07/06 Lab Meeting- 小夏

1. The long-term kinetics (0-6 days) of Rta in Dox-treated TW01TetER
The expression of p53, p21, SFN and p27 were increased in Rta induction. Increasing phosphorylation of H2AX was observed on day5 and day6 after Rta induction.
2. Compare the expression level of p21, SFN, c-Myc, p53 and p63 in Dox-treated TW01TetER and TW05TetER
The expression of p53, p21, and SFN were increased in Rta induction while the levels of c-Myc and p63 were decreased.
3. The cytotoxicity of U0126, Rapamycin and LY294002 on TW01TetER
IC50分別為:U0126 40uM, Rapamycin >10uM, LY294002 60uM
4. Test the effect of serum starvation and no glucose on the cell morphology in TW01TetER and TW05TetER
A. 在50000顆細胞的seeding下,serum starvation 48小時可以觀察到細胞生長停滯(也許是緩慢)。
B. 19號長得比16號快 (48小時內活細胞數會較16號多),但19號也較16號快死(16號活細胞數較19號多),我覺得19號代謝較快。
C. 不管是TW01或是TW05,細胞缺少葡萄糖最後會死亡(在第五天觀察)。而在缺乏葡萄糖48小時的情況下再添加葡萄糖回去,細胞可以回復正常生長。
D. Serum與Glucose對細胞的生長都很重要。

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