Monday Seminar 講題大全

2021/05/14  Seminar 暫停公告

講題:The role of TRPM1 in acral melanoma malignant transformation (研究報告)
講者:沈哲宏 助研究員
主持人: Dr.黃道揚
講題:Regulation of aging and longevity by HSF-1:  The expected and unexpected mechanisms.  ( 外賓演講)
講者:許翺麟 教授[陽明大學-生化暨分子生物研究所]
主持人: Dr.黃智興
講題:The mitochondrial response to the stress in the tumor microenvironment exacerbates the resistance to cancer immunotherapy: From the mechanism to therapeutic application (PI升等演講)
主持人: 陳所長

講題: Dysregulation of nucleocytoplasmic shuttling is a cancer hallmark in tumor progression (外賓演講)
主持人: Dr.陳雅雯
講題:The contact signal of Ephrin A4-ephrin receptor A10 in oral squamous cell carcinoma cells  (研究報告)
講者:陳玉霖​博後 [Dr.陳雅雯Lab]
主持人: Dr.莊雙恩

講題:Platelets Facilitate the Wound Healing Capability of Mesenchymal Stem Cells by Mitochondrial Transfer and Metabolic Reprogramming  (期刊報告)
講者:郭政良​博後 [Dr.李岳倫Lab]
主持人: Dr.李岳倫
講者:劉柯俊 研究員
主持人: Dr.黃智興

講題:Liver met​astasis restrains immunotherapy efficacy via macrophage-mediated T cell elimination.[期刊報告]
講者:陳嬿如 博後 [Dr.劉滄梧Lab]
主持人: Dr.劉滄梧

講題:The role of LDOC1 in microbe-induced production of IL-1beta (研究報告)
講者:李家惠 副研究員

主持人: Dr.林素芳

講者:黃女恩主任  [內政部警政署刑事鑑識中心]

主持人: Dr.張文祥


講題:High-throughput data analysis for cancer research: biomarker development and hypothesis generation
講者:陳中興 博士

主持人: Dr.劉柯俊

講題:農業與永續發展目標的關係 (外賓演講)
講者:吳文希​ 名譽教授 [臺大植物病理與微生物學系]

主持人: Dr.黃智興


講題:Trafficking of injured plasma membrane (外賓演講)
講者:楊維元 副研究員 [中央研究院生物化學研究所]

主持人: Dr.黃智興


講題:KrÜpple like factor 10 modulates stem cell phenotype of pancreatic adenocarcinoma via transcriptional regulation of Notch signal pathway ​[研究報告]
講者:蔡怡芝​ 博後 [Dr.常慧如Lab]

主持人: Dr.江士昇


講題:Single-cell RNA sequencing demonstrates the molecular and cellular
reprogramming of metastatic lung adenocarcinoma [期刊報告]
講者:鍾校木​ 博後 [Dr.黃道揚Lab]

主持人: Dr.黃道揚


講題:Develop and analyze core measure indictors for cancer treatment in Taiwan (研究報告)
講者:古琇瑩 博後 [Dr.劉滄梧Lab]

主持人: Dr.李岳倫


講題:Cytochrome P450-Mediated Oxidations: Drug Resistance and Interactions (外賓演講)
講者:翁芸芳 研究員兼中醫藥基礎研究組組長[國家中醫藥研究所]

主持人: Dr.黃智興


講題:Confounding adjustment in cancer comparative effectiveness studies using propensity score weighting approach [研究報告]
講者:楊奕馨  研究員

主持人: Dr.姜乃榕


講題:Tumor cells hijack enteric glia to activate colon cancer stem cells and stimulate tumorigenesis [期刊報告]
講者:謝綺哲 博後 [Dr.沈哲宏Lab]

主持人: Dr.沈哲宏


講題:Next generation sequencing in hereditary diseases and Cancer [研究報告]
講者:黃道揚  助研究員級主治醫師 

主持人: Dr.蘇勇曄


講題:Oncogenic semaphorin 4C in colon cancer and tumor-suppressive semaphorin 6C in pancreatic cancer revealed by systematic analysis [研究報告]
講者:洪妤萱  博後 [Dr.陳立宗Lab]
主持人: Dr.張書銘

講題:New insight of O6-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase into DNA damage response and its clinical implication [研究報告]
講者:陳尚鴻  主治醫師
主持人: Dr.沈哲宏

講題:Neuroinflammation and Neurodegeneration of Neurotrophic Virus 侵腦性病毒的神經發炎與神經退化 (外賓演講)
講者:陳春榮 研究員 [臺中榮民總醫院​-醫學研究部]
主持人: Dr.李家惠


講題:THypoxia induces rapid changes to histone methylation and reprograms chromatin (期刊報告)(期刊報告)
講者:陳玉霖 博後 [Dr.陳雅雯Lab]
主持人: Dr.陳雅雯

講題:RNA editing signatures reveal sex-dependent survival and tumor microenvironment in brain cancer
講者:Dr.陳俊璋 (臺北醫學大學醫學資訊研究所)


講題:Epidemiological investigation  of  pancreatic cancer ​​(研究報告)
講者:張書銘  副研究員
主持人: Dr.楊奕馨

講題:SH3GLB1, A Mitochondrial Protein, is Associated with Glioblastoma Acquired Resistance for Temozolomide​​(研究報告)
講者:簡嘉宏 博後 (Dr.張光裕Lab)
主持人: Dr.蔡慧珍

講題:Th17 cells inhibit CD8+ T cell migration by systematically downregulating CXCR3 expression via IL-17A/STAT3 in advancedstage colorectal cancer patients(期刊報告)
講者:卓俊宇 博後 (Dr.莊雙恩Lab)
主持人: Dr.莊雙恩
講題:The immune profiling in EBV-lymphoepithelioma-like cholangiocarcinoma (EBV-LELCC) [研究報告]
講者:姜乃榕​ 助研究員級主治醫師
主持人:  Dr.陳尚鴻
講題:Mapping and wiring of prognostic markers of OSCC at single-cell resolution  (研究報告)

講者:江士昇 助研究員
主持人: Dr. 張文祥

講題:微脂體藥物的市場需求及未來發展 (外賓演講)

講者:曾雲龍  副總經理 台灣微脂體股份有限公司
主持人: Dr.陳雅雯

講題:Th17 cells inhibit CD8+ T cell migration by systematically downregulating CXCR3 expression via IL-17A/STAT3 in advancedstage colorectal cancer patients(期刊報告)
講者:范吉炫 博後 (Dr.黃智興Lab)
主持人: Dr. 黃智興

講題:Oral cancer included: index of cancer associated fibroblasts is superior to EMT score in prognosis prediction (研究報告)

講者:林素芳 副研究員
主持人: Dr. 夏興國
講題:Mitochondrial DNA leakage promotes the resistance to cancer therapy through inflammation and mitophagy (研究報告)

講者:李岳倫 副研究員 

主持人: Dr.莊雙恩

講題:HDGF ( (外賓演講)


主持人: Dr.陳雅雯

講題:Chronic adaptation of tumor cells to the selective pressure of environmental acidosis as a driving force for malignancy (研究報告)

講者:張文祥 副研究員

主持人: Dr.常慧如

講題:Negotiating genome stability with chromatin (外賓演講)

講者:高承福 研究員 [中研院-細胞與個體生物學研究所 ]

主持人: Dr.黃智興

10AM IMGM Seminar
Topic: Fatty Liver – More than a liver disease
Speaker: Pei-Jer Chen, M.D., Ph.D. (陳培哲 院士/教授)

15PM CA Seminar
講題:Interplaysof TCF12 with SMYD3, LSD1, JMJD1A, and PRDM2 for Extracellular HSP90ɑ-Induced Pancreatic DuctalAdenocarcinoma Cell Stemness (研究報告)

