Author name: admin

12/15 Lab Meeting-小嬿

報告進度:1. TW01EREV_S無法用SAHA induction成功–>放棄S2. 所建立的Akata-p2089, 用hIgG沒有辦法induction(by Q-PCR), 在induce 96hrs情況下, 看不到Rta, Zta及EAD表現, 但有少量的gp350/220. 根據之前研究, 可續偵測LMP2A的存在與否.3. Akata-EGFP/EBV在hIgG induce 48hrs可到達plateau (in sup, by Q-PCR).4. 目前所建立的35個TW01EREV中, EBV Rta表達量高者似乎無法induction, 僅有TW01EREV-26可用NaB產出較高量的病毒; 在EBV Rta表達中量者中, 挑到1個Dox與 NaB效果相當-TW01EREV-27. 但其induction rate, viral particles等細項仍須confirm.5. 搜尋其他研究者的ChIP sonication 條件.

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12/7/OrCA meeting

(1) 夏興國:(a) 40 T/N. 三個miRNA clusters →14q32, 21q and X。其中 14q32 and 21q are down-regulated, whilst X region is up-regulated. (b) Xq26.24 (Wnt receptors) and 14q32.2 (Wnt ligand e.g., Wnt 2, Wnt 7A and 7B) seem to indicate Wnt pathway is involved in OSCC. (2) 張所長: (a) Metastasis MMP高CTSS高,但用藥卻failed. Serine protease may be more interesting!

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11/17 Lab Meeting- 小夏

報告這篇PAPER1. LMP1 increases the release of EGFR into exosomes and that purified exosomes containing LMP1 and EGFR are taken up by epithelial, endothelial, and fibroblast cells, leading to the activation of ERK and PI3K/Akt pathways.2. The ability to detect LMP1 in the exosome pellet harvested from serum of mice carrying the C15 tumor supports a

11/17 Lab Meeting- 小夏 Read More »

11/10 Lab Meeting- ingrid

1. 想要測試Dox對TW01Tet的生長是否有所影響,結果失敗。下次要收短時間測試(如1、2、3天)。 2. 篩選TW03Tet及TW05Tet細胞株。TW03Tet:24株裡有19株長起來;TW05Tet:24株裡有12株長起來。目前皆放在6 well內等待Western blot測試TetR。 3. OGT抗體無法辨認抗原,已重新購買。另外要解決internal control在每個sample中的量皆不相同的問題。 4. 將shMGEA5送入ERKV細胞中,”似乎”可以使發紅光的細胞比例上升,要再進一步詳細確認。

11/10 Lab Meeting- ingrid Read More »

33 Lines

33 Lines由 sufang 在 日, 11/07/2010 – 00:00 發表 Pre-published 33 Lines Cell Lines Dan Robinson PAPA PTK profiling RAGE Cell Designation Tissue 1 Tissue 2 Morphology   SW-13 Adrenal gland cortex, primary small cell carcinoma   Epithelial   T24 Bladder transitional cell carcinoma  Epithelial   SW-1353 Bone chondrosarcoma  Fibroblast   Saos-2 Bone Osteosarcoma  Epithelial  

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