
早上被家中電腦可以上網卻又無法上Google網站煩到不行,逛啊逛得看到這一個site (按我). 看到幾篇title很有趣的文章:
Q&A: Douglas Osheroff
Finding fascination in nature Nature 490, S8–S9 (11 October 2012)
Q&A: William Phillips
In search of ignorance Nature 490, S11–S12 (11 October 2012)
Graduate students: Aspirations and anxieties
Gene Russo Nature 475, 533–535 (27 July 2011)
Postdoc or not?
Karen Kaplan Nature 483, 499–500 (21 March 2012)
Job applications: Straight to the top of the pile
Karen Kaplan Nature 488, 241–243 (08 August 2012)


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