講者:黃智興 研究員

主持人: Dr.林素芳

講題:Targeting molecular progression, metabolic transformation, and mutagenesis in sarcoma and urothelial carcinoma (外賓演講)

講者:李健逢 部長 [ 奇美醫院-病理中心 ]

主持人: Dr.張光裕

講題:Metabolome of Pancreatic Juice Delineates Distinct Clinical Profiles of Pancreatic Cancer and Reveals a Link between Glucose Metabolism and PD-1+ Cells (期刊報告)

講者:蕭冠中 博士 (Dr.劉柯俊 Lab)

主持人: 2020/07/06  (一)

講題:Identification of therapeutic targets and agents of gastrointestinal stromal tumor and pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors. (升等演講)

講者:蔡慧珍 助研究員級主治醫師

主持人: Dr.姜乃榕


講題:Characterization of miR-363/IL-8/Drp-1-mediated mitochondrial function in oral squamous cell carcinoma. (研究報告)
講者:夏興國 副研究員

主持人: Dr.常慧如

講題:Targeting a novel KRT17/β4-integrin/EGFR signaling  improves treatment efficacy in oral squamous cell carcinoma (研究報告)
講者:讓德選 博班生 [Dr.莊雙恩Lab]
主持人: Dr.江士昇


講題:Loss of p53 Drives Neuron Reprogramming in Head and Neck Cancer. (期刊報告)
講者:洪妤萱 博後[Dr.陳立宗Lab]
主持人: Dr.陳立宗

講題:粒線體壓力訊息於癌症惡化的角色 Role of mitochondrial stress signaling in cancer malignant progression
講者:李新城 所長  [陽明大學-藥理學研究所]
主持人: Dr.張文祥

講題:A few thoughts on the possibility of microbe-induced tunneling nanotubes to mediate tumor resistance to pancreatic cancer chemotherapy(期刊報告)
講者:張文祥 副研究員
主持人: Dr.張文祥

講題:The inhibition of histone lysine methyltransferase KMT2D/MLL4 as a potential therapeutic strategy for acute myeloid leukemia​ (外賓演講)
講者:王書品 博士  [中研院-生物醫學科學研究所]
主持人: Dr.夏興國

講題:The role of ARID1A in normal pancreas development and progression of pancreatic cancer (研究報告)
講者:郭子雷 博後  (Dr.洪文俊Lab)
主持人: Dr.陳尚鴻

講題:High glucose in pancreatic cells triggers KRAS mutation and oncogenesis through O-GlcNAcylation-mediated nucleotide perturbation
講者:Dr.Hu, Chun-Mei  Dr.胡春美
2PM 所務會議 (投票表決SF續聘事宜) 

講題:Smoothened Promotes Glioblastoma Radiation Resistance Via Activating USP3-Mediated Claspin Deubiquitination​ (期刊報告)
講者:簡嘉宏 博後  (Dr.張光裕 Lab)
主持人: Dr.張光裕

講題:TRPM1 as a novel HSP90 client associates with AUY922 induced ocular toxicity (研究報告)
講者:謝綺哲 博後 (Dr.沈哲宏Lab)
主持人: Dr. 黃道揚

講題:Microbiota, metabolite and malignancy
講者:Dr.Chiao-Yin Sun Dr.孫樵隱  Chang Gung Medical Foundation , Nephrology
主持人: Dr.李家惠

講題:Establishment of Mouse Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma Cell Line- Preparing for Oncoimmunology (研究報告)
講者:陳玉霖  博後 (Dr.陳雅雯 Lab)
主持人: Dr.陳雅雯

講題:Reactivation of PTEN tumor suppressor for cancer treatment through inhibition of a MYC-WWP1 inhibitory pathway. (期刊報告)​
講者:林慧宥 研究助理 (Dr.蔡慧珍 Lab)
主持人: Dr.蔡慧珍

講題:周玉山博士 演講取消

講題:Interference of bone homeostasis by lung cancer cells in bone metastasis of lung cancer​ (研究報告)
講者:蕭冠中 博士後研究員 (Dr.劉柯俊 Lab)
主持人: Dr.蔡慧珍

講題:The role of LDOC1 in inflammatory response in poor oral hygiene-associated oral squamous cell carcinoma (研究報告)
講者:李家惠  副研究員
主持人: Dr. 陳雅雯

講題:Development of a novel oncolytic HSV-1 vector for cancer immunotherapy (研究報告)
講者:陳嬿如  博後 (劉滄梧Lab)
主持人:Dr. 李岳倫

講題:Double PIK3CA mutations in cis increase oncogenicity and sensitivity to PI3Ka inhibitors (期刊報告)
講者:洪啟盛  博後  (Dr.江士昇 Lab)
主持人:Dr. 江士昇

講題:3D electron microscopy to study mitochondrial structure and function in health and diseases  (外賓演講)
講者:傅琪鈺 博士
主持人:Dr. 黃智興

講題:KrÜpple like factor 10, from bench to clinic (研究報告)
講者:蔡怡芝  博後 (Dr.常慧如實驗室)
主持人:Dr. 莊雙恩

講題:Acquired resistance in glioblastoma-learning the mechanism to overcome the obstacles for treatment (升等演講)
講者:張光裕 醫師
主持人:Dr. 陳立宗

講題:Single Cell Sequencing in Cancer Research (研究報告)
講者:黃道揚 醫師
主持人:Dr. 楊奕馨

講題:探討代謝重編程於粒線體疾病、幹細胞分化以及誘導性多能幹細胞形成與分化的關鍵角色功能 — 倘佯於粒線體研究的快樂旅程
講者:魏耀揮 院長  (彰化基督教醫院粒線體醫學暨自由基研究院)
主持人:Dr. 張文祥

講題:Chemopreventive Effects of Phytochemicals on Chronic Inflammation-associated Human Diseases
講者:Min-Hsiung Pan (潘敏雄), Ph.D., Distinguished Professor&Director, Institute of Food Science & Technology, National Taiwan University
主持人: Dr. 黃智興

講題:Oncogenic semaphorin 4C in colon cancer and tumor-suppressive semaphorin 6C in pancreatic cancer revealed by systematic analysis (研究進度報告)
講者:洪妤萱  博士後研究員 (陳立宗實驗室)
主持人:Dr. 黃道揚

講者:陳尚鴻 主治醫師
主持人:Dr. 張光裕

講題:Recapitulation of inflammatory and immune-evasive subtypes of oral cancer cells in immunodeficient mice
講者:林素芳  副研究員
主持人:Dr. 莊雙恩

講題:Functional Materials for Penetrated Delivery to Deep Tumor.
講者:胡尚秀 副教授 (Dr. Hu, Shang- Hsiu) Department of Biomedical Engineering and Environmental Sciences, National Tsing Hua University , Taiwan.
主持人:Dr. Ya-Wen Chen​

講題:Fibroblastic reticular cells enhance T cell metabolism and survival via epigenetic remodeling.
講者:黎彥良 博士後研究員(Dr.洪文俊 實驗室)

講題:The Roles of SOD2 Axis in Glioblastoma Acquired Resistance for Temozolomide.
講者:簡嘉宏 博士後研究員​ (Dr.張光裕 實驗室)​​
主持人:Dr. 蔡慧珍​​

講題:Progress report on biliary tract cancer.
主持人:Dr. 沈哲宏

講題:Unstructured Data Analysis with AI in Biomedical and Clinical Research.
講者:戴鴻傑 副教授 (Dr.Hong-Jie Dai ) 合聘 too Department of Electrical Engineering, National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology, Taiwan, Republic of China

講題:Cell fusion potentiates tumor heterogeneity and reveals circulating hybrid cells that correlate with stage and survival.
講者:萬思珮​ 研究助理(Dr.常慧如 實驗室)

講題:Transcriptome data based cell type deconvolution of bulk tissue in  OPMD and OSCC.
講者:江士昇​ 助研究員​​

