Novartis 石明石博士 Michael Shi 演講

  1. TKI 258 was a FGFR1 inhibitor, but the use of TKI 258 causes FGF23/bFGF increased.
  2. Melanoma trial found FGF mediated escape form anti-angiogenesis (sorxxxtinb/…) Early phase: VEGFR2 blockadge.
  3. Phase 3 trials: (a) FGFR3 expression/t94,14) trans-location in melanoma (b) FGFR3 mutations in bladder cancer (c) FGFR1 expression in breast cancer [這裡若有蒲教授的data就好了!!]
  4. AUY 922 is an inhibitor of HSP90 for GI tract tumor.
  5. BGT226 is is on clinical trial for NPC (與中文大學馬教授合作,明年AACR發表) 另一位Mike補充陳所長有拿藥用在oral cavity (張光裕醫師 was in charge, he found this drug induced autophagic death in a panel of oral cancer cells)
  6. BKM120 is a PI3K -specific inhibitor; BGT226 and BE2 232 are dual kinase inhibitors (mTOR and PI3K) 這部份還是沒有搞清楚.
  7. ASA 404 in NSCLC.
  8. LED 225 is for Smoothened/Hedgehog pathway.
  9. MGM 黃秀芬醫師介紹 Tissue bank/LCM slides for Chlorangiocarcinoma…

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