Wei Dai

Wei Dai (The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR China)
“Genetic Susceptibility in Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma”

  • multiple genetic effects in the NPC susceptibility genes
  • allele frequency can
  • WES-seq if NPC identifies MST1R as a genetic susceptibility gene in nasopharyngeal carcinoma
  • [Gene Level replicaiton study in NPC]
  • NPC cases (n=1131, FamilyHIstory FH+=258)
  • MST1R deleterious covariant s of MST1R in NPC
  • Two transcript variants were identified, shorter one is associated with more aggressiveness
  • Three cohorts
    • Lin Nat Genetics
    • HKU WES Zheng et al PNAS 2
    • CUHK WES data Li Nat Commun 2017
    • HKU targeted seq data (Zheng et am PNAS 2016)
    • Dai wt al Maria Lung PNAS 2016
    • Hypermethylation of MST1R promoter can be relevant to NPC FH+
    • Reduced promoter activity by hypermethylation, can push for the shorter transcription variant —> which is associated with NPC aggressiveness
    • pR306H variant has a more aggressive diseases
2016 GRC NPC

Wei Dai (The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR China) “Methylation Biomarkers in NPC”

  • Aberrant methylation markers in NPC
  • 450 K illumination hardshi (Chin Clin Oncol. 2016 Apr (Dai et al., Chin Clin Oncol, 2016)
  • MS-HRM Int J Cancer 2014, Yang et al, a qualitative assays, needs to use positive purpose for quantification
  • Illumina make this assumption when designing their array probes, ie that all CpGs in the 50bp probe sequence are co-methylated. (Eckhardt et al., Nat Genet, 2006)
  • Regional analysis showed that 6p21.3 is more frequently hypermethylated.


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