講題:Investigating the Environmental and Genetic Risk and Prognostic Factors of Head and Neck Cancer. (PI Promotion Seminar)
講者:張書銘​ 副研究員 (Dr.Jeffrey Shu-ming Chang )

講題:Tumor immune microenvironment characteristics of papillary thyroid carcinoma are associated with histopathological aggressiveness and BRAF mutation status.
​​講者:劉奕宏​ 博士生​ (Dr.林素芳 實驗室)​​

講題:Inflammatory Breast Cancer Promotes Development of M2 Tumor-Associated Macrophages and Cancer Mesenchymal Cells through a Complex Chemokine Network.
講者:周松濤​ 博士生​ (Dr.夏興國 實驗室)​​

講題:Mitochondrial oxidative stress by Lon-PYCR1 maintains immunosuppressive tumor microenvironment to promote cancer metastasis.
講者:郭政良​ 博士後研究員(Dr.李岳倫 實驗室)​​

大學畢業於 中山醫學大學 生命科學系
碩士畢業於 陽明大學 醫學生物技術研究所
博士畢業於 英國 諾丁漢大學 遺傳所
博後在 長庚醫院 任於。謝森永教授實驗室。主要是做肝癌的訊息傳導路徑。包含腫瘤微環境、癌症轉移、腫瘤幹細胞、肝癌模式PDX⋯⋯等。


講題:How do solid tumor cells respond and adapt to the constant stress of extracellular acidification​?​​
講者:Dr.張文祥 實驗室

講題:MALAT1 as Downstream Guide RNA for TCF12 to Repress miR-145 Expression and Induce Colorectal Cancer Cell Stemness.
講者:吳家銘​ 博士生(Dr.黃智興 實驗室)

講題:Dissecting the molecular heterogeneity of epithelial ovarian cancer.
講者:黃韻如 教授 (Dr.Huang, Yun Ju )
主持人:Dr. 李岳倫

講題:Spatiotemporal Control of ULK1 Activation by NDP52 and TBK1 during Selective Autophagy Mol Cell. (2019) 74(2):347-362
講者:安南斯 (Ananth P.B.) 博士班學生 (Dr.李岳倫  實驗室)       

講題:Exosome-delivered microRNAs modulate angiogenesis in oral squamous cell carcinoma: a progress report.
講者:夏興國​ 副研究員

講題:Exploiting interconnected synthetic lethal interactions between PARP inhibition and cancer cell reversible senescence (期刊報告)
講者:陳嬿如​ 博士後研究員 ​​(Dr.劉滄梧 實驗室)​

講題:Molecular dysregulation to impair oligodendrocyte maturation and its implication in demyelination disorder.
講者:曾淑芬 特聘教授兼系主任 (Dr.Tzeng, Shun-Fen ) Department of Life Sciences, National Cheng Kung University

講題:Differential Regulation of Apoptosis and Senescence by the miR-449 Family and Its Implications in Tumor Micro-environments of the NSCLC Cells​.
講者:卓俊宇​ 博士後研究員 ​​(Dr.莊雙恩 實驗室)

講題:c-Myc promotes lymphatic metastasis of pancreatic neuroendocrine tumor through vascular endothelial growth factor C upregulation.
講者:張淙銘​ 博士後研究員 ​​(Dr.蔡慧珍 實驗室)

講題:DNA damage and recombination repair – from basic research to clinical applications.
講者:冀宏源 副教授 (Dr. Chi, Hung Yuan) Institute of Biochemical Sciences College of Life Science National Taiwan University
主持人:Dr. 黃智興

講題:Protein arginine methyltransferase 3-induced metabolic reprogramming is a vulnerable target of pancreatic cancer.
講者:許銘娟​ 博士後研究員 ​​(Dr.洪文俊 實驗室)

講題:AUY922 regulates TRPM1 expression, suppressing melanoma growth and associating with ocular toxicity.
講者:謝綺哲​ 博士後研究員 ​​(Dr.沈哲宏 實驗室)

講題:The functional study of interferon-stimulated gene 15 in oral squamous cell carcinoma.
講者:陳玉霖​ 博士後研究員 ​​(Dr.陳雅雯 實驗室)

講題:Adaptive Immune Resistance Emerges from Tumor-Initiating Stem Cells.
講者:張傳偉​ 博士後研究員 ​​(Dr.陳雅雯 實驗室)​

講題:Regulatory T cell as a potential target for treatment of pancreatic cancer.
講者:蕭冠中​ 博士後研究員 ​​(Dr.劉柯俊​ 實驗室)​

講題:The pathogenetic roles of miR-31 and miR-211 in oral carcinogenesis.
講者:林姝君 教授 (Dr. Lin, Shu-Chun) Institute of Oral Biology, School of Dentistry, NYMU
主持人:Dr. 黃智興

講題:Keratin 19 Expression in Hepatocellular Carcinoma Is Regulated by Fibroblast-Derived HGF via a MET-ERK1/2-AP1 and SP1 Axis
講者:讓德選​ 博士生(Dr.莊雙恩​  實驗室)

講題:The MCP-1 / MCPIP Axis Alters the Role of IL-1β in Renal Cell Carcinoma through Inducing Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress mediators.
講者:李家惠​ 副研究員

講題:Fusion between Macrophages and Cancer Cells Contributes to Pancreatic Cancer Progression.
講者:常慧如​ 副研究員/主治醫師

講題:The role of PKC alpha in liver cancer.
講者:Speaker:劉哲育 教授 (Dr.Liu, Jer-Yuh) Graduate Institute of Biomedical Science, China Medical University

講題:LncRNA PCAT1 activates AKT and NF-κB signaling in castration-resistant prostate cancer by regulating the PHLPP/FKBP51/IKKα complex
講者:吳家銘​ 博士生(Dr.黃智興​ 實驗室)

講題:Wnt Signaling in Neuronal Migration and Neurite Branching.
講者:潘俊良 副教授 (Dr.Pan Chun-Liang)
主持人:Dr. Tze-Sing Huang

講題:Impact of Intralipid® on Nanodrug Therapy for Breast Cancer.
講者:陳嬿如​ 博士後研究員​(Dr.劉滄梧​ 實驗室)
主持人:Dr.常慧如 (文祥代替)

講題:Functional cyclic AMP response element in the breast cancer resistance protein (BCRP/ABCG2) promoter modulates epidermal growth factor receptor pathway- or androgen withdrawal-mediated BCRP/ABCG2 transcription in human cancer cells.
講者:陳永昌 博士後研究員 (Dr.施能耀 實驗室)​​

講題:Neuron-Derived Neurotensin in Regulating Tumorigenesis in Pancreatic Cancer
講者:洪妤萱 博士後研究員(Dr.陳立宗 實驗室)​

講題:Heritability of common human traits and diseases, including common cancers.
講者:張憶壽 名譽研究員

講題:Development of anticancer strategies with MGMT-targeting approach
講者:陳尚鴻 主治醫師

講題:The molecular basis of LIF-mediated NPC metastasis
講者:劉淑貞 助理教授 (Dr.Liu, Shu-Chen) Department of Biomedical Sciences and Engineering,National Central University
主持人:Dr. 陳雅雯

講題:” An Antibody Designed to Improve Adoptive NK-Cell Therapy Inhibits Pancreatic Cancer Progression in a Murine Model “
講者:蕭冠中 博士後研究員(Dr.劉柯俊  實驗室)

講題:Genome-wide association studies of head and neck cancer and pancreatic cancer
講者:張書銘 副研究員

講題: Histamine N-methyl-transferase as a potential therapeutic marker for the Her2+ breast cancer patients
講者:何元順 教授 (Dr.Ho, Yuan-Soon) Graduate Institute of Medical Science, College of Medicine, Taipei Medical University
主持人:Dr. 李家惠

講題:Progress Report
講者:姜乃榕 主治醫師

講題:Investigation of strategies to enhance the immune-oncology therapies
講者:張光裕 助研究員級主治醫師
主持人:Dr. 沈哲宏

