
LogID Title  Initial  Date AF001 Codebook for GA341 (= YJC AE538 = YMU RNA-seq on OKB2/S1F/THP1) SFL 10/21/15 AF002 Experimental sheme for AE592 (YMU RNA-seq GA416 and GA417) SFL 10/23/15 AF003 Codebook for GA417 SFL 11/3/15 AF004 Codebook for GA416 SFL 11/4/15 AF005 Codebook for Po-Ting SFL 11/5/15 AF006 Codebook for tidy 40T/N raw data […]

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The history of primary infection of EBV in keratinocytes

2006/10 Molecular and cytogenetic changes involved in the immortalization of nasopharyngeal epithelial cells by telomerase (the link to NCBI) 2008/10/10 根據這一篇, 那送EBV進入NP460h-hTERT不就等同於把EBV關禁閉? 另外Dr.George Miller有篇在J.Virol.Methods(2006)的文章,看起來像是一位MD/PhD的學生做的。他以兩位IM病人血清(富含各種anti-EBV抗體)去分離經NaB處理過的P3HR1(HH514)細胞。分什麼呢?分那些在走lytic cycle和不被NaB活化的HH514。分下來後的細胞再送回去petri-dish養。結果發現走lytic cycle的細胞無一存活、而沒有induce的細胞可以再被養回來,而且induction rate隨著時間增加而增加。很有意思的一篇文章。George大學是學歷史的,非常會寫文章,邏輯性很強而且要言不贅,讀他的paper總覺得能做science真好。 2010/02  MTA_Signed_LinSF_NP460hTERT 2010/08 Epstein-Barr virus infection in immortalized nasopharyngeal epithelial cells: regulation of infection and phenotypic characterization (the link to NCBI) 2010/11 (YJC)AC301 To test the infectivity of Akata-p2089

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LogID Title  Initial  Date AE801 Compare Serum folate concn in OPMD patient and summary MAF in SNPs of folate-mediated one carbon metabolism  PTL 2015/11/9 AE802 Calculate and compare the MAF of rs1801133 and rs1801131 from sample PTL 2015/11/13 AE803 Calculate and compare the MAF of rs2274976, rs1805087, rs1801394 and rs1979277 from sample PTL 2015/11/17 AE804 PTL AE805 PTL #1由 poting 在 三,

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IRB 問與答 2014年題庫

IRB 問與答 2014年題庫 由 sufang 在 二, 06/09/2015 – 09:09 發表  Oral Cancer   IRB   Oral Cancer Su-Fang Lin <sflin1@gmail.com> Jun 5 Reply to 張書銘, 陳雅雯, 江士昇, 夏興國 Dear All, 我PP計畫的IRB審查回來了, 兩個reviewer都有一點問題. 總評皆為「修正後推薦」。想請問大家先前有沒有碰到類似的問題, 其正解為何? 先謝謝大家的幫忙!  之後如果大家不介意的話, 我們是不是把各自的問題集合在一起、弄成一本題庫? 具IRB同仁說 送出去的審委不一樣、同樣的申請件, 碰到的問題都不一樣。  Thanks again!  Su-Fang (ext 35107)   (餘刪, 見下6/8回覆) Ya-Wen Chen Jun 5 Reply to me, 張書銘, 江士昇, 夏興國  以下是我遇到的問題及回答, 素芳的問題與我的問題有相似, 重點是(簡易審查核對表)提及使用合法生物資料庫..簡易審查核對表我更改成接續前階段研究之後續資料分析(湘如建議).  委員A本研究係以成大醫院口腔癌組織進行相關研究,其第16頁(簡易審查核對表)提及,係使用合法生物資料庫,請主持人具體說明該檢體來自於成大醫院哪個生物資料庫?回覆:更改成: 僅限於接續前階段研究之後續資料分析 其所使用之檢體系匿名化或去連結化?回覆: 去連結化 第24頁(免研究參與者同意申請書)所附成大醫院兩份IRB證書之相關研究計畫主題,是否與本計畫主題相關?回覆:是, 本計畫是以HR-97-100

IRB 問與答 2014年題庫 Read More »


由 sufang 在 四, 06/04/2015 – 13:38 發表  Pre-published   EVKV   NGS 3552_2012_12_Whole genome sequencing of the Akata and Mutu Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) strains.pdf 3577_2011_11_Direct sequencing and characterization of a clinical isolate of Epstein-Barr virus from nasopharyngeal carcinoma tissue by using next-generation sequencing technology 3964_2014_02_Integrated mRNA and microRNA transcriptome sequencing characterizes sequence variants and mRNA–microRNA regulatory

EBV and NGS Read More »

2015/05 Methylation Marker Paper from JAMA Oncology

Correlation of Smoking-Associated DNA Methylation Changes in Buccal Cells With DNA Methylation Changes in Epithelial Cancer JAMA Oncol. Published online May 14, 2015. doi:10.1001/jamaoncol.2015.1053 Andrew E. Teschendorff, PhD1,2; Zhen Yang, PhD2; Andrew Wong, PhD3; Christodoulos P. Pipinikas, PhD4; Yinming Jiao, MSc2; Allison Jones, BSc5; Shahzia Anjum, PhD5; Rebecca Hardy, PhD3; Helga B. Salvesen, MD6; Christina Thirlwell, PhD4; Samuel

2015/05 Methylation Marker Paper from JAMA Oncology Read More »


2016/105年待辦事項 由 sufang 在 三, 05/27/2015 – 08:45 發表 Pre-published Gene Fusion HOK Lin Lab Oral Cancer Paper Submission 宛樺: DDR1 overexpression in OSCC  嬿如: EBV Rta mediated DNA methylation in the host genome   FGFR Gene Fusion related (玉蓮、奕宏) 1. FGFR2 gene fusion in cholangiocarcinoma (Post 連結) 2. FGFR3 gene fusion in oral cancer

2016/105年待辦事項 Read More »

Reading Notes

Wiki  Biological action (2015/05/17) In many Asian cultures, the areca nut is chewed along with betel leaf to obtain a stimulating effect. Arecoline is the primary active ingredient responsible for the central nervous system effects of the areca nut. Arecoline has been compared to nicotine; however, nicotine acts primarily on the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor. Arecoline is known to be a partial agonist of muscarinic acetylcholine M1,

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