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Fusion gene detection

由 sufang 在 六, 11/22/2014 – 09:01 發表 Cholangiocarcinoma cholangiocarcinoma FFPE Gene Fusion Nov 5 2014  Daw-yang Hwang 黃道揚 to LTCHEN, yngmiin  Dear Prof Lin, Dr. Chiang, and SF: I designed primers for ALK, ROS-1 FGFR2, FGFR3, and I can add primers for RET.In my research part (bladder and upper urinary tract cancer), I am collaborating […]

Fusion gene detection Read More »


由 sufang 在 四, 11/20/2014 – 12:53 發表 EBV and KSHV CTCF Mol Cell Biol. 2014 Oct;34(20):3867-79. doi: 10.1128/MCB.00567-14. Epub 2014 Aug 18.CTCF controls HOXA cluster silencing and mediates PRC2-repressive higher-order chromatin structure in NT2/D1 cells.Xu M1, Zhao GN1, Lv X1, Liu G1, Wang LY2, Hao DL1, Wang J3, Liu DP4, Liang CC1.Author informationAbstract HOX

CTCF and HOXs Read More »

Remarkable Role of Indoleamine 2,3-Dioxygenase and Tryptophan Metabolites

由 sufang 在 四, 11/20/2014 – 13:20 發表 Pre-published IDO1 KYN Remarkable Role of Indoleamine 2,3-Dioxygenase and Tryptophan Metabolites in Infectious Diseases: Potential Role in Macrophage-Mediated Inflammatory Diseases (PubMed) (pdf 4235) Figure 1. Schematic overview of the kynurenine pathway. It is estimated that only 1% of dietary tryptophan (TRP) can be converted into serotonin (5-HT). The

Remarkable Role of Indoleamine 2,3-Dioxygenase and Tryptophan Metabolites Read More »

Protocols-including KDF

#1由 sufang 在 一, 05/18/2015 – 08:50 發表。 Keratinocyte culture method   說在前面: Rheinwald Lab所寄給我們的Human Keratinocyte Culture Methods第一段便比較下面三個廠商來的media, 說請大家用K-sfm來養”low-to-moderate density”的keratinocytes (primary or immortalized) K-sfm Life Technologies grow well from low to moderate density EpiLife Life Technologies   KGM (or MCDB154) Clonetics very short replicative lifespan    第二段: 須牢記於心的是, K-sfm的營養成分僅適用於低密度、聚集性的keratinocyte生長, 因此用K-sfm養的細胞, 1/3滿度前就必須passage.   第三段: 碰到OSCC的話, 建議與irradiated 3T3

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2014/12/7: Arecoline-induced epigenomic changes in human oral keratinocytes                   檳榔鹼誘導人類口腔角質細胞中表觀遺傳體改變之研究 ——————————– 計畫內容(C12-1, C12-2 no more than 23 pages; references no more than 5 pages) (一)近五年之研究計畫內容與主要研究成果說明。(C12-1) 台灣口腔癌細胞株中八十三個酪氨酸激酶表現剖繪 Expression profiling of 83 protein tyrosine kinases in Taiwanese oral cancer cell lines.  Figure 1 (DDR1 and collective cancer cell migration) (Eur J Cancer. 2012 48 (Suppl. 6): 167) 以次世代定序方法RNA-Seq分析台灣口腔癌細胞株與不朽化口腔角質細胞株 RNA-Seq analysis of Taiwanese

MOST104 Read More »

DDR1 manuscript 相關

DDR1 manuscript 相關 由 sufang 在 五, 11/07/2014 – 16:57 發表  Pre-published   CDDis   DDR1   Front Oncology   manuscript 2015/05/08 (Thu)  MS submitted to Research Topic “Oral Oncology” 2015/05/30 (Sat)   MS returned, interactive reviews activated: Editor: Rui Amaral Mendes Catholic University of Portugal; Editor of J Carcinogenesis and Mutagenesis; Adhuant Prof at CWRU 2015/08/28 rejected… by Specialty Chief

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2014/11/12 OPMD IRB: 基因檢測是以單核苷酸多態性(single nucleotide polymorphism, SNP)為主,特別是會影響酵素功能的功能性(functional)SNP與在亞洲人當中比較重要的SNP。SNP的檢測將採用Taqman allele discrimination的方式1。 首先,把DNA的濃度標準化為15ng/µL。然後,在96孔盤裡分別加入84位不同研究對象的DNA與試劑的混合液(2µL=30ng DNA in a 25µL reaction)、8個陽性對照及4個陰性對照,預計共需要24個96孔盤來完成所有研究對象(N=2000)每一個SNP的檢測。接著,把96孔盤放置在Applied Biosystem 7500 real time PCR(Foster City, CA)進行資料的讀取。每一個SNP的檢測將會經過幾個步驟的品質管制:a.    以對照組的檢測資料來評估Hardy-Weinberg disequilibrium,p值<0.01的SNP將被排除。b.    Allele 的頻率將與the International Hapmap Project( 的中國人的基因資料來做比較。c.    偵測頻率(call rate)< 95%的SNP將被排除。d.    10%的DNA樣本將被重覆檢測來評估檢測的準確度。 1.    de Kok JB, Wiegerinck ET, Giesendorf BA, Swinkels DW. Rapid genotyping of single nucleotide polymorphisms using

TOP-OCC and TOP-OCD Read More »

Epigenetic Talks Bing Ren

Dear All, I like to invite you to join two exciting Epigenetic Talks by the world leading scientists Yi Zhang and Bing Ren on Oct 23 and Nov 4, respectively, at Academia Sinica. Bing Ren UCSD Regulation of the 3D Genome 11 am, Nov 4, 2014 B1 Auditorium, IMB, Academia Sinica Dr. Bing Ren, Member of Ludwig

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Tak Wah Mak

由 sufang 在 日, 11/02/2014 – 11:09 發表 Pre-published Cancer Metabolism Notes Youtube Genomic alterations in cancersmutations (300,000; > 20,000 genes)epithelial : 50-100; leukemia: 20amplifications (3000)deletions (thousands)translocations (fusions: 7000)epigenetic changes (extensive)Drivers : hundred, 90% loss of functionsInter-and intra-tumor heterogeneity (Charles Sweton)< 1/2 mutated or amplified genes expressed Two more oncometabolic papers from Harvard Groups: Nature (2011). Functional

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