講題:Adrenergic nerves activate an angio-metabolic switch in prostate cancer​
講者:洪妤萱 博士後研究員(Dr.陳立宗 實驗室)

英標:Primates in the ocean: Dynamic body patterning and number sense in     
講者:焦傳金  (清華大學分子醫學研究所 特聘教授兼所長)
主持人:Dr. 張文祥

講題:MYC Mediates Large Oncosome-Induced  Fibroblast Reprogramming in Prostate Cancer [期刊報告]
講者:張淙銘 博士後研究員(Dr.蔡慧珍 實驗室)

講題:Progress Report
講者:江士昇 助研究員

講題:Laboratory Progress Report
講者:林素芳  副研究員
主持人:Dr. 夏興國

講題:Tumor Microenvironment and Cancer stemness in Prostate  Cancer.
講者:Dr.Chun-Peng Liao (廖鈞芃博士)   Research Scientist Lawrence J. Ellison Institute for Transformative Medicine, University of Southern California  (USC)
主持人:Dr. Ya-Wen Chen

講題:Microbiota and GI disease
講者:吳登強 教授 (Dr.Wu, Deng-Chyang) Kaohsiung Medical University, School of Medicine
主持人:Dr. Tze-Sing Huang​

講題:Systems analysis of intracellular pH vulnerabilities for cancer therapy​ [期刊報告]
講者:吳紫菁 研究助理(Dr.張文祥 實驗室)

講題:Mitochondrial Oxidative Stress Promotes Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition and Angiogenesis of Cancer which is Aggravated by Macrophage Autocrine Signaling
講者:郭政良 博士後研究員 (Dr.李岳倫 實驗室)

講題:Tumor cell adaptation to the continued stress of microenvironmental acidification

講者:張文祥 副研究員、​廖倩玉​ 研究助理

主持人:張文祥 副研究員

講題:Spatiotemporally manipulating cellular activities by chemicals, light, and ultrasound
講者:林玉俊 教授 (Dr.Lin, Yu-Chun) Institute of Molecular Medicine, National Tsing Hua University
主持人:Dr. Tze-Sing Huang​

講題:Effects of active components of Antrodia cinnamomea on liver and pancreatic cancer cells
講者:郭祖祥​ 博士班研究生(Dr.莊雙恩 實驗室)

講題:Endothelial-to-Mesenchymal Transition Induces Macrophage M2-Polarization and Exacerbates Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma
講者:黃智興​ 研究員

講題:A Novel Mechanism of miRNA-Mediated CBX8 Associated with Tumorigenesis in Head and Neck Cancer
講者:周松濤 博士班研究生​(Dr.夏興國 實驗室)

講題:” Reciprocal Signaling between Glioblastoma Stem Cells and
Differentiated Tumor Cells Promotes Malignant Progression “. Cancer Res. 2018 Apr 15;78(8):1923-1934.
講者:簡嘉宏 博士後研究員(Dr.張光裕 實驗室)

2018/09/30 (0924中秋節)
講題:Targeted nanomedicines for cancer therapy
講者: 羅傅倫 教授 (Dr.Steve Roffler) Institute of Biomedical Sciences, Academia Sinica
主持人:Dr. Neng-Yao Shih​

講題:” LPA Induces Metabolic Reprogramming in Ovarian Cancer via a Pseudohypoxic Response”. Cancer Res. 2018 Apr 15;78(8):1923-1934.
講者:陳永昌 博士後研究員(Dr.施能耀 實驗室)

講題:c-Myc promotes lymphatic metastasis in pancreatic neuroendocrine tumor
講者:張淙銘 博士後研究員(Dr.蔡慧珍 實驗室)


講題:A New Journey from Anti-aging to Anti-cancer
講者:汪宏達 教授 (Dr. Wang, Horng-Dar) Institute of Biotechnology, National Tsing Hua University
主持人:Dr. Huang, Tze-Sing


講題:G9a regulates breast cancer growth by modulating iron homeostasis through the repression of ferroxidase hephaestin (PubMed)
講者:李詩苗 博士後研究員(Dr.江士昇 實驗室)


講題:Net cancer Survival in Taiwan
講者:張憶壽 名譽研究員

講題:ß-catenin Activation Promotes Pancreatic Cancer Metastasis in Mouse Model
講者:郭子雷 博士後研究員(Dr.洪文俊Lab)


講題:p22phox as a platinum drug-resistant target in oral cancer:a potential novel mechanism of chemoresistance
講者:陳逸夫 教授 (Dr. Chen, Yi-Fu)  Department of Biotechnology, Kaohsiung Medical University
主持人:Dr. 黃智興

2018/07/30 (Madison EVKV meeting 故未參加)

講題:Developing Therapeutic Strategies for Targeting Colorectal Cancer with BRAF Mutation
講者:沈哲宏 助研究員

2018/07/23 (聯合大學新生參訪 代所報告 故未參加)

講題:IDH1 dysfunction significantly correlates with breast cancer prognosis and regulates cell invasion ability (探討異檸檬酸脫氫酶-1異常表現調控乳癌轉移能力與臨床預後的相關性)
講者:Speaker:蔡國旺 研究員 (Dr. Tsai, Kuo-Wang) Department of Medical Education and Research, Kaohsiung Veterans General Hospital
主持人:Dr. 黃智興


講題:Cancer-associated fibroblasts induce antigenspecific deletion of CD8+ T Cells to protect tumour cells 【期刊報告】
講者:劉奕宏 博士班研究生 (Dr.林素芳 實驗室)

講題:Laminin γ2-enriched extracellular vesicles of oral squamous cell carcinoma
cells enhance in vitro lymphangiogenesis
講者:陳雅雯 副研究員


講題:Elevated expression of lumican in lung cancer cells promotes bone metastasis through an autocrine regulatory mechanism
講者:蕭冠中 博士後研究員(Dr.劉柯俊 實驗室)

講題:Metabolic reprogramming caused by SIK3 attenuation conferring drug insensitivity of ovarian cancer cells
講者:施能耀 副研究員

