GRC NPC – Hildesheim, Allan

Allan Hildesheim (National Cancer Institute, NIH, USA) 
“Use of Viral and Genetic Markers for Risk Stratification for Development of Screening Programs for the Early Detection of NPC”

  1. 1987 Use of viral and genetic markers for NPC risk stratification.
  2. 16% cancers are caused by infectious agents (Lancet Oncol 2012, de Martel)
  3. EBV vaccination: EBV gp350 (Coghill et al., Clin Cancer Res, 2016 High Levels of Antibody that Neutralize B-cell Infection of Epstein-Barr Virus and that Bind EBV gp350 Are Associated with a Lower Risk of Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma)
  4. Screening for NPC: (Chien et al., N Engl J Med, 2001 Serologic markers of Epstein-Barr virus infection and nasopharyngeal carcinoma in Taiwanese men)
  5. Individuals positive for anti-VCA IgA or anti-EBV DNase antibodies have a much higher risk for NPC (Yu et al., Clin Cancer Res, 2011 Prognostic utility of anti-EBV antibody testing for defining NPC risk among individuals from high-risk NPC families.)
  6. For those unaffected families (members from NPC multiplex families) anti-EBV IgA-VCA and IgA-EBNA1 are the best (Hildesheim, Am J Epidemiol, 2013 Invited commentary: Epstein-Barr virus-based screening for the early detection of nasopharyngeal carcinoma: a new frontier)
  7. Protein array (EBV1 chip Muta, B95-8, Akata strains, Middledorf), Cohort design: NPC array project strategy. Screen for promising candidate markers using case-control design → evaluate top hits in population-based screening
  8. Special notes for case-control design: estimate sensitivity and specificity, but not positivity and negativity
  9. LF2 (IgG), BGLF2(IgG), Rta(IgG), BMRF1-EAD(IgA), BXLF1-TK(IgA) | two or three of them achieve highest SE and SP
  10. EBV DNA viral load in plasma (insensitive for early stage NPC)
  11. EBV DNA in nasopharynx swab (high specificity and sensitivity, combined with miRNA and DNA variants)
  12. Host genetic risk factors: only ~7–9 % NPC is familial, which has 5-10 fold increased risk
  13. Also comments on EBV lytic cycle replication in differentiated

有人踢館: 一方面anti-VCA是NPC高危險群,一方面說病人體內有anti-VCA似可neuturalize病毒、降低罹患NPC風險 這…    Allan: OOXXOOXXOOXX

From Ming-Han

  • Martel; lacent oncol 2012: each pathogen and cancer: good reference!!
  • EBV Vaccine (gp350 vaccine) against NPC?
  • Yes this antibody can block clinical diseases of IM but not infection?
  • Vaccine and childhood?
  • Some data said might be work for treatment of NPC?
  • The facts:
  • People with NPC have higher level ab against VCA and DNase; and vice versa.
  • People with NPC with much lower ab against gp350 “at the time they have NPC”; and without NPC people with high level ab against gp350. (level of anti-gp350 study not like VCA and DNase have long-term predictable results).
  • If people/patient have high level anti-VCA anti DNase ab; will also have high level anti-EBNA1 abs. (Yu, Taiwan group).
  • @EBV protein microarray (sensitivity; specificity problem…? It seems he has a special but correct way to determine that).
  • -Use patient’s serum to the microarray that had been coated with different EBV proteins to detect the antibody level.

High level of IgA against EBV-> associated to NPC
High level of IgG against EBV-> associated to lymphoma.

Top markers of antibodies in NPC high-risk or NPC patients: (all IgA)

Now applying this array to BL, NKT, EBVaGC…etc.

In Aug EBV Meeting Session 10: Nasopharyngeal carcinoma and other epithelial cell tumors
Whole Exome Sequencing of NPC Multiplex Families Identifies Variants potentially Involved in EBV Control
Allan Hildesheim, National Cancer Institute, Rockville, USA

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