所長來函: Increased ENO1 positive cells in pancreatic cancer CSCs

LTCHEN Apr 7 (2 days ago)
Reply to Kelvin, hung1228, 施能耀 Shih), 劉柯俊 Liu), 顏伶汝, 林素芳, Pon
Dear ALL:

We need such close collaboration for the exchange of idea, resource and material in order to speed up data and paper/patent generations! Thanks!
LT Chen
PS: SF, Have your FGFR2 mRNA ready?

在 2014/4/7 下午10:22 時, Kelvin K. Tsai 寫到:
> Thanks Joe. Will ask my RA to get the cells from your lab.
> Can you by the way send me your previous papers about ENO1? I want to know if its role in pancreatic cancer stemness can generate a quick paper if you don’t object. Many thanks.
> Kelvin
> On Mon, Apr 7, 2014 at 10:06 PM, 施能耀 <jshih@nhri.org.tw> wrote:
>     Dear Dr. Tsai:
>     Yes, I am glad to see the positive result, showing that ENO1 may be one of CSC biomarkers for PDAC. I can provide the PANC-1 cells with ENO1 gene downregulated. Please come over to pick up and discuss more in detail for future collaboration.
>     Best,
>     Joe from NHRI (04/07/14)
>     ________________________________________
>     從: Kelvin K. Tsai [kkctsai@gmail.com]
>     寄件日期: 2014年4月3日 下午 01:16
>     至: 陳立宗; 施能耀
>     主旨: Increased ENO1 positive cells in pancreatic cancer CSCs
>     Dear Leo and,
>     Attached please find the result of the percent ENO1 positive cells in CD133+CD44+ Panc-1 cells. I think that what we guess might be true that ENO1 is a genuine CSC marker in PDAC.
>     Shall we try to knockdown ENO1 in PANC1 cells?
>     Kelvin

劉 柯俊 via mail2.nhri.org.tw  Apr 8 (1 day ago)
to LTCHEN, 劉柯俊, Kelvin, 洪文俊, 施能耀, 顏伶汝, 林素芳, 林佩瑩
Dear All:

FYI.  These are the results of ENO1 expression in various human and mouse pancreatic cancer cell lines, lung sphere-forming cells and iPS.


Kelvin K. Tsai  Apr 8 (1 day ago)
Reply to 劉 柯俊, LTCHEN, 劉柯俊, 洪文俊副所長, 施能耀, 顏伶汝, 林素芳, 林佩瑩 Pon
Have you checked the ENO1 expression in pancreatic CSCs, Kojiun?

Shall we have a group meeting to share these exciting findings, Leo?

劉柯俊  Apr 8 (1 day ago)
Reply to Kelvin, LTCHEN, 洪文俊副所長, 施能耀, 顏伶汝, 林素芳, 林佩瑩 Pon

We will also use the sphere-foming method to study the pancreatic cancer cells in our hands.

LTCHEN  Apr 8 (1 day ago)
Reply to Kelvin, 劉 柯俊, 施能耀 Shih), 劉柯俊 Liu), 洪文俊副所長, 顏伶汝, 林素芳, 林佩瑩 Pon
You guys never sleep?

I totally agree with you that we should organize a special task force to work on the ENO-1 for all the tumor type we have in hand and to seek collaboration for what we do not have!
Su-Fang Lin sflin1@gmail.com  Apr 8 (1 day ago)
Reply to LTCHEN

Dear 所長:
You mean (1) RNAs/cDNA to Daw-Yang? or (2) 60 RNAs from TLCN?

For (1), yes, I sent three RNA samples to Daw-Yang last week. Two of them are with FGFR3 fusion, the other one serves as a negative control. Didn’t tell him who is who, but he said he will get them all right!! 🙂
For (2), well, I thought you might want to do some ​modificatons on the application form and letter of intent, do you get any chance to look at them? Let me resend the files to you in the next mail!

顏伶汝  Apr 8 (1 day ago)
to LTCHEN, Kelvin, 劉 柯俊, 施能耀, 劉柯俊, 洪文俊, 林素芳, 林佩瑩
I wonder if there is a correlation of ENO1 levels with hours of sleep?

Su-Fang Lin sflin1@gmail.com
2:26 PM (21 hours ago)
Reply to 顏伶汝, LTCHEN, Kelvin, 劉 柯俊, 施能耀, 劉柯俊, 洪文俊, 林佩瑩
Dear All,

I don’t have any clue about ENO1 and cancer cell stemness in OSCC​, but h​​​ere is what I’ve done​
​:​ 1. Pour out expressions of ENO1, ENO2, ENO3, CD133/PROM1, CD44, CTGF, NANOG, SOX2, POU5F1​
​(Yang, MH paper: Connective tissue growth factor activates pluripotency genes and mesenchymal-epithelial transition in head and neck cancer cells)​ from the expression spreadsheet of the 40 T/N ​OrCA patients

2. Perform ​Pearson correlation coefficient analysis.
3. The results indicate that only ENO2 is statistically correlated with NANOG.  (pls see the attached figure)
Therefore, I think probably the chance of ENO1 in OSCC stemness is low.. Is there any expression correlations of ENO1 and CD133/CD44 in PanCA samples?  Am I using a wrong way to correlate ENO1 and cancer stemenss?

PS: CTGF的expression在這一片array的hybridization似乎不佳 (p-value > 0.05),所以我以灰色字表示。它和NANOG, SOX2未如楊慕華醫師的paper所述、具相關性,以及和ENO3表現有負相關, 都只能當考用。

顏伶汝  Apr 9 (2 days ago)
Reply to me, LTCHEN, Kelvin, 劉 柯俊, 施能耀, 劉柯俊, 洪文俊, 林佩瑩
Hi SF,
Thanks for the info. Nanog is the least upregulated of all pluripotency genes in ESCs/iPS, and the 1st to get downregulated when these pluripotent stem cells (PSCs) differentiate. Don’t forget, Yamanaka did not need Nanog in his 2006 paper. However, it has been subsequently demonstrated that the KLF family factors act together to turn on Nanog expression (at enhancer elements, I think) in PSCs. That said, most PSC scientists are pretty convinced that Nanog is still necessary to confer pluripotency by working together with Oct4 & Sox2.
Don’t know if this is useful to anyone.

Dear Betty,

Really appreciate your comments!

I then checked R&D WebSite, it lists ABCG2, ALDH1A1, BMI-1, CD44, c-MET, LGR5 as CSC markers for head and neck cancer. So I update the results in a new attached table! Again, gene symbol in grey are low hybridization signals (Illumina BeadChip/Human Ref8-V1實在不可以這樣、重要的基因偵測值都不太可信..上次的p16/CDKN2A也是), use ENO1 as query, its expression correlations with other interested genes in the 40 OSCC T/N pairs are shown (in alphabetically order).

就這樣子囉,個人覺得以現有40對臨床檢體而言,ENO1似乎未在oral cancer的CSC中增加表現量(RNA level). 或者、OSCC根本沒有CSC??  (快閃, 免得被追殺….)   br, Su-Fang

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