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03/06 Journal Club Paper

Dear  All:這是下周journal  club  (3/6)  我要報的paper 請查收Induction of miR-21 by retinoic acid in estrogen receptor-positive breast carcinoma cells: biological correlates and molecular targetsS.-R.——————-PS1: 也可以用Google Document來share pdf (Click Me) PS2: 不過重要東西就要考慮一下設點密碼什麼的…

03/06 Journal Club Paper Read More »


2009-04 Transriptome profiling and network pathway analysis of genes associated with invasive phenotype in oral cancer。2010-兩篇和marker相關 One and Two。2011-02 把OSCC細胞處理areca nut extract–Downregulation of Ches1 and other novel genes in oral cancer cells chronically exposed to areca nut extract。2011-07 Molecular chaperones as a common set of proteins that regulate the invasion phenotype of head and neck

長庚鄭教授系列文章 Read More »

2/29 Lab Meeting-ingrid

製備以下表現質體以供濁水溪公司代製兔子多株抗體(1) pGEXHis_cZ :已送出代製抗體。(2) pGEXHis_ER_Q320stop and pGEXHis_ER_L550stop(3) pGEXHis_KR_E600stop and pGEXHis_KR_Q658stop(4) pGEXHis_BALF3(1)的代製抗體已收集,經由細胞lysate測試,證實可以辨認EBV Zta,但akata strain的Zta 的mobility(略低)與細菌表現的不同,接下來要釐清抗體是否有純化,且可否應用於IFA或IP。 (也要釐清是否會辨認B95.8 strain的Zta)(2)(3)(4)在BL21、DH5α及Rosetta-gami2中,經過調整表達條件,目標蛋白質皆不明顯增多。

2/29 Lab Meeting-ingrid Read More »

Summary for the discussion

Studying plans: 1. How is DDR1 regulated by miRNA?    — We will discuss the detail. 2. How many signaling pathways are involved in oral tumorigenesis?    How many signaling pathways are involved in oral premalignant lesions?    — There are 12 important signaling pathways invovled in tumorigenesis. 3. Is EGCG working on 12 signaling pathways?    Is

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0215Lab meeting-蔡小丸

1. 完成三組tissue microarray的DDR1, collagen type 1及collagen type 4的染色, 初步計分結果, 似乎DDR1的大量表達與collagen type1的大量表達較為相關,而DDR1大量表達也與疾病的grade較相關2. 比較OSCC cells DDR1 tyrosine phosphorylation的情形, 結果為DOK, C9, OC-3, OEC-M1, TW2.6>HSC-3, SCC-15, T47D>HEK293, 發現DDR1 tyrosine phosphorylation的程度與gilvec對於這些細胞的抑制能力,沒有很好的相關性, 然而發現在OEC-M1, TW2.6, HSC-3, SCC-15這幾組IP DDR1 sample中, 發現約略80-85kDa的DDR1-associated protein有強烈的tyrosine phosphorylation, 但此蛋白為何未知3.此外 DDR1的活性反映出的下游為何未知 (但排除非p-MAPK及p-AKT)4.利用Q-PCR分析一系列oral cells的DDR1 isoforms的表達, 結果發現大多細胞只表達1a及1b這兩種isoforms, 而mRNA表達量也與蛋白表達量具相關性

0215Lab meeting-蔡小丸 Read More »

2/13/2012 OrCA Meeting

1. 下次開會: 6月2. CA OrCA PIs + 王副院長、莊JL、陳YR、黃HG (RA:雪君)、江主秘。3. BioSignature Program: Leader/Chang Gung 核醫科主任閻紫宸, looking for cause-effect marker. The third meeting will be held on March-8; focus on miRNA/epigenetics/DNAs; funding source, Academia Sinica.4. 王副院長Lab學生報告 (Wei-Chieh Huang)—長庚閻醫師 has 53 OrCA T/N pairs; miR-491-5p is involved in cell migration and invasiveness, targeting GIT1 and RAB1; OC-3 and

2/13/2012 OrCA Meeting Read More »

2012/2/1 Lab Meeting- 小夏

1. 計數TW05TetLuc/ER dox treat 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 8天的細胞數。2. 以467確認Rta expression pattern 在TW01TetER及TW05TetER不同。 Rta expression level by WB: #19 ≧#16>TW05TetER。 將再確認p21, c-Myc, p53……的表現。3. 準備HEK293, DOK, HSC3, SCC15, OECM1的genomic DNA來確認DDR1的mutation位點。4.準備HEK293, DOK, HSC3, SCC15, OECM1的cDNA來確認DDR1的isoform。

2012/2/1 Lab Meeting- 小夏 Read More »

01/11 Lab Meeting-小嬿

進度報告 1. 為避免viral genome的干擾, 將系統換回TW01TetLuc及TW01TetER_16. 比較Dox處理6, 24, 48小時, CTCF binding在H19 ICR及c-Myc P2 promoter位置的量. Q-PCR結果顯示在兩個細胞中24小時CTCF結合在H19 ICR量比6小時多,並且在48小時下降; 在P2 promoter的位置, Luc細胞在三個時間點的結合量相近, ER細胞在24小時結合量上升, 48小時下降. 但, 兩組CTCF結合位置在Luc組細胞都比ER組來得多 –>加做Ctrl-6hr觀察Luc/ER兩組細胞的background差異 2. 整理過去paper報導CTCF在EBV/KSHV genome上的binding sites(CBS) –> EBV genome上約有20個位點, KSHV約有10個位點, 兩者的胃點有些有相似 –> 先focus在LCR, K-RTA/BZLF1 promoter, 及OriLyt等位置, 準備設計primers

01/11 Lab Meeting-小嬿 Read More »

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