Oko)
  • 3D architecture of host-pathogen genomic interactions during EBV reactivation (JJ Miranda)
  • Modulation of Cellular CpG DNA Methylation by Kaposi’s Sarcoma Associated Herpesvirus (Guy Journo)
  • Epstein-Barr Virus Nuclear Antigen EBNA-LP is Essential for Transforming Naive B Cells, and Supports the Activation of Viral Genes, but not EBNA2-Induced Cellular genes (Rob E. White)
  • Polycomb Recruitment During Latency Establishment: A Comparative Study (Thomas Günther)
  • Continuous DNA Replication Is Required For Late Gene Transcription And Maintenance Of Replication Compartments In Gammaherpesviruses (Dajiang Li)
  • Intracellular Iron Chelation by a Novel Compound, C7, Induces Lytic Cycle of Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) in EBV-Positive Epithelial Malignancies (P.T. Stephanie Yiu)
  • Application of the Air Liquid Interface Culture Method to Study EBV Pathogenesis in Polarized Airway Epithelia (Kathy Shair)
  • NLRX1 Negatively Modulates Type I IFN to Facilitate KSHV Reactivation from Latency (Zhe Ma)
  • BGLF2 Increases Infectivity of Epstein-Barr virus by Activating AP-1 upon de novo Infection (Takayuki Murata)
  • The M81 Epstein-Barr virus associated RNA 2 enhances CXCL8 Production and Spontaneous Virus Lytic Replication in Primary B Lymphocytes (Zhe Li)
    • Toward the Clinical Development of an EBNA1 Inhibitor for the Treatment of EBV-Associated Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma (Troy E. Messick)
    • The Unique Structure of the LMP1 – TRAF6 Complex is Critical for Viral Cell Transformation and Serves as Target for Inhibitory Molecules (Arnd Kieser)
    • CRISPR Resistance Screens Reveal Genetic Mediators of Immunomodulatory Drugs in Primary Effusion Lymphoma (Ajinkya Patil)
    • Dual Role in Fighting Viral Malignancies: Next Generation Epigenetic Modifier for Viral Gene Activation and Anti-Tumor Immune Response (Robert A. Baiocchi)
    • Modulating IL-7 Cytokine Receptor Signaling to Enhance the Persistence and Anti-Tumor Efficacy of Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV) Specific T-Cells in EBV Positive Malignancies (Sandhya Sharma)
    • Spironolactone Blocks EBV Production by Degrading XBP Protein, A Cellular Transcription Factor that Acts as a Cofactor for EBV SM Function (Dinesh Verma)
    • A Genome-wide Screen of EBV Proteins that Modulate Host SUMOylation Identifies a SUMO E3 Ligase conserved in Herpesviruses (Lori Frappier)
    • Computational Analysis of Ribonomics Datasets Identifies Long non-coding RNA targets of γ-herpesviral miRNAs (Rolf Renne)
    • The Receptor or Coreceptors in Epstein-Barr Virus Infection of Nasopharyngeal Epithelial Cells (Mu-sheng Zeng)
    • Examination of the Effects of Rhesus Macaque Rhadinovirus (RRV) Infection and Viral CD200 (vCD200) on Cellular Gene Expression Profiles During in vivo Infection (Ryan D. Estep)
    • PIAS1 restricts Epstein-Barr Virus Reactivation and it is Antagonized by Caspases Upon Lytic Induction (Renfeng Li)
    • Metabolic Reprogramming of Kaposi’s Sarcoma Associated Herpes Virus Infected B-cells in Hypoxia (Rajinish K. Singh)
    • Caspase 3 Activation Facilitates Lytic Replication of Epstein-Barr Virus in Epithelial Cells (Dong-Yan Jin)
    • EBNA3A Regulates Apoptosis at Early and Late Times After Infection in Epstein Barr Virus-Infected B Cells (Joanne Dai)

    Keynote Address II (Blossom Damania)

