ingrid 2012/03/08 at 3:07 pm 還有他的CONCLUSIONS: These findings indicate that EBV, HPV-16, and HCMV may be present in certain NPC cell lines and in only a small fraction of each positive cell line, and that a cell line may contain these three viruses concurrently. Log in to Reply
雖然還沒有去翻出全文,但是原先的細胞是應該是乾淨的! 並且,不用再做southern了吧~同意請舉手…
還有他的CONCLUSIONS: These findings indicate that EBV, HPV-16, and HCMV may be present in certain NPC cell lines and in only a small fraction of each positive cell line, and that a cell line may contain these three viruses concurrently.