
基因定序3年後取代生物晶片 (台大余松良教授專訪)

報導日期:2009/3/16 報導來源:工商時報 1999年就在台大服務的俞松良是台大醫學院院長楊泮池研究團隊重要的輔佐大將,目前是台大醫學院醫學檢驗暨生物技術學系助理教授及台大 醫學卓越中心基因體醫學組微陣列核心與國家型基因體計畫整合性功能基因體學核心實驗室的共同主持人,經常以實驗室為家的他,樂於投入有趣且富挑戰性的研究 計畫。

基因定序3年後取代生物晶片 (台大余松良教授專訪) Read More »


小嬿你覺得利用過年期間做一個這樣的實驗怎麼樣:仿老師們建議去transform PBMC (Gosh, it takes four weeks!這裡)的實驗,但是我們利用G418(Akata)或hygromycin(Maxi)的抗藥性做在293上。就是說類似這次做法把infection(24-well~0.5-ml cell)做完後的細胞,稀釋到含藥(maintain時的雙倍濃度)的150-mm盤子裡。如果它們是真貨的話,會被留下來產生colony.過了完年後我們也有了immortaized-HEK293 cells⁈

來苦毒一下年輕人~ Read More »

阿就是No Title大成

2009/03/04 Dr. Lin’s laboratory is directed at studying the oncogenic mechanisms of human herpesviruses including EBV and KSHV: (1) it is not completely understood why only the minority of EBV infected individuals suffered from cancers, while the majority can be waived; (2) it is mysterious why most of the reported EBV and KSHV encoded onco-proteins

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DAVID citation 寫法

xlsx converter Gene ontological classification9 of the differentially expressed genes was performed by using the DAVID Bioinformatics Database functional-annotation tools ( The microarray data have been deposited in the Gene Expression Omnibus maintained by the US National Center for Biotechnology Information ( Accession numbers. Gene Expression Omnibus series GSE9167. ———————————————(a) Venn diagram of genes

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