最近LMP1 papers (匆匆一瞥, 有錯請指正)

剛好看完, 分享一下~

(1) Tsuji et al (2008)
Induction of Receptor for Advanced Glycation End Products (RAGE) by EBV LMP1 and Its Correlation with Angiogenesis and Cervical Lymph Node Metastasis in Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma.
Clin Cancer Res. 14: 5368-75.

–> 阿本仔Furukawa等人新作, 先前研究發現LMP1對Cervical Lymph Node Metastasis與Angiogenesis有所貢獻, 而RAGE這玩意屬immunoglobulin superfamily一員且其overexpression與Metastasis及Angiogenesis相關, 阿本仔examined了42個NPC檢體, 證明了LMP1與RAGE相關, 且LMP1可能透過NFkB路徑活化RAGE, 進而促使NPC之Metastasis跟Angiogenesis ~

(2) Shair et al (2008)
EBV LMP1 effects on plakoglobin, cell growth, and migration.
Cancer Res. 68: 6997-7005.

–> Nancy 等人新作, 沒有tissue與老鼠的研究, 僅靠C666-1之stable clone就上Cancer Res喔!!!不愧是Nancy阿~~~ 此paper發現那些大量表現LMP1的C666-1細胞之growth與migration都比較強喔! 然後PI3K與NFkB路徑對此現象都很重要, LMP1也會抑制plakoglobin(又叫gamma-catenin, 與E-cad結合的東西), 對migration很重要哩 !

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