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(From google Groups/sflinlab2020) 成功收到第一份 來自 Guest Forum 的測試文。 早上一直找不到「建立群組」按鈕,結果先在 @gmail.domain 建立一個新群組,邀請 @g.ntu加入,就成功了 a reply mail from lab account also works 先到!newtopic/sflinlab2020 論壇區發表主題  就可以開始玩… 賴亭羽<> Jun 23, 2020, 9:17:18 AM to sflinlab2020 玩…網站? 所以要貼主題的意思嗎? SFL<> Jun 23, 2020, 9:50:31 PM to sflinlab2020 Yes, post whatever you wish to discuss, record, or show-off here.

第一份測試po文 Read More »

The hybrid E/M phenotype of EMT 竟然與 collective migration有關

Survival Outcomes in Cancer Patients Predicted by a Partial EMT Gene Expression Scoring Metric (PubMed Link)  Jason T George, Mohit Kumar Jolly , Shengnan Xu, Jason A Somarelli, Herbert Levine  Recent experimental and theoretical evidence suggests that cells can be stably halted en route to EMT in a hybrid E/M phenotype. Cells in this phenotype tend

The hybrid E/M phenotype of EMT 竟然與 collective migration有關 Read More »


被地震嚇醒,然後.. 找到知音了  一整個掃掉被地震嚇醒的擔憂,哈哈哈 原新聞連結如右 The D614G mutation in the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein reduces S1 shedding and increases infectivity (bioRxive 06/12)Lizhou Zhang, Cody B Jackson, Huihui Mou, Amrita Ojha, Erumbi S Rangarajan, Tina Izard, Michael Farzan, Hyeryun Choe作者群名字看起來像中國人,其實是USA Scripps Research Institute # (old thought by SFL) 這個點與ACE2結合區離得蠻遠的,看得出來它自成一區,但卻無法猜出分子機轉。另外,D to G 似乎在演化上是理所當然之變… 06/15 原來要這樣講才對… # SARS-CoV2 # D614G

D614G的最新進展 Read More »

Reviewer 3: It will be nice if you can share the codes… (CAF index MS)

哎呦我的媽,醜醜的code見得了人嗎? Difference between R MarkDown and R NoteBook NoteBook多一個 .html檔,多麽邪魔 Daniel 太好了! 這一篇有望被接受! 我是安裝Gossamer bioinformatics suite (使用裡面的Xenome模組 ( Xenome 我需要給一個workflow的 script file 裡面包含所有指令跟檔案路徑嗎? XenofilteR 應該可以直接給GitHub連結 ( 對, 可以建立一個github account for this publication. 有兩種方式, 1, 直接fork (像給link, 可以追朔源頭) 別人的project, 2. 另外寫一套流程 python code for pipeline 把別人的程式碼放/包進來, 我之前都是一個個下指令, 沒有寫成腳本script 執行 這是我以前的github account …. :p 都是直接implement成web application, Epimolas有放在江博士的github上

Reviewer 3: It will be nice if you can share the codes… (CAF index MS) Read More »

Reviewer 3: It will be very useful of you can share your codes…

哎呦我的媽,醜醜的code見得了人嗎? Difference between R MarkDown and R NoteBook NoteBook多一個 .html檔,多麽邪魔 Daniel 太好了! 這一篇有望被接受! 我是安裝Gossamer bioinformatics suite (使用裡面的Xenome模組 ( Xenome 我需要給一個workflow的 script file 裡面包含所有指令跟檔案路徑嗎? XenofilteR 應該可以直接給GitHub連結 ( 對, 可以建立一個github account for this publication. 有兩種方式, 1, 直接fork (像給link, 可以追朔源頭) 別人的project, 2. 另外寫一套流程 python code for pipeline 把別人的程式碼放/包進來, 我之前都是一個個下指令, 沒有寫成腳本script 執行 這是我以前的github account …. :p 都是直接implement成web application, Epimolas有放在江博士的github上

Reviewer 3: It will be very useful of you can share your codes… Read More »

2020 ASCO20 Virtual Meeting (08/08-08/10 Education)

2020 ASCO20 Virtual  (HomePage) Access Meeting Materials Abstracts for the ASCO20 Virtual Scientific Program are now available on ASCO Meeting Library or as downloadable PDFs.  💖💜🙏🙆🙆🙆 Meeting Videos and Slides will be available on ASCO Meeting Library for all registered attendees beginning May 29. Read ASCO Daily News for updates before, during, and after the Scientific Program. Browse the 2020 ASCO Educational Book for

2020 ASCO20 Virtual Meeting (08/08-08/10 Education) Read More »


2022 The 20th International Symposium on Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) and Associated Diseases will be held in Siena, Italy, on July 3rd-6th, 2022. ( 2020 EBV20 (Hokkaido, Japan) (Postponed due to pandemics) 2020 AACR56 virtual meeting  04/27-04/28   06/22-06/24 2020 ASCO20 virtual meeting 05/29-05/31 (Scientific) 08/08-08/10 (Education) 2019 ASCO19 (Chicago, USA)  index page 2019 KSHV22 workshop (New York, USA)

國際會議連結網址 Read More »

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