Scott Bratman

Scott Bratman (Princess Margaret Cancer Centre, Canada)
“Circulating Tumor DNA: Detection and Applications in Curable Cancers”

Can liquid biopsy replace it’s sue biopsy?
EGFR-mutant NSCLC: ctDNA analysis is standard for guiding EGFR

How about applied to cancers that are curable

CtDNA < 1% total cell DNA

Nat Rev Wan… Rosenfield et al. Nat Rev Cancer 2017

Rasta I and Bratman, Radiotherapy Oncol 2017: utilizing ctDNA for curable cancers: where is potential for clinical utility
1 minima residual disease (MRD): rise stratification after treatment
Molecular MRD analysis is

CtDNA for MRD in locally-advanced cervix anger
1. Serial HPV ctDNA
2. CtDNA for MRD in locally-advanced Corvus cancer. Han/Leung… Bratman et al JCO poster in press
3. CtDNA for MRD in locally-advanced cervix cancer
4. End-of-CRT ct DNA leverages ar strongly prognostic

Sensitivity of ctDNA for MRD in not perfect, Factors affecting sensitivity for MRD. Nat Biotecnology 2016 Newman et al
1. Blood/plasma volume me
2. DNA extraction rate
3. Fragment recovery rate
4. Number of reporters
5. Proportion of patients
6. Background error rate

Cancer Personalied profiling by dep Seq (CAPP-seq) Nat MEdicine 2014

approaches for greater sensitivity (more tumor marker s to increase signal)
Cancer discovery 2017

Decrease noises (error suppression) Nat Biotecnology 2016 Newman et al

Part II [NPC and EBV DNA detection]

Lo, Lin, and 2017 NEJM Chan et al

EBV qPCR: MRD sensitivity

Insufficient sensivity (46%) in Lin et al NEJM 2004 and JNCI 2002 Chan et al (33? 38%)

Hypothesis: EBV-seq is more sensitive

Nat REv Genetic 2011

Analytic sensitivity
QPCR detection limit = 1-10 EBV GE
DdPCR detection limit = 10EBV GE
EBV-seq detection limit =0.01 EBV GE

20ng DNA is sufficient

VirusFinder 2.0 (80 viral genomes including 12 EBV genomes

EBV-seq performed on baseline plasma rom 12 patients
4 x 10&7 paired-end reads

Over-sequence (via tag) —> 40 millions reads is too high cut 100 fold to 4 x 10^5 paired-end reads

Cancer control cohorts
Expand cohor 2 (EBV qPCR-undetectable) -19 patients
Add in cohort 4 (healthy control)

4 x 10^5 paired-end reads

1. EBV ctDNA is shorther than autosomal cfDNA
2. cfDNA from non-NPC is shorter than EBV ctDNA

EBV-seq has great analyiscal sensitivity than the BamHI W qPCR assay
High sensitivity for detecting EBV DNA in pretreatment plasma

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