2018 GRC NPC

For Trip Report

Regarding authentic NPC cell lines: Prof SW Tsao 請來 “Georgetown method” 原作,Dr. Liu, Xuefeng,Dr. Liu further introduced two papers, one from the Singapore group (non-malignant NP cells are easier to be established by this method), the other one from Prof Tsao’s lab (北非C15鼻咽癌細胞株之建立) Laboratory Investigation 2017 Scientific Reports 2018 而Prof Tsao自己實驗室新建立的鼻咽癌細胞株則將於Nat Commun發表, stay tuned 香港AoE […]

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2018 GRC NPC Index page

0624 (Sunday night) Prof George SW Tsao: 186 participants (66 China, 44 Hong Kong, 20 Industry) Keynote Session: Viruses, Cancer and Stem Cell [06/24 PM] led by Alan Rickinson (University of Birmingham, United Kingdom) In memory of Thomas Turse 1946-2018 (start to work on EBV since 1979s’ ; an oncologist; stromatolites-tumor in NPC; organizer of EBV

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Lawrence Young

Lawrence Young (University of Warwick, United Kingdom)“The Future of NPC Research: Opportunities and Challenges” Key questions  relevance of epithelial infection to EBV’s natural history  Role of EBV strain variation Precise contribution of EBV latent and lytic genes  Contribution of the microenvironment  Targeting EBV for …  What’s special about the NPC cell and its progenitor? lymphoma-epithelium

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Tak Mak

Tak Mak (Princess Margaret Cancer Centre, University Health Network, Canada)“Beyond Targeting Oncogenes: Future Anti-Cancer Strategies” Tak Mak (Princess Margaret Cancer Centre, University Health Network, Canada)“Beyond Targeting Oncogenes: Future Anti-Cancer Strategies” – 1983, Discover T cell receptor, 1995- published a landmark paper on the function of CTLA4 By the turn of the last century chemotherapeutic agents

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Brigette Ma

Brigette Ma (The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR China)“Immune Checkpoint Inhibitor in the Treatment of Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma: A Clinical Overview” – The blue dots in HE (TME lymphocytes !!)– Co-inhibitory ICPs are inductively and have immunosuppressive fun it (early: CTLA4 dampens T-cell priming; late: PDL1 act on T-effectors in TME)What’s the evidence

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Han Chong Toh

Han Chong Toh (National Cancer Centre Singapore, Singapore)“Cellular Immunotherapy for Nasopharyngeal Cancer: Learning from the Past for a Better Tomorrow” Tetrament of metastatic NPC with autologous dendritic cells transfigured with adenoviral veryor (AD5F35) expressing LMP1 and LMP2 genes in patients (NPC vaccine patient 004 –>  partial response; knowledge is of no value unless ups put

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Graham Taylor

Graham Taylor (University of Birmingham, United Kingdom)“The NPC Immunotherapy Landscape” Broad CD8+ and CD4+ T cell responses to vaccination in ex Vito ELIspot immune assays– weal pre-existing EBVNA1 and LMPO2 T-cell– Vaccination simulates multiple CD8+ and CD4+ T cell responses within an individual; lpatuens– Anti-tumor T cell responses before vaccination– 95% T celll go to

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Rajiv Khanna

Rajiv Khanna (QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute, Australia)“Adoptive T Cell Therapy for NPC: Immune Correlates to Immune Contexture” Collaborates with Victor Lee, Dora Kwong, Hohn Nichols, Vivian Li, Daniel Chua, Randall ‘Tis Janice Tsang … at HKU) 2017/10/20 second CD19 CAR-T NPC T cell immunotherapy in the past 10 years Singapore group Adoptive T cell

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Lillian Siu

Lillian Siu (Princess Margaret Cancer Centre, Canada)“Immune and Other Biomarkers of Resistance to Anti-PD1 Therapy in NPC” PDL1 in NPC, Limitation of ORR as a surrogate of benefit with IO therapies Other buiomarkers of interest (HLA-I, TMA, immunoprofuiling, radio is signatures, microbiome) HSC et al. PD-L1 >= 1% tumor cells or TILS (22C3) J Clin

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Troy Messick

Troy Messick (The Wistar Institute, USA)“Development of an EBNA1 Inhibitor for the Treatment of NPC: Toward First-in-Human Studies” EBNA1 is master regulator of ENBV latency ENA1 is the only viral protein expressed in all EBV cancers EBNA1 is required for cell transformation and tumorigenesius EBNA1 structure is now and druggable No EBNA1 orthologs in human

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