2016 GRC NPC Meeting @HK

GRC NPC Index Page | EBV Meeting

Clevers, Hans Delecluse, Henri-Jacques Fuchs, Elaine Futreal, Andrew Hildesheim, Allan Lieberman, Paul M. Liu, Fei-Fei Lo, Kwok-Wei Lo, Yuk-Ming Dennis Longnecker, Richard Lu, Xin Ma, Jun | Ngan, Roger | Bei, Jin-Xin Rooney, Cliona Tsai, Ming-Han Tsao, George SH Zeng, Mu-Sheng zur Hausen, Harald Unclassified (Hong Zheng, Honglin Chen, Brigette Ma, Wei Dai | TESSA, TGFBRI […]

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GRC NPC – Lieberman, Paul M.

2018 Madison MeetingHENLE LECTUREPaul M. Lieberman, Ph.D. The Wistar Institute Philadelphia, PAPaul Lieberman obtained a Ph.D. at Johns Hopkins University, School of Medicine studying Epstein-Barr Virus reactivation in the laboratory of Dr. Gary and Diane Hayward. He completed a post-doctoral fellowship with Dr. Arnie Berk at UCLA investigating basic mechanisms of transcriptional activation by viral

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GRC NPC – Tsai, Ming-Han

2018 GRC NPC 1 ng/ml IL8 for 7 days —> Zta expression Transcriptome data Small RNA-associated TLRs  TLR3, TLR7  TLR7  is involved.. 2016 GRC NPC 2016/07/06 Dear All, 很高興認識大家,在歐洲作這病毒的人較少且分散在很多地方彼此交流不易且個別領域也相差很大,也許因為鼻咽癌對他們來說發生機率微乎其微所以沒有如此整體性的研究且他們比較在意淋巴癌.相比較亞洲,看到如此多人做同領域且很努力要解決鼻咽癌問題其實蠻motivated研究動力的. 我的筆記比較像流水賬沒像林老師那麼精細,不過大家若有興趣可以參考. (https://goo.gl/PQiN9I) 很多posters其實很有趣但大多數都是在聊天沒實際作記錄 印象最深的幾個: 英國人: Drug that block EBNA1 binding loop to DNA to cure EBV+ tumours; 理論上很可行且可以成為治療EBV所有病的萬能藥,但是其實這構想很早就有了也有類似的小分子藥物,似乎也沒聽到有成果,拭目以待 (https://goo.gl/5njCTt) (SF: 5.6 millions, that’s a lot!!) 但是我們實驗室之前發現若把EBNA1幹掉後

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GRC NPC – Rooney, Cliona

Cliona Rooney (Baylor College of Medicine, USA)“Cancer Immunotherapy and Challenges for NPC” T cell for each patient, pre existing , 22% chance response Vaccine an Ad-based LMP2, MVA-EBNA1-LMP2 LCL activated vEBVST Singpore TESSA therapeutics (http://goo.gl/zdbYpA) 330 patients (與Wed Poster #5相關) Ad LMP1/2/LCL activated T cell for NPC, not better for EBVST, but is better in lymphoma patients

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GRC NPC – Delecluse, HJ

Henri-Jacques Delecluse (DKFZ – German Cancer Research Center, Germany) “Is NPC Caused by a Particular EBV?” Kowk et al 2014 J Virol phylogenetic tree Palsler et al JV 2015 EBV polymorphism M81 and B95-8 difference Tsai et al Cell Reports 2013 ((Tsai et al., Cell Rep, 2013 Spontaneous lytic replication and epitheliotropism define an Epstein-Barr

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GRC NPC – Zeng, Mu-Sheng

2018 GRC NPC Mu Sheng Zeng (Sun Yat-Sen University Cancer Center, China)“The Key Cellular Factors in EBV Infection of Epithelial Cells” 4912 new cases NPC in 2016 Bmi-1 induce immortalization of NOC cells NPEC1-BMI-1 And NPEC2-BMI-1. Has 10 fold higher efficiency for EBV infection (cell free) NMHC-IIA is a poteintial key factor in EBV infection NMHC-IIA

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GRC NPC – Tsao, George SH

George Tsao (University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR China)”Establishment of New NPC Xenografts and Cell Lines for EBV Studies”  曹世華 Int J Cancer Vol 83 1999 Lim (C-6661) elaborate on NPC-HeLa hybrid contamination available NPC cell lines (refers to KW Lo’s paper and JV Strong RNA-seq paper) Surgical Maxi William NPC Xeno43 65M recurrent

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GRC NPC – Ma, J and Bei, JX

2018 GRC NPC Jun Ma (Sun Yat-Sen Medical University, China)“Comprehensive Treatment Strategy in Locoregionally Advanced Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma” Evolving National Comprehensive Cancer Network’s (NCCN) guidelines (2018) of the nasopharynx Lancet Oncol. 2016 Nov;17(11):1509-1520.  Induction chemotherapy plus concurrent chemoradiotherapy versus concurrent chemoradiotherapy alone in locoregionally advanced nasopharyngeal carcinoma: a phase 3, multicentre, randomised controlled trial. Sun Y1,

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GRC NPC – Longnecker, R

Richard Longnecker (Northwestern University, USA)“EBV Entry into Host” Lindsey Hutt-Fletcher retires last year. Give all the reagents to Longnecker.Cell-cell fusiongp42 and MHC II structure.Soluble gb42 stimulates fusion with B cells but inhibits fusion with epithelials. From Ming-HanLongnecker: EBV entrygp350 gHgL gB BMRF2gB( gp110) is highly conserved in HerpesvirusgHgL against avb6)gHgL+gp42: against MHCII   3D structure(Mbio

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