DDR1 manuscript 相關

DDR1 manuscript 相關 由 sufang 在 五, 11/07/2014 – 16:57 發表  Pre-published   CDDis   DDR1   Front Oncology   manuscript 2015/05/08 (Thu)  MS submitted to Research Topic “Oral Oncology” 2015/05/30 (Sat)   MS returned, interactive reviews activated: Editor: Rui Amaral Mendes Catholic University of Portugal; Editor of J Carcinogenesis and Mutagenesis; Adhuant Prof at CWRU 2015/08/28 rejected… by Specialty Chief […]

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Epigenetic Talks Bing Ren

Dear All, I like to invite you to join two exciting Epigenetic Talks by the world leading scientists Yi Zhang and Bing Ren on Oct 23 and Nov 4, respectively, at Academia Sinica. Bing Ren UCSD Regulation of the 3D Genome 11 am, Nov 4, 2014 B1 Auditorium, IMB, Academia Sinica Dr. Bing Ren, Member of Ludwig

Epigenetic Talks Bing Ren Read More »

Tak Wah Mak

由 sufang 在 日, 11/02/2014 – 11:09 發表 Pre-published Cancer Metabolism Notes Youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nFelWNxpdWk Genomic alterations in cancersmutations (300,000; > 20,000 genes)epithelial : 50-100; leukemia: 20amplifications (3000)deletions (thousands)translocations (fusions: 7000)epigenetic changes (extensive)Drivers : hundred, 90% loss of functionsInter-and intra-tumor heterogeneity (Charles Sweton)< 1/2 mutated or amplified genes expressed Two more oncometabolic papers from Harvard Groups: Nature (2011). Functional

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2014年10月30日癌症研究國際研討會: 從基礎科學到臨床應用

2014年10月30日癌症研究國際研討會: 從基礎科學到臨床應用 由 sufang 在 四, 10/30/2014 – 09:42 發表  Pre-published   cancer of excellence   International symposium on cancer research   Meeting   二期癌症研究計劃   癌症研究國際研討會   衛福部 首頁: http://scr.nhri.org.tw/index.jsp 台大醫院國際會議中心 301會議室 (77240109) 衛福部 許明能次長致辭 龔院長致辭 1. 張元吉教授: Combination targeted therapy in advanced lung cancer 2. 陳慶士教授: Fighting an organized crime network in pancreatic cancer: tumor

2014年10月30日癌症研究國際研討會: 從基礎科學到臨床應用 Read More »

EBV associated malignancies and IDO1 expression

由 sufang 在 二, 10/28/2014 – 14:27 發表 Pre-published EBV EBV associated gastric cancer IDO1 Lymphoproliferative disorders PLoS Pathog. 2013;9(5):e1003341. doi: 10.1371/journal.ppat.1003341. Epub 2013 May 9.Differences in gastric carcinoma microenvironment stratify according to EBV infection intensity: implications for possible immune adjuvant therapy. Strong MJ1, Xu G, Coco J, Baribault C, Vinay DS, Lacey MR, Strong

EBV associated malignancies and IDO1 expression Read More »

10/14 (二) 蕭醫師來訪建議.

由 sufang 在 日, 10/26/2014 – 09:14 發表 Pre-published IDO1 要找IHC能用的抗體,可以上 The human protein atlas網站.像以HNSC IDO1而言,就有三個選擇 HPA023072, HPA023149, HPA027772. 素芳提議染100例oral cancer檢體、或是補染40對T/N samples。 2014/10/28: TDO2也有抗體 Antibody HPA039611.   HNSC TDO2.    IDO2 則似乎沒有收錄.

10/14 (二) 蕭醫師來訪建議. Read More »

Dr. George Prendergast’s visit

由 sufang 在 日, 10/26/2014 – 09:25 發表 Pre-published IDO1 TDO2 Time: 10:00~11:30 October 24, 2014 (Fri) Topic: IDO pathways in pathogenic inflammation and immune escape in cancer Speaker: George C. Prendergast, PhD (CV download) Professor, President & CEO, Lankenau Institute for Medical Research Editor-in-Chief, Cancer Research  (他說兩大要件: (1) Pathological relevalence (2) Translational relevance. 若是一堆western

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2014/10/20 CMU Mini-symposium on Transcription, Epigenetics and Stem Cell

Dear All, On behalf of the organization committee, I like to invite you to join 2014 CMU Mini-symposium on Transcription, Epigenetics and Stem Cell to be held at China Medical University at Taichung from 12:30 to 5:30 pm on Oct 20 of 2014. We are very pleased to have three world leading scientists Yi Zhang, Hongkui Deng

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Oral Cancer 40 T/N 相關

40T/N 相關由 sufang 在 一, 10/06/2014 – 10:21 發表 Older Posts 40TN Ideograms LOH Loss, maybe 1p36.3: MTHFR (ACshort 0.53x folate pathway related) * 1q12-q23: DPT (40TN 0.36x, 4NQO mouse 0.5x, DOK project array上沒有此基因) 3p21.31-21.2: BAP1 (ACshort 0.92x) 3p21.3: RASSF1(ACshort 1.48x) 3q26.3-q27: LAMP3 (ACshort 0.05x) * 4q23: ADH1A, ADH1B, ADH1C (DOK project array上沒有此些基因 40TN 0.33x, 0.08x, 0.14x) 4q28: MAML3 4q31.1: FBXW7 (40TN 0.9x) 9p21.3: CDKN2A (40TN 5.33x) 9q21.13: ALDH1A1 (ACshort 0.8x) 9q34.1: ASS1, FPGS 9q34.3: NOTCH1 (ACshort 0.84x, 40TN 0.93x, qRT-PCR primer

Oral Cancer 40 T/N 相關 Read More »


2015 MOST PPG 由 sufang 在 五, 10/03/2014 – 13:18 發表  Pre-published   2015 MOST PPG   Tissue microenvironment   TME   整合型行計畫   整合型計畫 2015/05/29 口腔癌整合型計劃主題方向   Janelle Kuo <cckuo@nhri.org.tw>AttachmentsMay 27 (2 days ago)Replyto Shih, 李岳倫, 陳雅雯, David, 林素芳 Chinese (Traditional)English   Translate messageTurn off for: Chinese (Traditional)Dear all這是今天討論的暫訂方向先以這主題思索也先寫上一個暫時性的題目之後大家再努力想出更性感的題目吧哈哈珍   Su-Fang Lin <sflin1@gmail.com>9:25 AM (4 hours ago)Replyto Janelle, Shih,

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