2020 AACR Virtual Meeting – I (04/27 ~ 04/28)

AACR 2020 Virtual Meeting I 

Virtual Meeting Announcement site  (find abstracts easier in this site)
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04/28 (https://www.abstractsonline.com/pp8/#!/9045/session/838)
Evaluating Cancer Genomics from Normal Tissues through Evolution to Metastatic Disease


The human breast consists of lobules connected to an intricate network of ducts that are surrounded by fatty tissues, designed to produce and transport milk to nourish offspring. Histopathology has identified 10 major cell types based on morphological features but have provided limited information on cell states – the transcriptional programs of cell types that reflect different biological functions. In this study we have generated an unbiased ‘cell atlas’ of the normal human breast to define the cell types and cell states using single cell RNA sequencing and spatial transcriptomics methods. We performed 3’ microdroplet based single cell and nuclei RNA sequencing of 248,687 stromal cells and 89,301 nuclei from 24 women with pathologically normal breast tissues that were collected from mastectomies and reduction mammoplasties. Unbiased expression analysis identified four major cell types: adipocytes, epithelial cells (luminal and basal), fibroblasts and endothelial cells and defined their transcriptional programs. Additionally, 8 minor cell types were identified in the breast, including macrophages, T-cells, natural killer cells, mast cells, pericytes, apocrine cells, neurons and smooth muscle cells. Our data revealed hundreds of novel markers of these cell types and defined their transcriptional programs and cell states. Most cell types had multiple transcriptional programs including luminal epithelial cells (hormone receptor positive and secretory)basal epithelial cells (myoepithelial or basal)endothelial cells (E1, E2, E3), myeloid cellsT-cells and fibroblasts (F1-F4) and provided insight into developmental lineages. We further delineated the spatial organization of these cell types and cell states within the tissue architecture using spatial transcriptomics assay. The breast cell atlas data provides an invaluable normal reference for the research community to understand how normal cell types are reprogrammed in diseases such as breast cancer.

Brain metastases (BM) occur in 10-30% of patients with cancer. Approximately 200,000 new cases of brain metastases are diagnosed in the United States annually, with median survival after diagnosis ranging from 3 to 27 months. Recently, studies have identified significant genetic differences between BM and their corresponding primary tumors. It has been shown that BM harbor clinically actionable mutations that are distinct from those in the primary tumor samples. Additional genomic profiling of BM will provide deeper understanding of the pathogenesis of BM and suggest new therapeutic approaches.
We performed whole-exome sequencing of BM and matched tumors from 41 patients collected from renal cell carcinoma (RCC), breast cancer, lung cancer, and melanoma, which are known to be more likely to develop BM. We profiled total 126 fresh-frozen tumor samples and performed subsequent analyses of BM in comparison to paired primary tumor and extracranial metastases (ECM). We found that lung cancer shared the largest number of mutations between BM and matched tumors (83%), followed by melanoma (74%), RCC (51%), and Breast (26%), indicating that cancer type with high tumor mutational burden share more mutations with BM. Mutational signatures displayed limited differences, suggesting a lack of mutagenic processes specific to BM. However, point-mutation heterogeneity revealed that BM evolve separately into different subclones from their paired tumors regardless of cancer type, and some cancer driver genes were found in BM-specific subclones. These models and findings suggest that these driver genes may drive prometastatic subclones that lead to BM. 32 curated cancer gene mutations were detected and 71% of them were shared between BM and primary tumors or ECM. 29% of mutations were specific to BM, implying that BM often accumulate additional cancer gene mutations that are not present in primary tumors or ECM. Co-mutation analysis revealed a high frequency of TP53 nonsense mutation in BM, mostly in the DNA binding domain, suggesting TP53 nonsense mutation as a possible prerequisite for the development of BM. Copy number alteration analysis showed statistically significant differences between BM and their paired tumor samples in each cancer type (Wilcoxon test, p < 0.0385 for all). Both copy number gains and losses were consistently higher in BM for breast cancer (Wilcoxon test, p =1.307e-5) and lung cancer (Wilcoxon test, p =1.942e-5), implying greater genomic instability during the evolution of BM.
Our findings highlight that there are more unique mutations in BM, with significantly higher copy number alterations and tumor mutational burden. These genomic analyses could provide an opportunity for more reliable diagnostic decision-making, and these findings will be further tested with additional transcriptomic and epigenetic profiling for better characterization of BM-specific tumor microenvironments.

  • 5707 – A standard operating procedure for the interpretation of oncogenicity/pathogenicity of somatic mutations (Peter Horak & Dmitriy Sonkin)
Somatic variants in cancer-relevant genes are interpreted from multiple partially overlapping perspectives. When considered in discovery and translational research endeavors, it is important to determine if a particular variant observed in a gene of interest is oncogenic/pathogenic or not, as such knowledge provides the foundation on which targeted cancer treatment research is based. In contrast, clinical applications are dominated by diagnostic, prognostic, or therapeutic interpretations which in part also depends on underlying variant oncogenicity/pathogenicity. The Association for Molecular Pathology, the American Society of Clinical Oncology, and the College of American Pathologists (AMP/ASCO/CAP) have published structured somatic variant clinical interpretation guidelines which specifically address diagnostic, prognostic, and therapeutic implications. These guidelines have been well-received by the oncology community. Many variant knowledgebases, clinical laboratories/centers have adopted or are in the process of adopting these guidelines. The AMP/ASCO/CAP guidelines also describe different data types which are used to determine oncogenicity/pathogenicity of a variant, such as: population frequency, functional data, computational predictions, segregation, and somatic frequency. A second collaborative effort created the European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO) Scale for Clinical Actionability of molecular Targets to provide a harmonized vocabulary that provides an evidence-based ranking system of molecular targets that supports their value as clinical targets. However, neither of these clinical guideline systems provide systematic and comprehensive procedures for aggregating population frequency, functional data, computational predictions, segregation, and somatic frequency to consistently interpret variant oncogenicity/pathogenicity, as has been published in the ACMG/AMP guidelines for interpretation of pathogenicity of germline variants. In order to address this unmet need for somatic variant oncogenicity/pathogenicity interpretation procedures, the Variant Interpretation for Cancer Consortium (VICC, a GA4GH driver project) Knowledge Curation and Interpretation Standards (KCIS) working group (WG) has developed a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) with contributions from members of ClinGen Somatic Clinical Domain WG, and ClinGen Somatic/Germline variant curation WG using an approach similar to the ACMG/AMP germline pathogenicity guidelines to categorize evidence of oncogenicity/pathogenicity as very strong, strong, moderate or supporting. This SOP enables consistent and comprehensive assessment of oncogenicity/pathogenicity of somatic variants and latest version of an SOP can be found at https://cancervariants.org/wg/kcis/.

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