2011-2012 Rehearsal, Site Visit, and Retreat

2011/10/6–7 Rehearsal2011/10/29–30 Scientific Review/Site Visit2012/2/17–18 PI Retreat Review Member:鄭院士、龔院士、楊院士、劉院士、閻校長、洪院士、院長、王副院長 PI 23 RA/postdoc 20 Director Chang JYDrug discoverypast 3-yr publicationHuR bind to HIF1a mRNA stablization (inhibited by MPT0B098)MPT0B098 decreased cytoplams translocation of HuRMPT0B292 HDAC6 inhibitorHDAC6 acetylates a-tubulinCa2+ influx STIMI Ac actinWhat is the effect of actin acetylation upon STIM1 activation?nticancer efficacy of PLGA-30MGMT modulates therapeutic efficacy

2011-2012 Rehearsal, Site Visit, and Retreat Read More »

8/10 Lab meeting

1. The trial of new medium KGM-2 ── comparing with medium DKSFM/EpiLife for culturing NP460hTert: (1) Cells culturing in KGM-2 showed more like triangle shape rather than elongated morphology as seeding in DKSFM/EpiLife. (2) Cells culturing in KGM-2 had slower proliferation rate (Doubling time:55.4hrs) than culturing in DKSFM/EpiLife medium (Doubling time:36hrs). 2.Different [Ca2+] treatments for

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NP460hTERT in KGM2

由 sufang 在 三, 08/10/2011 – 14:54 發表 Older Posts EBV infection EBV Rta NP460hTERT transient lytic 2011/08/10 Lab Meeting 1. The trial of new medium KGM-2 ── comparing with medium DKSFM/EpiLife for culturing NP460hTert: (1) Cells culturing in KGM-2 showed more like triangle shape rather than elongated morphology as seeding in DKSFM/EpiLife. (2) Cells

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EBV Rta-induce cellular senescence in nasopharyngeal cells

小嬿: (A) 搞定EBV Rta 對 CTCF 在 genome organization 之影響。 (B) 行有餘力 (and a hobby!): Establishment of TW05-EREV Jean: (A) Find out the best differentiation protocol for NP460hTert. (1) reagents: TGFb, calcium … (2) markers: p63, MYC… (3) controls: TW05TetER and TW01TetER #16 cells (4) Ref: 第一篇,第二篇 , 第三篇… (B) 行有餘力: Cloning of TW05-EREV (由小嬿、小夏指導)小夏:Continue

EBV Rta-induce cellular senescence in nasopharyngeal cells Read More »

To ship RNA sample without dry ice

2011/06/28 To ship RNA sample without dry ice由 sufang 在 二, 06/28/2011 – 10:19 發表 Older Posts RNA-seq shipping RNA samples This is an old post from sophia at 仲彥老師’s lab (sophia).  2011-06-28There is a new way to preserve samples. In room temperature, not deep freeze in -80C. http://www.biomatrica.com/rnastable_products.php (not working)try this one : tinyurl.com/yasox9n2 The

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(AC503, Ingrid, 2010-05-18) 6-well plate format (200K/well = 100K/ml)(1) No Dox control of both cells grew similarly before Day4, doubling time約為24h(2) #7 continued to grow between Day 4 and Day 7(3) #19 stopped to increase after Day 4 (猜測是第三天換 medium時同時移掉 死細胞)(4) YLC 將Day 8細胞拿來做SA-b-Gal staining,是positive, 但比例不詳 (AC 263 小夏) 6-well plate format (200K/well = 100K/ml)

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考慮用Bioruptor sonicate你的protein extract

上週末Bioruptor業務幫我們把儀器fix好的同時,也提及許多Lab在置備protein extract的同時,現在都會加一步sonication的步驟。 set at “Low”, 5 cycles. 據說這樣才可以充分地把胞膜上面的蛋白質都萃取出來。有做膜蛋白的人要注意一下! 非膜蛋白的人也可以試試看多加這一步驟,protein是不是萃取得更完全。

考慮用Bioruptor sonicate你的protein extract Read More »

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