2020/07/09Vimeo Dalai Lama The Scientist lost his freedom at 16 years old lost his country at 24 years old (1950 right after a meeting with CCP) 1987/10 First The Mind and Life Dialog” Meeting at Dalamsara
2020/07/09Vimeo Dalai Lama The Scientist lost his freedom at 16 years old lost his country at 24 years old (1950 right after a meeting with CCP) 1987/10 First The Mind and Life Dialog” Meeting at Dalamsara
2019/02/14專注力的訓練 蔣揚仁欽 (https://youtu.be/61sd-CNeNJ0) 2020/03/25如何以般若而波羅蜜多_蔣揚仁欽博士_法鼓文理學院 (https://youtu.be/w5aWhTrnBEw)