    Poster Session I – Wine/Dessert
    • The EBV Glycoprotein BDLF2 is Essential for the Infection of Stratified Epithelium (Ian Hayman)
    • Kaposi Sarcoma-Associated Herpesvirus gH Is Essential for Viral Infection, but Not for Virion Assembly or Egress from Cells and is an Ideal Target for Vaccine Development (Javier G. Ogembo)
    • An Early Lytic Gene Regulates Immediate Early Gene BZLF1 (Xiaofan Li)
    • Immune Mechanisms of Protection Against Latency from Vaccination of a Genetically Engineered Gamma-Herpesvirus (Ting-Ting Wu)
    • How is EBV’s Genome Amplified during its Lytic Cycle? (Thejaswi Nagaraju)
    • The Kaposi’s Sarcoma Herpesvirus Non-Structural Membrane Protein pK15 Recruits the Class II PI3K Phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate 3-kinase C2 alpha to Activate Productive Viral Replication (Bizunesh Abere Alamirew)
    • CAGE-seq Analysis of Epstein-Barr Virus Lytic Gene Transcription: 3 Kinetic Classes from 2 Mechanisms (Reza Djavadian)
    • Phosphorylation Regulates the Function of the Epstein-Barr virus Pre-Initiation Complex in Transcription of Late Genes (Ayman S. El-Guindy)
    • Multiple Roles for EBV microRNAs in Regulating EBV Reactivation (Rebecca Skalsky)
    • KSHV vIL-6 Intercellular Signaling Increases Integrin Beta 3 Levels and is Dependent on Activated STAT3 (Ricardo Rivera-Soto)
    • Epstein-Barr Virus Nuclear Antigen Leader Protein Co-Activates EP300 (Chong Wang)
    • Epstein Barr Virus (EBV) Latency Gene Expression in Solid Organ (SOT) and Bone Marrow (BMT) Post-transplant Lymphoproliferative Disorders (PTLDs) (Amy Chadburn)
    • CRISPR-Cas9 Mediated Knockout of Viral ORF57 Gene from All Copies of the KSHV Genome in BCBL-1 Cells (Zhi-Ming Zheng)
    • The Epstein-Barr Virus BHLF1 Locus Contributes to Viral Latency and B cell Immortalization (Lena Lupey-Green)
    • Newly Derived endemic Burkitt Lymphoma Cell Lines from Kenyan Patients and the Makings of an Avatar Mouse Model (Ann M. Moormann)
    • Potential Correlates of Mother to Child Transmission in the Humoral Response to KSHV in Zambia (Lisa K. Poppe)
    • Genomic Analyses Support the Association of Pathogenic Variants of Epstein-Barr Virus with Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma (Alan K.S. Chiang)
    • Genome Sequencing Analysis Identifies Epstein-Barr Virus Subtypes Associated with the Risk of Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma (Miao Xu)
    • The Zp-V3 Variant of the Epstein-Barr Virus BZLF1 Promoter Enhances Lytic Reactivation in Response to B-cell Receptor Stimulation and is Over-represented in Burkitt Lymphomas (Jillian A. Bristol)
    • Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV) Serological Profile and Hodgkin Lymphoma (HL) Risk (Zhiwei Liu)

    Keynote Address III (Bettina Kempkes)

    • Rosemary Rochford: Malaria as a Risk Factor for Early Age of KSHV Infection in a Cohort of Children in Western Kenya
    • Aurélia Faure: KSHV Requires EBV for Infection of Peripheral B Cells
    • Kathryn Lurain: Tumor Epstein-Barr Virus Status is Prognostic in Primary Effusion Lymphoma
    • Dirk Dittmer: Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) Enhances Latent Plasmid Maintenance of Kaposi Sarcoma-associated Herpesvirus (KSHV)
    3:00 PM Optional Excursion + Dinner on Own
    8:00 PM Poster Session II – Beer/Chese (Tripp Commons and Main Lounge)
    July 31 Tuesday
    • John Karijolich: Misprocessing of Cellular Noncoding RNAs as a Pathway for Cell-Intrinsic Immune Activation
    • Nathan Ungerleider: Identifying EBV microRNA Targets in B-cell Lymphoma and Gastric Cancer Using CLASH
    • Ashley N. Knox: Transcriptional Regulation of Viral ncRNAs
    • Chun-kui Shao: EBV Encoded miR-BART10-3p and miR-BART22 Promote Invasion and Metastasis by Activating Canonical Wnt/β-catenin Signaling Pathway in EBV-Associated Gastric Carcinoma
    • Demian Cazalla: A Herpesvirus Utilizes a Sm-class Non-coding RNAs as a miRNA Adaptor to Modulate Host Gene Expression
    • Pierre Busson: Impact of Demethylating Agents on Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma Xenografts: de novo Expression of Cp/Wp Transcripts and BHRF1 microRNAs
    • Brett A. Hoffman: The Secondary Structure of the MHV68 Noncoding RNA TMER4 is Essential for Function at a Critical in vivo Dissemination Bottleneck
    • Erik Flemington: Epstein Barr virus circRNAome
    • Anita Murer: EBV Persistence without its EBNA3A and 3C Oncogenes in vivo
    • Prerna Dabral: G-quadruplexes Regulate mRNA Translation of LANA to Control Antigen Presentation during Latency
    • Hyoji Kim: LMP2A Regulates BART miRNAs Transcription by Translational Activation of ETS Family Genes
    • Joshua E. Messinger: EBV Latency IIb is Phenotypically Distinct from Latency III Independent of LMP1 Expression
    • Kevin McBride: Uracil DNA Glycosylase of Gammaherpesvirus and Mammals Differentially Support Mutational Outcomes
    • Christine T. Styles: Successful Short Term Infection of Humanized Mice with EBV Lacking EBNA3 Genes Contrasts Their Essential Role in B Cell Transformation In Vitro and Their Role in Favouring Latency in Memory B Cells
    • Kenneth M. Kaye: Enhancement of in vivo Latency by Substitution of the KSHV LANA DNA Binding Domain with that of MHV68 in Chimeric Virus
    • Umama Zia Siddiqi: Identification of ARKL1 as a Jun-interacting Factor that Negatively Regulates EBV Reactivation