2017/06/18 端午佳節停止一次


講題:Macrophage Polarization Contributes to Glioblastoma Eradication by Combination Immunovirotherapy and Immune Checkpoint Blockade 
講者:陳玉霖 博後 (Dr.陳雅雯 實驗室)
主持人:Dr. 陳雅雯 
講題:A Post-GWAS Strategy Toward Precision Medicine of Lung Cancer 
講者:江士昇 助研究員
講題:Laboratory Progress Report
講者:林素芳 副研究員
主持人:Dr. 李岳倫
講題:miRNA user-friendly database construction and biomarker applications
講者:林文昌 研究員 (Institute of Biomedical Sciences, Academia Sinica)
主持人:Dr. 黃智興
講題:A genetic interaction analysis identifies cancer drivers that modify EGFR dependency
講者:郭祖祥 研究助理 (Dr.莊雙恩 實驗室)
講題:Mitochondrial Lon controls epithelial mesenchymal transition stimulated by oxidative stress in oral squamous cell carcinoma
講者:郭政良 博士( Dr.李岳倫 實驗室博士後研究員)
2017/11/13 因故延期
講題:Stretching centromere DNA for timely sister chromatid segregation
講者:王慧菁 副教授 (Institute of Molecular and Cellular Biology, National Tsing Hua University)
講題:Development of Human Antibodies for Cancer Diagnostic and Therapeutic Applications
講者:吳漢忠 研究員 (中央研究院 個系所)
主持人:Dr. 黃智興
講題:LncRNA HOTAIR Enhances the Androgen-Receptor-Mediated Transcriptional Program and Drives Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer
講者:吳家銘 博班生 (Dr.黃智興 實驗室) 
講者:廖倩玉 女士( Dr.張文祥 實驗室 ) 
講題:Perspectives: Contribution of lytic EBV in the carcinogenesis of nasophryngeal carcinoma
講者:陳振陽 名譽研究員
講者:蕭寧馨 教授 (國立台灣大學生化科技學系)
主持人: Dr.黃智興
Innovative immunotherapies to treat cancers
講者:洪建夫 副教授 (Department of Pathology, The Johns Hopkins School of Medicine) 
主持人: Dr.施能耀
Molecular and cellular regulation of immune responses
Speaker:Dr. Cheng-Jang Wu (吳承璋 博士) Division of Biological Sciences, University of California-San Diego
主持人: Dr.劉柯俊
Identification of candidate genes for prostate cancer-risk SNPs utilizing a normal prostate tissue eQTL data set
講者:陳孜圩 博士 (Dr.張憶壽 實驗室博士後研究員) 
Emerging Roles of Secreted HSP90a In Cancer Cell Stemness and Macrophage M2-Polarization
講者:黃智興 研究員 
講題:Epigenetic repression of lncRNA MEG3 and its roles in oral cancer.​
講者:夏興國  副研究員  
RUNX2 promotes breast cancer bone metastasis by increasing integrin α5-mediated colonization
講者:蕭冠中 博士 (Dr.劉柯俊 實驗室博士後研究員) 
PTBP1-mediated regulation of AXL mRNA stability plays a role in lung tumorigenesis
講者:卓俊宇 博士( Dr.莊雙恩 實驗室博士後研究員)    
2017/08/14  106年度國家衛生研究院生物醫學學術研討會
Exploring the target of rapamycin complex 2 (TORC2) signaling network in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
講者:陳美瑜 教授(國立陽明大學 生化暨分子生物研究所)  
2017/07/31 (尼莎颱風取消)
講題:An immunogenic personal neoantigen vaccine for patients with melanoma
講者:林嘉嫻 博士 ( Dr.陳立宗 實驗室博士後研究員)    
Mitochondrial phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (PEPCK-M) regulates the cell metabolism of pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors (pNET) and de-sensitizes pNET to mTOR inhibitors
 講者:蔡慧珍 助研究員暨主治醫師    
The functional roles of protein arginine methyltransferases in drug resistance of pancreatic cancer  
講者: 許銘娟 博士 (Dr.洪文俊實驗室 博士後研究員)
2017/07/10 Ubiquitin-dependent PML degradation in controlling malignancies of tumor cells and tumor microenvironment  (Speaker: Dr. Ruey-Hwa Chen (陳瑞華特聘研究員) Institute of Biological Chemistry, Academia Sinica
2017/07/03 DNA methylation identifies loci distinguishing hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer without germ-line MLH1/MSH2 mutation from sporadic colorectal cancer
(講者:Dr.張憶壽實驗室 博士後研究員 陳中興 博士)
2017/06/27 Pluripotent Stem Cells- Opportunities to Model Familial Cancer Syndromes (Dr. Dung-Fang Lee (李東芳) Department of Integrative Biology and Pharmacology, The University of Texas McGovern Medical school at Houston)
2017/06/26 Overcoming resistance to checkpoint blockade therapy by targeting PI3Kγ in myeloid cells  講者:許銘娟 博士 ( Dr.洪文俊 實驗室博士後研究員)    
12:30–14:00 講題:CISD2 is a haploinsufficient tumor suppressor gene in hepatocellular carcinoma (講者:蔡亭芬 特聘教授 (陽明大學生命科學系暨基因體科學研究所)
15:00–17:00 講題:The unexpected role of CPAP in HCC 講者:洪良宜 教授 (成大醫學院生資所)  
2017/06/12 Tumor cell-derived WNT5B modulates in vitro lymphangiogenesis via induction of partial endothelial mesenchymal transition of lymphatic endothelial cells (陳雅雯 副研究員)
2PM 所務會議 (正研究員投票表決SF續聘事宜 ^^) 
2017/06/05 Cross-talk of lung cancer cells, bone microenvironment, osteoclast and osteoblast in bone metastasis (講者:蕭冠中 博士 ( Dr.劉柯俊 實驗室博士後研究員)  
2017/05/22   The role of α-tubulin acetyltransferase, MEC-17, in the regulation of cell morphology and migration  講者:李政哲 博士( Dr.張俊彥 實驗室博士後研究員)

2017/05/15 X-linked LDOC1, a Bridge between Cigarette Exposure and STAT3/JAK2/IL6 Activation and Its Contribution to Lung Cancer Prognosis (李家惠 副研究員)

2017/05/08 Biological functions of spleen tyrosine kinase: concerns in therapeutic targeting (林琬琬 教授 (台大醫學院藥理所) )
2017/04/24 Loss of cohesin complex components STAG2 or STAG3 confers resistance to BRAF inhibition in melanoma (沈哲宏  博士 (中國醫藥大學附設醫院  皮膚醫學中心)
2017/04/17 Improve efficacy of cancer immunotherapy by turning enemies into friends: role of tumor-associated neutrophils (陶秘華  博士 (中央研究院 生物醫學科學研究所)
2017/04/10 Radiation Therapy Induces Macrophages to Suppress T-Cell Responses Against Pancreatic Tumors in Mice (期刊文章分享 Dr. Baskaran R. ( Dr.常慧如 實驗室博士後研究員)
2017/03/27 Loss of Krüpple Like Factor 10 Enhances Epithelial Mesenchymal Transition and Glycolysis of Pancreatic Cancer via SIRT6 and HIF1a (蔡怡芝 博士(Dr. 常慧如 實驗室 博士後研究員)
2017/03/13 Integration of systems and synthetic biology : biomedical applications (阮雪芬 教授 (台大生科院分細所)
2017/03/06 Novel functions of PCNA in tumor progression, DNA damage response, and obesity (Dr. Shao-Chun Wang (王紹椿 教授) Investigator and Deputy Director, China Medical University hospital)
2017/02/20 Progesss report on Taiwan cancer surveillance studies–Focus on incidence and survival since 1991 (講者:張憶壽研究員 劉滄梧副研究員)
2017/02/13 EZH2 and BCL6 Cooperate to Assemble CBX8-BCOR Complex to Repress Bivalent Promoters, Mediate Germinal Center Formation and Lymphomagenesis (周松濤 博士( Dr.夏興國 實驗室博士生)
2017/02/06 Immuno-Targeting RGS11 as A Novel Strategy for Cancer Therapy (施能耀 副研究員)
2017/01/23 Mitochondrial DNA stress primes the antiviral innate immune response (鄭安寧 博士(Dr.李岳倫 實驗室博士後研究員)
2017/01/16 To be or not to be – the pulmonary stem/progenitor cell’s choice (Dr. Thai-Yen Ling (林泰元 副教授))
2017/01/09 Efficiently alter stem cell fates by druggable targets revealed by high-throughput functional screens (Dr. Jean Lu (呂仁 副研究員)
2016/12/19 Studies on the immuno-oncology of metronomic chemotherapy in pancreatic cancer (廖紋瑩 博士後研究員( 蔡坤志副研究員 實驗室)
2016/12/12 Mechanism of Nuclear KIT-Mediated Tumorigenesis and Potential Therapeutic Targets in Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors (薛元碩 博士, 陳立宗 所長 實驗室博士後研究員)
2016/12/05 The role of O6-methylguanine DNA methyltransferase in the modulation of cellular resistance to cisplatin (陳尚鴻 主治醫師 )
2016/11/21 A deeper understanding of the risk factors of head and neck cancer (張書銘 副研究員)
2016/12/05 The role of O6-methylguanine DNA methyltransferase in the modulation of cellular resistance to cisplatin (陳尚鴻 主治醫師 )
2016/11/14 Structural basis for PTPN3-p38gamma complex involved in colon cancer progression (Dr.Tzu-Ching Meng (孟子青 研究員)  
2016/11/07  Exploration of immunomodulation strategy by anti-neuritin antibody for tumor treatment (講者:張光裕 助研究員暨主治醫師)
2016/10/24  Differential regulations of miRNA biogenesis and their functions in cancer progression (講者:蘇振良 副研究員 升等演講) 
2016/10/17 Progress report  (講者:姜乃榕 主治醫師)      
2016/10/03 Ultrasound in Tumor Therapy (陳景欣 副研究員  國家衛生研究院 生醫工程與奈米醫學研究所)
2016/09/29 DNA-PKcs in Replication Stress Response and Intra-S Checkpoint Regulation (Dr.Benjamin Ping-Chi Chen , University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Department of Radiation Oncology, Division of Molecular Radiation Biology) 
2016/09/19 In-cell infection: a novel pathway for Epstein-Barr virus infection mediated by cell-in-cell structures (Cell Res. 2015 Jul;25(7):785-800. doi: 10.1038/cr.2015.50. 講者:黃勝彥 博士後研究員  (陳振陽 名譽研究員實驗室 )
2016/09/12  Studies on prognosis markers of lung cancer and oral cancer and their underlying mechanisms
(講者:江士昇 助研究員)
2016/09/05 Harnessing Pluripotency for Better Understanding of Human Development and Diseases  講者:郭紘志 博士  (中研院基因體中心)     
2016/08/29 FOXO3a-driven epigenetic alternation of metabolism dictates the gemcitabine sensitivity of pancreatic cancer 講者:邱慶豐 博士 (蘇振良副研究員實驗室 博士後研究員)
2016/08/22 Immuno-oncology of head and neck cancer 101 (林素芳實驗室 進度報告) 
2016/08/15 Cdc7-Dbf4-mediated phosphorylation of Hsp90-S164  modulates replication stress via activating ATR signaling: mechanism and inhibitor discovery (講者:鄭安寧 博士  (李岳倫 副研究員實驗室 博士後研究員))

