新的挑戰—for YCK (更新)

真是不好意思,我又改變順序了1. 回溶HeLaTet (#3、#4)及HONE1Tet2. 測試Bsd在TW03、CGHNK2及Zeo對HeLaTet、HONE1Tet的耐受性3. 293FT用來包pLentiTR6, pLentiFlag-gZ, -cZ及GFP (每種包3個well, 就是半盤6-well plate之意).同時,可否問一下進階業務,”LONZA”有款叫KGM的medium,專門用來養keratinocyte,是否有進一部資料可供參考! 謝謝. ———————————————————-on 12/2/2009 Crazy SFL wrote:哈哈哈, 新年新氣象,這是給YCK和YLC的小禮物。先把手邊的東西忙完後,請著手下面有趣的實驗: Try to establish TW03-TetR, CGHNK2-TetR, CGHNC8-TetR and TW2.6-TetR。 Try to establish Luc, ER and gZ (B95-8 strain) in HONE1Tet, NP460Tet, TW03Tet, CGHNK2Tet, CGHNC8Tet and TW2.6Tet。這裡有個重點就是請再重讀一下原instruction manual, 把induction量弄到和293TetER相可匹配的程度。我們需要步步為營。

新的挑戰—for YCK (更新) Read More »

Novartis 石明石博士 Michael Shi 演講

TKI 258 was a FGFR1 inhibitor, but the use of TKI 258 causes FGF23/bFGF increased. Melanoma trial found FGF mediated escape form anti-angiogenesis (sorxxxtinb/…) Early phase: VEGFR2 blockadge. Phase 3 trials: (a) FGFR3 expression/t94,14) trans-location in melanoma (b) FGFR3 mutations in bladder cancer (c) FGFR1 expression in breast cancer [這裡若有蒲教授的data就好了!!] AUY 922 is an inhibitor

Novartis 石明石博士 Michael Shi 演講 Read More »


DASL: cDNA mediated Annealing Selection, extension and Ligation (Illumina)expression array of 40 N/T OSCC samples from Dr.蕭. ShSSAT: growth inhibition escape. Illumina’s miRNA and methylation array for 40 N/T OSCC samples from Dr.蕭. ※Prof. Cheng has a natural compound for regulating the miRNA concentratin as fast as in 30 min. SFL: Prof Cheng sugggested me

宜蘭之旅 Read More »

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