    (Session 8B) Virus-Host Interactions II (led by Britt Glaunsinger & Yasuaki Harabuchi)

    • Yan Yuan: Role of KSHV in T cell Infiltration in Kaposi’s Sarcoma Microenvironment
    • Dingani Nkosi: Epstein-Barr virus LMP1 Hijacks the Host ESCRT Machinery for Exosomal Secretion
    • Mai Tram Vo: vIRF-1 Regulates Mitochondrial Content by Promoting Mitophagy during HHV-8 Replication
    • Lin Feng: Epstein-Barr Virus Activates F-box Protein FBXO2 to Limit Viral Infectivity by Targeting Glycoprotein B for Degradation
    • Nicole Caduff: Cell-Mediated Immune Responses to Persistent KSHV Infection in Mice with Reconstituted Human Immune System Components
    • Mark R. Eichelberg: Epstein-Barr Virus Infection Promotes Epithelial Cell Growth by Attenuating Differentiation-Dependent Exit from Cell Cycle
    • Kathryn Lurain: IFN-ƴ Responses in Peripheral Blood Lymphocytes of Patients with KSHV-associated Diseases Treated with Pomalidomide and Liposomal Doxorubicin
    • Charles Torgbor: Epstein-Barr Virus-Infected Tonsillar Marginal Zone B Cells in vivo as a Precursor for Immunosuppression-Related B-cell Lymphoma
    • Michelle J. West: Increased Association Between EBV EBNA2 From Type 2 Strains And The Transcriptional Repressor BS69 Restricts B Cell Growth
    • Kylee Morrison: The Oncogenic Kaposi’s Sarcoma-Associated Herpesvirus Encodes a Mimic of the Tumor Suppressor miR-16
    • Nannan Zhu: Role of mTOR Complexes in the Maintenance of Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma Cancer Stem Cells
    • Tingting Li: An Essential Role of Urea Cycle and Argininosuccinate Synthase 1 in KSHV-induced Cellular Transformation
    • Thomas Sommermann: Reverse Engineering EBV Driven B Cell Transformation and Lymphomagenesis in the Mouse
    • James Romero-Masters: An EBNA3C-deleted Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) Mutant Causes B-cell Lymphomas with Delayed onset in a Cord Blood-Humanized Mouse Model
      • John B. Harley: A Role for EBNA2 in Mechanisms that Foster Some Autoimmune Diseases
      • Yoshinori Fukazawa: Disruption of IL-15 Signaling and NK cells Facilitates Oncogenesis of Gammaherpesviruses in SIV-Infected Rhesus Macaques
      •  Liisa K. Selin: Dramatically Decreased and Delayed CD8 T-Cell Responses during Asymptomatic EBV Seroconversion
      • Monika Zelazowska: Gammaherpesvirus Infected B Cells Display Abnormal Repertoire
      • Dwain van Zyl: Defective EBV Particles equipped with Latent Epitopes offer Increased Protection Against EBV Infection
      • Warren Phipps: Candidate Public T-Cell Responses to Kaposi sarcoma Identified through T-Cell Receptor Sequencing of Tumor Infiltrating Lymphocytes
      (Session 10B) Virus-Host Interactions II (led by: Hongyu Deng and Cliona Rooney)

