Danny Rischin

Danny Rischin (Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, Australia)
“Role of Chemotherapy in NPC: Not Novel, but Still Challenging”

  • Discussion Leader (Brian OSuillivan): Danny Rischin is a leader of HNSCC! 哈,找了下PubMed還真的做許多HNSC相關研究 e.g.

J Oral Pathol Med. 2018 Jan;47(1):18-24. 
The role of human papillomavirus in p16-positive oral cancers.
Belobrov S1, Cornall AM2,3,4, Young RJ5, Koo K6, Angel C7, Wiesenfeld D1,6,8, Rischin D9, Garland SM2,3,4, McCullough M1.

The aim of this study was to identify the presence and frequency of human papillomavirus (HPV) nucleic acid in p16-positive oral squamous cell carcinomas (OSCCs), to assess whether the virus was transcriptionally active and to assess the utility of p16 overexpression as a surrogate marker for HPV in OSCC.

Forty-six OSCC patients treated between 2007 and 2011 with available formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) specimens were included. Twenty-three patients were positive for p16 by immunohistochemistry (IHC) and these were matched with 23 patients with p16-negative tumours. Laser capture microdissection of the FFPE OSCC tissues was undertaken to isolate invasive tumour tissue. DNA was extracted and tested for high-risk HPV types using a PCR-ELISA method based on the L1 SPF10 consensus primers, and a real-time PCR method targeting HPV-16 and HPV-18 E6 region. Genotyping of HPV-positive cases was performed using a reverse line blot hybridization assay (Inno-LiPA). RNAScope® (a chromogenic RNA in situ hybridization assay) was utilized to detect E6/E7 mRNA of known high-risk HPV types for detection of transcriptionally active virus.

HPV DNA was found in 3 OSCC cases, all of which were p16 IHC-positive. Two cases were genotyped as HPV-16 and one as HPV-33. Only one of the HPV-16 cases was confirmed to harbour transcriptionally active virus via HPV RNA ISH.

We have shown that the presence of transcriptionally active HPV rarely occurs in OSCC and that p16 is not an appropriate surrogate marker for HPV in OSCC cases. We propose that non-viral mechanisms are responsible for the majority of IHC p16 overexpression in OSCC.  (下回陳所長再提到此事,我就有充分證據!!!)

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  • Chemotherapy for recurrent metastatic disease
  • distant metastasis at presentation
  • platinum doublets including gemcitabine not superior to other platinum doublets in lung or ovarian cancer
  • role of local regional treatment in patients with
  • Future trials in recurrent metastatic NPC
    • – role of immunotherapy Indy active investigation
    • – similar
  • Chemotherapy has cp,[;ex and pleiotropic effects on anti tumor immune responses. (KEYNOTE-189 study design (NCT02578680)
  • Overall survival by PD-L1 TPS
  • TPS < 1%. TPS 1-49%
  • Conclusions
    • – despite chemosnesitivity o fnPPC paucity of randomized trials in metastatic disease
    • – Gemicitable/platinum. (Gemicitabine history wiki —> originally for antivirus !?)

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