Lab Meeting

2012/2/1 Lab Meeting- 小夏

1. 計數TW05TetLuc/ER dox treat 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 8天的細胞數。2. 以467確認Rta expression pattern 在TW01TetER及TW05TetER不同。 Rta expression level by WB: #19 ≧#16>TW05TetER。 將再確認p21, c-Myc, p53……的表現。3. 準備HEK293, DOK, HSC3, SCC15, OECM1的genomic DNA來確認DDR1的mutation位點。4.準備HEK293, DOK, HSC3, SCC15, OECM1的cDNA來確認DDR1的isoform。

2012/2/1 Lab Meeting- 小夏 Read More »

12/7 Lab Meeting- 小夏

1. 計數TW05TetER dox treat 1, 2, 3, 4天的細胞數(mix well, to count 3 times)及WST-1 activity沒有差異。建議一樣的條件只做LD與ED組別計數3天後的細胞數及測量WST-1 activity。2. TW05TetER “escapee” 的實驗,設計失敗。3. Flag抗體建議以Cell Signalling抗體來降低背景值,Rta的訊號(或雜band)用467抗體來證實。4.在TW05TetER,dox移除後,ER會隨著時間degrate,其程度與Luc相同,24小時已degrate超過一半; 若dox一直存在下,在96小時前ER的表現也都還會在。至於ER隨著時間增加而增加減少或者是持平,將會繼續釐清,將ER的Kinetics確定清楚。5. TW05EREV的9株clones以Q-PCR來看viral partical的產生,#1, #4. #7有少量particle,#2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9則沒有偵測到particle的產生。以WB來看#1, #4. #7 lytic protein的表現Zta: 7>1>4, gp350/220: 1, 7 >4; 隨著dox的induction, #1, #4, #7 的cellular protein p63皆下降,p53皆上升。

12/7 Lab Meeting- 小夏 Read More »

10/12 Lab Meeting- 小夏

1. TW05TetER的doubling time為22.5hr,與TW05TetLuc差不多,繼續持續觀察。將計數long-time treatment的細胞數(mix well, to count 3 times)及WST-1 activity。2. 設計TW05TetER做 “escape” 的實驗。3. The expression kinetics and stability of EBV Rta inTW05Tet cellsa. 在12-96hrs之間看不出kinetics,首先將找出Flag抗體的最佳條件,將Flag-ER壓出。b. Dox induce 24hr之後wash off之後看12hr至72hr protein的degradation,結果Rta確實隨著時間degradate,但預設應該沒有變化的Luc72hr 卻也detect不到任何訊號,猜測也許是沒有加到dox(?),將另一批sample lysis來確認這件事情。4. Establishment of TW05EREV目前有9株clones,1號細胞株先以Dox或TS induce 48hr以IFA看viral protein的分布比例; 及Q-PCR來偵測viral partical。IFA結果 Flag-Rta每一顆細胞都有,Q-PCR結果viral partical 偵測不到。未來screen clones看induction time 為72hr之後,先以Q-PCR來看viral partical是否有出來為主。

10/12 Lab Meeting- 小夏 Read More »

09/07 Lab Meeting- 小夏

A. Whether serum is required for Rta-induced senescent phenotype in TW05tetER1. 找出positive control沒有出來的原因。2. 在一直serum free的情況下,dox-induction若有差別,才可以說明serum的重要性。3. SA-beta-gal stain在9天有部分細胞是negative,像Escapee的細胞,也許時間要抓早一點來減少這些細胞的比率。B. 接著先完成以下:To figure out the expression kinetics and stability of EBV Rta inTW05Tet cellsTW05TetER的doubling time,生長曲線。

09/07 Lab Meeting- 小夏 Read More »

8/10 Lab meeting

1. The trial of new medium KGM-2 ── comparing with medium DKSFM/EpiLife for culturing NP460hTert: (1) Cells culturing in KGM-2 showed more like triangle shape rather than elongated morphology as seeding in DKSFM/EpiLife. (2) Cells culturing in KGM-2 had slower proliferation rate (Doubling time:55.4hrs) than culturing in DKSFM/EpiLife medium (Doubling time:36hrs). 2.Different [Ca2+] treatments for

8/10 Lab meeting Read More »

08/10 Lab Meeting- 小夏

1. 在TW01TetER及TW05TetER上Serum starvation的條件: 6-well種50000-100000 incubate 48h,serum free組與complete medium組相比,serum free組細胞數少,細胞長得細細長長,在細胞數與細胞型態上有差異性。 補充:根據之前flow data (call cycle analysis) 看48小時的實驗,細胞6-well種100000不至於過滿,200000細胞會過滿。所以我偏愛100000 incubate 48h的condition。接著模仿MB教授的實驗方法看看serum (glucose順道一起看)對Rta-induced cellular senescence.的重要性。(Ref) 2. Establishment of TW05-EREV: 結果: (1) PEG濃縮病毒可以提高virus infection的效率(5%至20%, combine TGFbeta可達到30%),而TGFbeta則效果不彰。 (2) 細胞先放大至6-cm dish,再種1000顆細胞至10 cm dish進行G418 selection的過程中細胞便死光。 討論: 從12-well放大不要一下就放到6-cm dish中,建議先至6-well較適當。而G418 selection的步驟應該要在細胞放大時就做,防止沒有病毒的細胞勢力擴大。 若現在手邊的細胞已經沒有綠光的存在了,便重新開始以濃縮病毒的方式感染細胞。

08/10 Lab Meeting- 小夏 Read More »

07/06 Lab Meeting- 小夏

1. The long-term kinetics (0-6 days) of Rta in Dox-treated TW01TetER The expression of p53, p21, SFN and p27 were increased in Rta induction. Increasing phosphorylation of H2AX was observed on day5 and day6 after Rta induction.2. Compare the expression level of p21, SFN, c-Myc, p53 and p63 in Dox-treated TW01TetER and TW05TetERThe expression of

07/06 Lab Meeting- 小夏 Read More »

05/11 Lab Meeting- 小夏

報告:1. The expression kinetics (0-72 h) of cell cycle regulators and viral immediate-early proteins in Dox-treated TW01EREV-2716. (Rta, EAD, p53, SFN)2. The cytotoxicity of U0126 on TW01EREV-2716: 72hr, IC50=45.76uM3. Pretreat 20uM U0126 1hr before dox treatment can inhibit activation of MAPK (ERK 1/2), but don’t inhibit EBV reaction in 2716.討論:首先先釐清1. Cell density與cell growth/senescence/death以及 viral reactivation有關2.

05/11 Lab Meeting- 小夏 Read More »

04/13 Lab Meeting- 小夏

To test the effect of U0126 on EBV Rta-induced EBV reactivation on TW01EREV-2716 1. 初步結果72hr 20uM U0126死了一半的細胞 (WST-1 assay) 2. 感覺Dox 48小時活細胞有隨著U0126濃度的增加而增加 3. Dox 72小時細胞全部懸浮於medium,感覺72小時Dox作用效果遠大於U0126。(這樣可以說U0126是擋不住ER的Function? 也許可以像學姊早上說的降低Dox的量) Next work will 1. Determine the cytotoxicity of U0126 on TW01EREV-2716 by WST-1 assay. 2. Confirm the expression kinetics (0-72hrs) of cell cycle regulators and viral proteins in Dox-treated

04/13 Lab Meeting- 小夏 Read More »

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