
由 sufang 在 三, 05/27/2015 – 08:45 發表 Pre-published Gene Fusion HOK Lin Lab Oral Cancer
Paper Submission
宛樺: DDR1 overexpression in OSCC 
嬿如: EBV Rta mediated DNA methylation in the host genome
FGFR Gene Fusion related (玉蓮、奕宏)
1. FGFR2 gene fusion in cholangiocarcinoma (Post 連結)
2. FGFR3 gene fusion in oral cancer (Post 連結)
Carcinogen induced epigenetic transformation in human oral keratinocytes (嬿如、英潔)
1. Molas analysis of RNA-Seq data (Post 連結)
2. MTHFR SNPs and epigenetic transformation
3. Develop methylation markers for head and neck patients
Mutational landscape of cholangiocarcinoma (Post 連結)
Mutational landscape of OSPCC and Oral Cancer (Post 連結)
Grant Proposal and Report
1. 104-CAPP05
    月報 x 12 (in progress)
    期中報告 (done by 佩瑩)
2. 105-CAPP  執行與考核點設定
3. 106-CAPP  計畫書撰寫
4. MOHW 衛福部OPMD計畫
    實驗進行 (記得送OSCC DNA給Jeffrey Lab. 一併測試MTHFR)
5. 105-MOST 科技部計畫 (11月中 call for proposal)
6. 105-MOST PPG (LOI submitted)

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