Immunohistochemistry of FGFR3 in oral and bladder tissue microarray

由 natsumi 在 四, 10/09/2014 – 16:14 發表 Cholangiocarcinoma FGFR3 IHC #1由 natsumi 在 四, 10/09/2014 – 16:30 發表。PROTOCOL Immunohistochemistry Staining (for paraffin-embedded sections) 1. Deparaffinize ¯ immerse slide in xylene for 7 min ´ 3 times (reused ~5 times). ¯ immerse slide in 100% ethanol for 3 min ´ 2 times (new). ¯ immerse […]

Immunohistochemistry of FGFR3 in oral and bladder tissue microarray Read More »

Cholangiocarcinoma (CCA)

由 sufang 在 二, 08/05/2014 – 09:15 發表 Pre-published CAA cholangiocarcinoma Gene Fusion NSC104 重要文獻 (Research Note: CAA, keyword: cholangiocarcinoma): 1    Gu, T. L., X. Deng, F. Huang, M. Tucker, K. Crosby, V. Rimkunas, Y. Wang, G. Deng, L. Zhu, Z. Tan, Y. Hu, C. Wu, J. Nardone, J. MacNeill, J. Ren, C. Reeves, G.

Cholangiocarcinoma (CCA) Read More »


由 sufang 在 五, 07/25/2014 – 10:50 發表 Pre-published CCA TLCN申請書 檢體 Letter_of_Intent_FGFR fusion (to be FTPd) Biosamples_Request_Form_gene fusion (to be FTPd) 相關書信  a recent published genomic changes in IHCC 12 messagesLTCHEN Sun, Mar 23, 2014 at 9:55 AM To: hung1228 , “Kelvin Tsai K.” , Chien-Feng Li , Su-Fang Lin , 姜乃榕 , Chiun

NHRI TLCN CCA 檢體申請書 Read More »


由 ingrid 在 二, 04/01/2014 – 13:03 發表 Cholangiocarcinoma FGFR fusion 高醫 黃道揚 Dear SF, My mailing address is:高雄市三民區自由一路100號5F腎功能室. ———————– SFL1=988 ng/ul C9 RNA 15 ug = 15ul (希望他能訂出FGFR3-TACC3) SFL2=792 ng/ul SW780 RNA 15 ug = 20ul (希望他能訂出FGFR3-BAIAP2L1) SFL3=1100 ng/ul TW2.6 RNA 15 ug = 13ul(希望他訂不出任何FGFR3 fusion) #1由 sufang 在 五, 07/25/2014 – 11:29 發表。 7/24 黃醫師來函 Daw-yang Hwang

寄送RNA給高醫黃道揚醫師 Read More »

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