2016/08/08 [期刊報告] PD-1/CTLA-4 Blockade Inhibits Epstein-Barr Virus-Induced Lymphoma Growth in a Cord Blood Humanized-Mouse Model  PLoS Pathog. 2016 May 17;12(5):e1005642. (講者:陳嬿如 博士  (林素芳 副研究員實驗室 博士後研究員)
– SC Kenney and Shi-Dong Ma 簡介
– Human gammaherpesvirus, EBV or KSHV, is oncogenic
– EBV associated tumorigenesis is linked to immune system –> PTLD and high-titer of antibodies against lytic proteins are PASSIVE events
– EBV latent proteins are not so immunogenic
– Inductin of EBV-mediated cell lysis to treat EBV associated cancer (young Ma and Kenney) is controversial, except CRISPER/Cas.
– Eight main figures, 3 supplemental data.
– Welcome to inturrpt the talk, don’t have to wait until the end.
year pmid title
2011 20980506 A new model of Epstein-Barr virus infection reveals an important role for early lytic viral protein expression in the development of lymphomas
2012 22623780 An Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) mutant with enhanced BZLF1 expression causes lymphomas with abortive lytic EBV infection in a humanized mouse model
2015 25485679 LMP1-deficient Epstein-Barr virus mutant requires T cells for lymphomagenesis

2016/08/01 Focal adhesions: Recent insights into structure, function and pathological dysfunction (郭津岑 教授  (陽明大學 生化暨分子生物學研究所)
2016/07/25 [期刊報告]  PDK1-Dependent Metabolic Reprogramming Dictates Metastatic Potential in Breast Cancer , Cell Metab. 2015 Oct 6;22(4):577-89.  (講者:鄭景家 同學  | 蘇振良 副研究員實驗室 博士班研究生 )
2016/07/18  ( 講題ㄧ) Chronic Acidosis in the Tumor Microenvironment: A Research Challenge (張文祥 副研究員)  (講題二) Functional Importance of the Conformational Homogeneity on Fatty Acid-Binding Proteins  (鄭伊芸  博士班研究生) 
2016/07/11 Regulation of microRNAs by epigenetics and their interplay involved in oral cancer (夏興國 助研究員 升等演講)
2016/07/04 The Mystery behind Oncogenic KRAS (張原翊 教授 (國立陽明大學 生理學科暨研究所)
2016/06/27 Using modern science to interpret the theory of traditional Chinese herbal medicine – Stratagems of new drug development against cancer (以現代科學詮釋傳統中草藥的理論 – 抗癌新藥開發的策略)  周寬基 教授 (國立中興大學 生物醫學研究所)
2016/06/20 [期刊報告]  AXL Mediates Resistance to PI3Ka Inhibition by Activating the EGFR/PKC/mTOR Axis in Head and Neck and Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinomas Cancer Cell. 2015 Apr 13;27(4):533-46. (Dr.卓俊宇  (莊雙恩 副研究員實驗室 博士後研究員) 
2016/06/13 Integrin aVb3/PI3K/Akt/HIF-1a Signaling Cascade Involved in Osteopontin-Induced TCF12 Expression for Endothelial-Mesenchymal Transition (范吉炫  (黃智興 研究員實驗室 博士班研究生)
2016/06/06 EBV and Immunity (Dr.Sue-Jane Lin , 林素珍 博士, Research center for emerging Viral Infections, Chang Gung University)
2016/05/30 Bi-directional regulation of the Axl-mig6 axis in cancer (楊雅伃  (莊雙恩 副研究員實驗室 研究助理))
2016/05/23 [期刊報告]  Hypoxia induces the breast cancer stem cell phenotype by HIF-dependent and ALKBH5-mediated m6A-demethylation of NANOG mRNA (Dr.黃浩綸  (黃智興 研究員實驗室 博士後研究員)
2016/05/16 The role of PTEN and LKB1 on the regulation of mTOR pathway in pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors (蔡慧珍 助研究員級主治醫師)
2016/05/09 Involvement of Pericellular Serine Protease TMPRSS2 in Androgen-induced Prostate Cancer Progression and Metastasis (李明學 副教授 (台灣大學醫學院生物化學暨分子生物學研究所)
2016/04/24 3D Printing Biomaterials for Biomedical and Anticancer Applications (Prof. Ming-Fa Hsieh (謝明發 教授))
2016/04/17 Are middle-aged women more susceptible to breast cancer: An introduction to smoothed Lexis diagram (張憶壽  研究員)

2016/04/11 Oncometabolites in cancer: from benchwork to bedside (洪文俊 研究員/副所長)

