03/02 Lab Meeting-小嬿

1. check Q-PCR primers: p21 and SFN–>Workable!
2. ChIP test :
a. antibodies: mouse IgG, CTCF and Flag antibody
b. primers: H19ICR, SFN, GAPDH(coding region)
c. results: (1) the problem of sonication is not dissolved
(2) condition of Q-PCR is not well, but standard end-point PCR is OK
(3) input is not equal. (one of them is disappeared, actually)
(4) the amount of DNA fragment bound by mouse IgG was similar to CTCF
d. Future work:
(1) to try magnetic system by using standard end-point PCR (IgG and CTCF)
(2) to test Q-PCR condition

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