
中午一邊洗米一邊盤算要不要訂那本Deepak Chopra醫師の的「Digital Dharma」,突然間,腦子浮出這偈子,模模糊糊隱隱約約: 先是「呈劍」、「需呈劍」、「莫獻詩」,然後想說是金庸裡的東西嗎? 還是國中朱清秀老師或高中劉二林老師的最愛? 最後變成「路見不平拔刀相助」,這可不對不對、synapses沒有對到!

洗好米,按下電鍋後,迫不及待地請教Google大神,哈哈,找到三個出處「常霖法師」「人間福報」以及「佛門諺語」! 原來這是禪宗典故,唐臨濟義玄(或道明禪師)的軼事(presentation)。好美又好帥!!

TIME100-AI Thinkers 一直借用的 “embedding” 是只說前五識,或是也有第六識? 七跟八會是更高維度才知道的東西嗎?

好棒呦! Brian Greence x Lenore and Manuel Blum ! Coding Consciousness: An Algorithm for Awareness? (YouTube Link)

The video is about whether consciousness can be achieved by a computational system.

The two speakers, Lenor Blum (1942生) and Manuel Blum (1938年生), are discussing their ideas on how consciousness can be realized in a computational context. They propose a theoretical framework for consciousness that is inspired by Alan Turing’s Turing machine.

Here are the key points from their discussion:

  • Consciousness is a complex phenomenon that is not yet fully understood.
  • The speakers believe that consciousness can be modeled using a computational system.
  • Their model is inspired by Turing machines and involves a large number of processors that compete to get their information on stage.
  • The model can exhibit some phenomena that people identify with consciousness, such as change blindness and blindsight.
  • The speakers also discuss the idea of self-awareness and whether an AI system could pass a mirror test.

Overall, the video presents a controversial and exciting perspective on consciousness. It is still under debate whether consciousness can be achieved by a machine, but the ideas presented in the video are thought-provoking and could lead to new developments in artificial intelligence.

Here is my notes.

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