2016/03/28 Tumorigenesis and Metastasis: Focus on mechanistic investigation (陳雅雯老師升等演講)
2016/03/21 暫停一週 (NHRI Research Day 3/22~3/23)
2016/03/14 The Role of USP24 in Cancer Progression (洪建中 教授 國立成功大學  生物資訊與訊息傳遞研究所)
2016/03/07 Mechanism of Nuclear KIT-Mediated Tumorigenesis in Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors (陳立宗所長實驗室 薛元碩博士)
2016/02/22 Emerging Role of Long Noncoding RNAs in Gastrointestinal Cancer (蔡國旺 研究員 高雄榮民總醫院 教學研究部)
2016/01/25  Applying immunology and tumor biology to cancer therapy (劉柯俊老師升等演講) 
2016/01/18 LDOC1, a tumor suppressor that links epigenetics and immunity in oral cancer (李家惠老師升等演講)
2016/01/11 Multiscale Drug Delivery for Cancer Therapy (張建文 助理教授 (清華大學, 生醫工程與環境科學系) 
2016/01/04 Orchestration of histone modification by the H3K9 methyltransferase G9a (潘美仁 助理教授)
2015/12/28 Adriamycin-induced alteration in Stat3 activity confers TGF-beta refractoriness (施能耀 副研究員)
2015/12/21 Investigation of the novel role of cathepsin S in the regulation of EGFR signaling: providing a potential basis to improve anti-tumor efficacy (Dr.黃建彰 (張俊彥 院長實驗室))
2015/12/14 Epidemiologic Investigation of Pancreatic Cancer (張書銘 副研究員)
2015/11/23 Epigenetic repression of Dicer by HOXB-AS3/EZH2 complex is crucial for Sorafenib resistance of liver cancer (蘇振良 副研究員)  
2015/11/16 Oral potentially malignant disorder: an oral pathologist’s perspective (台北馬偕醫院 林弘斌醫師)
2015/11/09 Exploration of pathogenic roles of CISD2 in cancer (江士昇 助研究員)
2015/11/02 在癌症惡病質的研究成果與產學經驗的分享 (吳彰哲教授  國立台灣海洋大學食品科學系) 
2015/10/26 Mechanism of lung fibrosis in chronic obstructive asthma (COA): the involvement of connective tissue growth factor (CTGF)  (林建煌  副校長/教授  台北醫學大學/ 醫學科學研究所)
2015/10/19 Targeted disruption of Foxm1 inhibits non-small cell lung cancer development (Dr.王翊青 清華大學生物科技研究所暨生命科學系)
2015/10/12 The role of Klf10 in pancreatic cancer (常慧如 副研究員暨主治醫師)
2015/10/06 (Tue) ALDH2 deficiency and acetaldehyde  toxicity- an under recognized health risk (Dr.陳哲宏 Stanford University)
2015/09/21 Overcoming resistance from anti-angiogenesis therapy by targeting hypoxia-Lon and VEGF-VEGFR signaling (李岳倫 副研究員)
2015/09/14 Epigenetic Regulation in Cancer and Stem Cell Signaling (Dr.余永倫 Associate Professor and Director Graduate Institute of Cancer Biology, China Medical University)
2015/09/07 IL-1b transactivates EGFR in oral premalignant and cancer cells (李家惠 助研究員)
2015/08/31 IGF1-independent IGFBP3 enhances migration and lymph node metastasis of oral squamous cell carcinoma cells (陳雅雯 助研究員)
2015/08/24 MiR-376c Inhibits Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma Metastasis by Controlling RUNX2-INHBA Axis (夏興國 助研究員實驗室)
2015/08/17 Laboratory progress report: Receptor tyrosine kinase DDR1 in oral cancer (林素芳 副研究員實驗室)
2015/08/02 Progress Report (張文祥 副研究員實驗室)
2015/07/27 TCF12 is Involved in Secreted HSP90α-Induced Alteration of miRNA-31 and miRNA-145 Expressions to Stimulate Colorectal Cancer Cell Stemness (黃浩綸 (黃智興 研究員實驗室博士班研究生)
2015/07/20 Introduction to approaches to cancer incidence and survival (張憶壽 研究員)
2015/07/13 Evaluation the liver protective effects of Antrodia cinnamomea in mice with radiation-induced acute hepatitis (Dr.郭祖祥/莊雙恩 副研究員Lab 博士班研究生)
2015/07/06 Mechanism of Transcriptional Activation of a Repressed  Higher Order H1-Containing Chromatin (陽明大學 生化及分生所 陳威儀 教授) 
2015/06/15 Progress report: Dr. 吳仲峻 (陳振陽 特聘研究員Lab) 
2015/06/08 Molecular mechanisms of docetaxel-mediated chemoresistance in human prostate cancer cells 侯自銓教授 (高雄醫學大學醫學系)
2015/06/01 Neuroendocrine tumors in Taiwan: Different from Western countries ? (Dr. 蔡慧珍)
2015/05/25 Updates on ASPM-Wnt signaling and cancer stem cells (Dr. 徐中濟 蔡坤志 副研究員及主治醫師Lab)
2015/05/18  A short ASPM splicing variant but not the full length variant as a molecular target in hepatocellular carcinoma (潘弘偉 高級助理研究員/高雄榮總 分子醫學研究室)
2015/05/11 Overexpression of RGS11 promotes cell migration and associates with advanced stages and aggressiveness of lung adenocarcinoma (施能耀 副研究員)
2015/05/04 Attacking the metabolism of TKI resistant lung cancer cells (劉柯俊 副研究員)
2015/04/27 Classifications, diagnosis and management of oral precancerous diseases (奇美醫院顏欽堉醫師) 
2015/04/20 Genetically engineered mouse model recapitulating KLF10 loss in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) and evoke PDAC lung metastasis (國立中山大學 鄭光宏博士)  
2015/04/13 李岳倫老師升等演講:The survival responses to mitochondrial and replicative stress in tumor microenvironment in oral cancer
2015/03/30 Laboratory Progress Report: role of KDM2A in breast cancer progression (中山陳靜儀老師@洪副所長 Lab )
2015/03/23 Fundamental Concepts of Photodynamic Therapy (長庚紀念醫院 張承仁 醫師)
2015/03/06 Molecular mechanisms of hypoxia-induced epithelial-mesenchymal transition and angiogenesis (吳國瑞 中國醫藥大學講座教授) 
2015/03/02  KIT and Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors (Dr.薛元碩 (陳立宗 所長實驗室) )
2015/02/09  行動基因生技股份有限公司 
陳華鍵 博士 (Advancement of Next-Generation Sequencing Technology)
陳淑貞 博士 (Application of Next-Generation Sequencing on Clinical Cancer Research)
2015/02/02 Application of next generation sequencing in the bench and clinical cancer studies (高醫黃道揚醫師)
2015/01/19 Microenvironment regulates miR-455-5p expression through TGF-β-SMAD3 pathway followed by down-regulating UBE2B in tumorigenesis of head and neck cancer (鄭昭旻/張俊彥院長實驗室博班生)
2015/01/12 Laboratory Progress Report (姜乃榕醫師)
2015/01/05 NF-κB driven epigenetic regulation of lung cancer progression (蘇振良老師)
2014/12/22 Laboratory Progress Report (詩苗@江士昇老師實驗室)
2014/12/15 Interleulin-8 Induces miR-424 Expression and Modulates SOCS2/STAT-5 Signaling Pathway in Oral Cancer (彭軒鈺@夏興國實驗室)
2014/12/11 Mutant K-Ras-Targeting Cancer Virotherapy (劉俊煌博士/台北榮總血以腫瘤科主任; 陽明大學醫學院內科教授)
2014/12/01 Tango between drug resistance and transdifferentiation: challenges and opportunities for EGFR-TKI targeted therapy in lung cancer. (Dr.Yu-Ting Chou (周裕珽 博士))
2014/11/24 Laboratory Progress Report (Dr. 陳嬿如@林素芳實驗室)
2014/11/10 Risk prediction models for lung cancer prevention and prognosis (張憶壽老師)
2014/10/13 The protein-tyrosine kinase Axl intercts with C1Ten in cancer and metabolism (鄭梨君@莊雙恩老師實驗室)
2014/09/29 Investigating the Environmental and Genetic Risk Factors of Head and Neck Cancer (張書銘老師 升等演講 )
2014/09/24 Priorities in Cancer Research: Genomics, early detection and screening, new treatments and new drugs, Views from the Case Comprehensive Cancer Center (Dr. Stanton L. Gerson) (小抄)
2014/09/15 EBV and NPC: a review (陳振陽老師)
2014/08/25 KLF10 (台北醫學大學 張虹書博士)
2014/08/11 Novel target agent against gastrointestinal stromal tumor (蔡慧珍醫師)
2014/08/04 Metronomic chemotherapy as a stroma-sparing treatment by attenuating tumoral proangiogenic and prostemness signaling.  (Dr.張智翔@蔡坤志醫師)
