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2015/03/24 陳貞佩 Monensin inhibits epidermal growth factor receptor trafficking and activation: synergistic cytotoxicity in combination with EGFR inhibitors 2015/03/10 楊韻涵  NRF2-driven miR-125B1 and miR-29B1 transcriptional regulation controls a novel anti-apoptotic miRNA regulatory network for AML survival 2015/02/10 王思涵 Exosomes mediate stromal mobilization of autocrine Wnt-PCP signaling in breast cancer cell migration  2015/01/06 小嬿 RFTS-deleted DNMT1 […]

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2015/01/30 國長會議

由 sufang 在 五, 03/13/2015 – 08:29 發表 Pre-published 國長會議 長庚 國衛院長庚雙邊會議 2015/01/30 (五) at 林口長庚 王陸海: miR491-3p is responsible for oral cancer metastasis葉大森: bile duct cancer (miRNA 200下降), liver cancer (miRNA 200 上升,which is correlated with EMT)陳鈴津教授介紹 閻紫宸教授另外一個專長是 radio pharmatheutical research (新藥開發 GMP等等)———————–趙盈凱 副教授【胸腔外科】可吸收性生物醫材在食道癌之應用東方人食道癌 是由ABC引起的、西方的食道癌則多由胃食道逆流證實CCRT+Surgert is better therapy than just surgery-Big Database (2400 病人

2015/01/30 國長會議 Read More »

TCGA HNSCC Marker Paper

由 sufang 在 五, 02/27/2015 – 10:08 發表 Oral Cancer HNSCC TCGA Comprehensive genomic characterization of head and neck squamous cell carcinomas (pdf 4292; PubMed Link) The Cancer Genome Atlas profiled 279 head and neck squamous cell carcinomas (HNSCCs) to provide a comprehensive landscape of somatic genomic alterations. Here we show that human-papillomavirus-associated tumours are dominated by helical

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Molas Analysis on Arecoline-Treated HOK Cells

02/16/2015 MTHFR, SHMT1, SHMT2 02/17/2015 1. Library comparison 2. OKB2/AC (>=0.1) combined with OKB2/untreated (>=1), >= 2-fold (2886 transcriptid), sent to GO Biological Process (BP): GOBP Molecular Function (MF): GOMF Cellular Compartment (CC): GOCC 03/28/2015 Excel 製圖時 1. On “OKB2”  Filter > 3, shade them 2. On “Fold OKB2” Filter >=1.5 shade with red; Filter <=0.67 shade with blue

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寄送SW780 RNA給長庚及行動基因陳華鍵

寄送SW780 RNA給長庚及行動基因陳華鍵由 sufang 在 五, 02/13/2015 – 15:20 發表 Cholangiocarcinoma GeneFusion From: Su­Fang Lin [] Sent: Friday, January 30, 2015 2:06 PMTo: this is Su­Fang’s email Dear Dr. 趙:This is my email. I will prepare ~5­10 micrograms RNAs from SW780 cells for your control. Please let me know to whom and to where should I sent. Thanks! Best, Su­Fang  ————————————– Angel

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