TCGA HNSCC Marker Paper

由 sufang 在 五, 02/27/2015 – 10:08 發表 Oral Cancer HNSCC TCGA Comprehensive genomic characterization of head and neck squamous cell carcinomas (pdf 4292; PubMed Link) The Cancer Genome Atlas profiled 279 head and neck squamous cell carcinomas (HNSCCs) to provide a comprehensive landscape of somatic genomic alterations. Here we show that human-papillomavirus-associated tumours are dominated by helical […]

TCGA HNSCC Marker Paper Read More »

Molas Analysis on Arecoline-Treated HOK Cells

02/16/2015 MTHFR, SHMT1, SHMT2 02/17/2015 1. Library comparison 2. OKB2/AC (>=0.1) combined with OKB2/untreated (>=1), >= 2-fold (2886 transcriptid), sent to GO Biological Process (BP): GOBP Molecular Function (MF): GOMF Cellular Compartment (CC): GOCC 03/28/2015 Excel 製圖時 1. On “OKB2”  Filter > 3, shade them 2. On “Fold OKB2” Filter >=1.5 shade with red; Filter <=0.67 shade with blue

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寄送SW780 RNA給長庚及行動基因陳華鍵

寄送SW780 RNA給長庚及行動基因陳華鍵由 sufang 在 五, 02/13/2015 – 15:20 發表 Cholangiocarcinoma GeneFusion From: Su­Fang Lin [mailto:sflin1@gmail.com] Sent: Friday, January 30, 2015 2:06 PMTo: angel945@cgmh.org.twSubject: this is Su­Fang’s email Dear Dr. 趙:This is my email. I will prepare ~5­10 micrograms RNAs from SW780 cells for your control. Please let me know to whom and to where should I sent. Thanks! Best, Su­Fang  ————————————– Angel

寄送SW780 RNA給長庚及行動基因陳華鍵 Read More »


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Oligo檔案區 Read More »

Fusion gene detection 2014-Dec 及 TLCN檢體申請

Fusion gene detection 2014-Dec 及 TLCN檢體申請由 sufang 在 三, 01/21/2015 – 11:29 發表 Cholangiocarcinoma cholangiocarcinoma FGFR2 gene fusion Nov 27, 2014 at 2:57 PM To: Su-Fang Lin Dear SF, Only minor suggestions (in red color). Are you going to list the oncogenes screening in your proposal or we can just perform the exam? I am

Fusion gene detection 2014-Dec 及 TLCN檢體申請 Read More »

Collaborative Projects between KMUH and NICR

General Fluidigm Access Array + MySeq –YouTube 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s9HUhuCbbhU –YouTube 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WXpNjcRwdj8 –AA_Illumina_ug_100-3770 (pdf) –RecoverAll Total Nucleic Acid Isolation Kit for FFPE (pdf)   台大郭頌鑫醫師抽取DNA and RNA from tiny endoscopic biopsy samples使用。 –陳華鍵老師他們新開的公司行動基因,用的是類似方法、只是不同機器(Ion Torrent PGM/Proton) –Archer: Archer™ FusionPlex™ FGFR Panel (USD 495 / 8 rxn) –Life: Ion AmpliSeq™ RNA Fusion Lung Cancer Research Panel –與台大合作部分,詳見HPV and p16 in HNSCC. (按我連結)  –ds-cDNA protocal from Yi-Mi and Dan (03/05/2015). (按我下載)

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2015.01.15(W4) 11:00 am­ 口腔癌缺口計畫會議 總計畫中文: 針對台灣口腔癌前病變惡性轉化開發快速診斷與有效化學預防之整合研究 總計畫英文: Rapid diagnosis and effective chemoprevention for malignant transformation of oral potentially malignant disorders in Taiwan      計畫編號: MOHW103-TDU-212-114005 三月中旬舉行第二次meeting, 討論期中報告繳交. #1由 sufang 在 五, 05/29/2015 – 13:22 發表。 100例病人葉酸濃度紀錄 謝謝高醫、謝謝奕淇 2015/05 (n=20) #2由 mmiiee 在 二, 04/14/2015 – 09:09 發表。 口腔癌缺口計劃2015/4/8會議記錄 口腔癌缺口計劃2015/4/8會議記錄 日期: 2015年4月8日 (星期三) 時間: 10:00-12:30 am 地點: 竹南院區 研究大樓2樓 R2-2031會議室 出席人員: (出席人員以螢光筆標示之) 江士昇

二期癌症缺口計畫2015 Read More »

癌症個人化醫療前瞻論壇 @ 台北喜來登 星月廳 (B2F)

20150111_癌症個人化醫療前瞻論壇 @ 台北喜來登 星月廳 (B2F)由 sufang 在 日, 01/11/2015 – 20:41 發表 Pre-published Meeting Oral Cancer Opening remarks: 賴瓊慧教授 (副研發長) 主持人: 王子豪醫師 (國外廠商contact him about STIP1) 閻紫宸教授: 台灣口腔癌病患新穎癒後生物標誌的發現與臨床意義 –Why OSCC: Taiwan has the oral cancer incidence in men worldwide –Oral cavity cancer: incidence, survival and treatment –廖俊達教授is the head of CGH HNSCC group leader (pastic

癌症個人化醫療前瞻論壇 @ 台北喜來登 星月廳 (B2F) Read More »


由 sufang 在 五, 12/05/2014 – 10:12 發表 Pre-published IBPR Meeting 杏國Syncore (DBPR204, DBPR 104) 健亞Genovat (DBPR108, T2DM) 中天(Microbio)   cKIT, IDO1, IDH1, 大分子   COE of New Drug Discovery Success in clinical trials and regulation approval Drug discovery engine Team of excellent investigators Mentor/coaching/networking Triangular relationship (Target, Drug, Disease) PK/PD correlation Biomarkers Translational model

與IBPR開會小記 Read More »

Fusion gene detection

由 sufang 在 六, 11/22/2014 – 09:01 發表 Cholangiocarcinoma cholangiocarcinoma FFPE Gene Fusion Nov 5 2014  Daw-yang Hwang 黃道揚 to LTCHEN, yngmiin  Dear Prof Lin, Dr. Chiang, and SF: I designed primers for ALK, ROS-1 FGFR2, FGFR3, and I can add primers for RET.In my research part (bladder and upper urinary tract cancer), I am collaborating

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