      • Matthew Gardner: The KSHV Protein ORF68 is a Proteasome-Manipulating Nuclease Required for DNA Packaging
      • Joanna Wilson: Epstein-Barr Virus Nuclear Antigen-1, Action and Reaction as an Oncogene
      • Bernadett Papp: Genome-wide Identification of Direct RTA Targets Reveals Key Host Factors for KSHV Lytic Reactivation
      • Amy L. Adamson: EBV Lytic Replication in mTOR-Inhibited Epithelial Cells is Correlated with YY1 and Mnk1/2 Activities
      • Hongyu Deng: Interferon-Stimulated Gene Product RNF213 Modulates KSHV Lytic Replication and Latency via Targeting RTA
      • Robert F. Kalejta: An Analog Sensitive Derivative of the Epstein Barr Virus v-Cdk Permits the Direct Identification of Substrates Participating in Multiple Stages of Gene Expression
      5:00 PM – 7:00 PM
      Joint Reception of EBV & KSHV Meeting with DNA Tumor Viruses Meeting (Great Hall) 

      Keynote Address IV (Douglas Lowy)

      August 1 Wednesday

      • Ethel Cesarman: Point-of-Care Detection of KSHV and EBV to diagnose Kaposi sarcoma and endemic Burkitt lymphoma (30-min)
      • Dohun Pyeon: The Chemokine CXCL14 Suppresses HPV-positive Head and Neck Cancer through the Antigen-Specific CD8+ T Cell Response
      • Carrie Coleman: Development of a Humanized Mouse Model to Dissect the Role of T-cells in Epstein-Barr Virus Type 2 Latency and Lymphomagenesis
      • Laimonis Laimins: Repair of E6/E7 induced Breaks in Viral Genomes Leads to Amplification
      • Jeffrey Cohen: EBV gH/gL nanoparticle vaccines elicit antibodies that potently inhibit EBV glycoprotein-mediated B cell and epithelial cell membrane fusion and neutralize virus infection
      • Ian Frazer: Local Dysregulation of the Immune Response Impairs Immunotherapy for HPV Associated Premalignancy (30-min)
      • Adam Cheng: A Novel Virus Counteraction Mechanism against APOBEC3-Mediated Hypermutation and Restriction
      • Julia Mai: Apobec3A is a Novel Restriction Factor Antagonizing Efficient HAdV Replication
      • Laurie Krug: The Enzymatic Activities of the Viral dUTPase and Viral uracil-DNA Glycosylase Stabilize the Gammaherpesvirus Genome and Promote Pathogenesis in the Host
      • Maria G. Masucci: Epstein-Barr Virus Deubiquitinase BPLF1 Targets the RIG-I Signalosome to Inhibit the IFN Response
      • Ben Gewurz: EBV-Induced Metabolic Dependency Factors in B-cell Transformation (30-min)
      • Divya Nandakumar: Identifying Genome-Wide Targets of the Late Gene Transcription Complex in KSHV
      • Sebastian Wendel: High Risk a-HPV Oncogenes Induce and Disrupt Tranlesion Synthesis
      • Sujita Khanal: High Risk HPV Oncogenes Impair the Fanconi Anemia DNA Repair Pathway
      • Danyang Gong: Structure-Guided Identification of Interaction Hotspot for Developing Inhibitors Interrupting KSHV Capsid Assembly 
      • Tuna Toptan: Discovery and characterization of human γ-Herpesvirus-circular RNAs
      • Takanobu Tagawa: Human and Viral Circular RNAs during Infection
      • Elizabeth White: High-Risk HPV E7 Proteins Degrade the Tumor Suppressor PTPN14 to Limit Keratinocyte Differentiation
      • Kathleen Makielski: Human Papillomavirus E7 Oncoprotein Promotes the Epstein-Barr Virus Lytic Life Cycle in Immortalized Oral Keratinocytes
      • Joseph Guidry: Inhibition of Epstein-Barr Virus Replication in Human Papillomavirus-Immortalized Keratinocytes
      • Italo Tempera: EBV Hijacks PARP1 Activity to Control Both the Viral and Cellular Epigenome
      6:00 PM – 11:00 PM Closing Banquet (Great Hall)

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