
Dear all,
陳老師建議大家集思廣益把EBV Rta促進genomic instability的現象
補做一些實驗 寫成論文
希望在志宇的paper accept 後火速推出去
請大家共饗 不懂的部份 請盡量提出

  1. HEp2TetER 在加上Dox(500 ng/ml) 後Flag-ER在第一個小時即可被清楚偵測到(楚穎說不適合做這一行其實是騙人的,我至少活到現在不會去做這種每小時收一次的實驗啊..讚美之..) 而p21是在第五個小時大量增加. Dox induction後48小時內細胞成長速度減慢,doubling time 由24變51小時.
  2. Dox-induced 的HEp2TetER中Flag-ER雖持續表現,但量會漸漸減少(這點和我們的293TetER相似,我懷疑是senescence associated proteosome degradation system增強所致). Micronucleus formation (MN) 在induction第九天和未induction比是 (15%:3%).
  3. ERK cascade 在Rta表現細胞中有增加趨勢,推測與Rta表現細胞之M2變短, Aurora B活性下降與MN增加有關 (ps ERK pathway的活化是在G1最高,S期降回不活化狀態,S末期至G2/M時期恢復活化狀態,但比G1期低. reviewed in 這裡.)


  1. MN formation and DNA strand breaks are increased in HEp-2-EBNA2 stable lines (6.5% versus 1%). (HCR and TUNEL assays were used to demonstrate DNA strand breaks)
  2. EBNA2 enhances H2AX phosphorylations by flow cytometry
  3. EBNA2 activates ATM activity and delays cell cycle progression (IP-in vitro kinase assay)
  4. Increasing aberrant mitosis (DAPI and a-tubuin, 4.7% to 8.8%) and centrosome number (DAPI and g-tubulin, 3.6% increasing to 8.5%) in cells expressing EBNA2
  5. EBNA2 increases multinucleation (DAPI and a-tubulin staining, 2% increased to 10%)

我比較concern的是當大部份的Rta/p21都將細胞arrest在G1, 為什麼要去研究G2/M這些不到5%的命運?

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