2014/07/28 Molecular Mechanisms of Shear Stress in Regulating Cellular Radiation Sensitivity on Colorectal and Pancreatic Cancer Cells (Dr. 羅啟文@常醫師Lab)
2014/07/21 Targeting to Surface ENO1 as a Novel Therapy for Cancers and Immunological Disorders (施能耀老師)
2014/07/10 Targeting CD47 as a novel therapeutic strategy against hepatocellular carcinoma (Dr. Terence Kin-Wah Lee (李建華教授, Department of Pathology, LKS Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong )
2014/06/30 The Role of Stress Phenotype in Cancer Cell Survival and Progression: The Examples from Replicative and Oxidative Stress (李岳倫老師升等演講)
2014/06/23 Impacts of IL-1b, epigenetic aberrations, and ECM remodeling on head and neck cancers — Views from studying tumor suppressor genes (李家惠老師升等演講)
2014/06/16 Level of Anti-a-enolase Antibody, a Prognostic Marker for Progression-free Survival, is Regulated by Antigen-specific Immunosuppression in Lung Cancer  (Dr. 蕭冠中@劉柯老師Lab)
2014/06/09 Cancer/Stroma interplay via Oncometabolites in Cancer Development And Therapy (Dr. 陳靜儀@洪文俊老師Lab )
2014/05/26 Copper-Chelator Reverses Platinum Drug Resistance through Modulating Copper Transporters in Oxaliplatin-resistant Human Squamous Cell Carcinoma  in vitro and in vivo (陳似蓉@張俊彥院長實驗室)
2014/05/12 陳立宗所長: Team science collaborations and globalization of Taiwan cancer translational research: NICR’s past and future 
2014/04/28 A Paracrinal Ineterleukin-6-Mediated Epigenetic Regulation of MiR142-3p Promotes Tumor Initiation in Malignant Glioma (台北榮總邱士華醫師)
2014/04/21 Deacetylation and Ubiquitination of HSPA5 Is Critical for E1A-Mediated Anti-Metastasis of Triple-Negative Breast Cance (蘇振良老師)
2014/04/14 On the oncogenic roles of SOX2 in lung squamous cell carcinoma  (江士昇老師)
2014/04/07 Macrophage and Secreted HSP90α in Tissue Microenvironment for Cancer Development and Progression (黃智興老師升等演講)
2014/03/31 Identification of metastasis-related genes and microRNA in hepatocellular carcinoma and oral squamous cell carcinoma (陳雅雯老師升等演講)
2014/03/24 The Microenvironmental Regulatory Effects of Secreted Cytokines in Cancer Progression
Speaker: Dr.Cheng-Chi Chang (Dr. 張正琪 台大口生所)
2014/03/10 Two Tasks at Once: Biomedical Research and Dynamic Human Biologic Specimen Collection, Storage and Distribution Service (Dr. CHIEN-I CHANG, University of Massachusetts Medical School)
2014/03/03 Micro-RNA-dependent regulation of DNA methyltransferase-3b on the retinoid acid metabolic genes during oral carcinogenesis (夏興國老師)
2014/02/24 In vitro evolution of enzymes and antibodies for medical development and therapy (Dr. Steve Roffler 中研院生醫所 羅傅倫博士)
2014/02/17 Protein Tyrosine Kinases with Gene Fusion (林素芳)
2014/02/10 Spermine enzymatic oxidation products induce a cytotoxic effect on human cancer cells (Dr. ENZO AGOSTINELLI)
2014/01/30 Development of high-specific cathepsin S inhibitors and their synergistic autophagic induction on pancreatic cancer cells under acidic pH microenvironment (張文祥老師)
2014/01/06 Mechanistic Study on Cell-Cell Interactions in Tumor Microenvironment (黃智興老師)
2013/12/16 Designing novel antagonists for cytokine receptors (Prof. Yoshikazu Takada, UC Davis)
2013/12/09 Carcinogenesis and Management of Hepatocellular Carcinoma: The Beginning of an Ending (陳培哲院士)
2013/11/18 Regulation of AXL expression by RNA binding proteins in the 5′-untranslated region (卓俊宇@莊雙恩實驗室)
2013/10/20 N-nitroso compounds induce EBV reactivation and enhance micronucleus formation, invasiveness, and tumor progression of nasopharyngeal carcinoma cells (Dr. 黃勝彥@陳振陽實驗室)
2013/10/14 Mesenchymal stem cell (MSC)-secreted HGF expand myeloid-derived suppressor cells (MDSCs) through c-Met & STAT3  (Dr. 顏伶汝)
2013/09/23 Exploration of novel epigenetic mechanisms in human glandular cancers: focusing on tissue architecture, stroma and treatment response (蔡坤志醫師升等演講)
2013/09/30 From Combinatorial Chemistry to Nanotechnology to Cancer Imaging and Therapy (Dr. Kit S. Lam, UC Davis)
2013/09/16 Environmental Risk Factors of Head and Neck Cancer: ABC and Beyond (張書銘老師)
2013/09/09 Podosome regulation (陳鴻震教授  國立中興大學 生科院院長)
2013/09/02 The KLF10 (Krüppel-like transcription factors) in biological processes and disease states (張虹書博士)
2013/08/26 Recombination-mediated DNA Repair – The Mechanistic Action of SWI5-SFR1 Complex on RAD51 Recombinase (冀宏源博士 台大生科院 生化科學研究所 )
2013/08/05 Role of Wnt-b-catenin signaling in the homeostasis and carcinogenesis of the stratified squamous epithelium (張中興教授 MD PhD)
2013/07/22 Laboratory Progress Report (張光裕醫師)
2013/07/15 Seminar取消|中午PI 宴請所長@夏威夷餐廳
2013/07/08 APSM in Pancreatic PDAC (蔡坤志醫師)
2013/07/01 Integrative analysis of cancer methylome and single cell analysis (Prof 黃慧明 Tim Huang)
2013/06/24 Mitochondria dynamics is correlated to cellular senescence and migration (清大 張壯榮博士)
2013/06/17 Krüppel-Like Factor 10 (Klf10) Regulates Radio-sensitivity of Pancreatic Cancer via UV Radiation Resistance-Associated Gene (UVRAG) (常慧如醫師)
2013/06/10 Preventive and Therapeutic Effect of the ENO1 Antibody on Tumor Malignancy (施能耀老師)
2013/06/03 Studying the involvement of immune/inflammatory factors and cells in the tumorigenesis of oral cancer and developing therapeutic strategies (劉柯俊老師)
2013/05/27 Histone modifing enzymes in oral cancer (G9a/EHMT2 and FGFBP1) (洪文俊副所長)
2013/05/20 Autophagy regulates KIT reduction and GIST cells death (陳立宗副所長)
2013/05/13 MPT0B292 enhances acetylation of alpha-tubulin through up-regulation of alpha-tubulin acetyl-transferase, MEC-17, and exhibits potent anti-tumor, anti-angiogenesis and anti-metastatic effects (Dr. 程韻靜@張俊彥所長實驗室)
2013/05/06 Progress Report on Oral Cancer and Lung Cancer Studies (江士昇老師)
2013/04/29 Versatile DNA Replication Protein in Cancer: From mechanism to therapeutic application (李岳倫老師)
2013/04/22 Is Dual Targeting Critical for the Design of An Effective Cancer Therapy?  Ether Chang (George Town University) single-chain antibody for transferrin receptor (amazingly, most tumor cells express transferrin receptor)
2013/04/15 The  story  of  LRIG1  in  head  and  neck  cancers (李家惠老師)
2013/03/25 MPT0B098, a novel microtubule inhibitor, blocks JAK/STAT3 signaling via up-regulation of SOCS3 (夏興國老師)
2013/03/18 Identification of oncogenic tyrosine kinase in oral cancer cells (林素芳)
2013/03/11 DNA-PK Complex and the Pathway Choice of DNA Double-Strand Break Repair (David J. Chen (陳正己) Ph.D.  Division of Molecular Radiation Biology, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center Dallas, Texas)
2013/03/04 A specific clamp-like orientation of discontinuous basic residues within β-sheet binding region is required for heparin interaction (張文祥老師)

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