
First of all, I want to clarify several disputing issues:1. Is Rta functional in the cytoplasm? Maybe, but most of the time Rta is working hard in the nucleus.表現量過多,過快,或是一邊進核一邊在胞質內”到此一遊留點紀念”的功能不是今天討論範圍.同理RtaNLSm在我心目中是一個細胞質蛋白,它的主要活性與核內的Rta應是截然不同的. 2. Does over-expression of Rta lead to MN formation in EBV-ve cells?是的,在楚穎論文裡,所算的p值都是許多次實驗重複驗證而成.據聞旻潔加做的synchronize細胞也可觀察到許多multinucleated, binucleated, and mis-segregated cells. 3. Does Rta-mediated MN formation contribute to NPC tumorigenesis?傾向不是.因為在有病毒genome存在下,Rta和其所活化的病毒蛋白會造成細胞停止生長或是凋亡.也就是說 cell […]

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