
Next generation sequencing in cancer research and clinical application Recent NGS-based studies in cancer Cancer Experiment Design Description ref Colon cancer 72 WES, 68 RNA-seq, 2 WGS Identify multiple gene fusions such as RSPO2 and RSPO3 from RNA-seq that may function in tumorigenesis [15] Breast cancer 65 WGS/WES, 80 RNA-seq 36% of the mutations found in the study were expressed. Identify the abundance

Next generation sequencing in cancer research and clinical application Read More »

2014/01/25-26 PI Retreat

地點: 台南統一大樓1/25/2014 (Saturday) 和信醫院鄭鴻鈞醫師:-OrCA: 1405 (Frozen tissues)-NPC: 1206 (Frozen tissues)-Biobank and Informed Consent Form (ICF) 有研究要進行才會去簽ICF-在該醫院開刀的,約有一半的檢體留存率。-800多例檢體要做expression array. 基因表達平台。 劉柯老師: -乙醛Acetaldehyde, ROS, Nitrosamine-P. gingivalis/C.albicans (TLR2 -> IL10 ->Treg)-P.gingivalis LPS -> miR-146a increases-P.gingivalis LPS ->TLR2-JNK, low inflammation-E. coli LPS -> TLR4 /p38MAPK, TLR4-NFKB-Areca nut -> increases miR-146a Jeffery:-Infection:  1. Direct: HPV  2. Indirect: inflammation (P. gingivalis), carcinogens,

2014/01/25-26 PI Retreat Read More »

2013/10 JSCO日本京都行

◉ Oral Presentation: Identification of recurrent gene fusions in luminal type breast cancer in Taiwan 日支費 297/day (10/24-10/26, Thu to Sat) SFL 10/24 (四) 9-10 am Rm6 International Session 2: 6-min talk + 2-min discussion YWC/Janelle/Hui- : 10/24, 16:30-17:30 Rm 5. 出國上簽 (NHRI這邊) 地點改變上簽 (NTU那邊)

2013/10 JSCO日本京都行 Read More »

Prof Chow 周芷 visit

E2: dimerE1: di-hexamerOnce integrated, HPV is no longer reproducible. G0: basal cellsHPV DNA amplifies during G2 arrest (CCNB in the cytoplasm) p130 is the key: disappears and re-appear during keratinocyte differentiation (reactivates cell cycle, promoting S-phase); N268D U0126

Prof Chow 周芷 visit Read More »


實驗室減壓方式有許多種 但是SFL覺得重點只有一個 就是要 〔放得下〕 學習放下批評者和你的看法不同處 學習放下你和惹你懊惱者的不同處 學習放下時間老是不夠用的惡習 早一點動手 承認無法接受這份工作

放鬆的方式有很多種 Read More »

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