
07/06 Lab Meeting- 小夏

1. The long-term kinetics (0-6 days) of Rta in Dox-treated TW01TetER The expression of p53, p21, SFN and p27 were increased in Rta induction. Increasing phosphorylation of H2AX was observed on day5 and day6 after Rta induction.2. Compare the expression level of p21, SFN, c-Myc, p53 and p63 in Dox-treated TW01TetER and TW05TetERThe expression of […]

07/06 Lab Meeting- 小夏 Read More »

05/11 Lab Meeting- 小夏

報告:1. The expression kinetics (0-72 h) of cell cycle regulators and viral immediate-early proteins in Dox-treated TW01EREV-2716. (Rta, EAD, p53, SFN)2. The cytotoxicity of U0126 on TW01EREV-2716: 72hr, IC50=45.76uM3. Pretreat 20uM U0126 1hr before dox treatment can inhibit activation of MAPK (ERK 1/2), but don’t inhibit EBV reaction in 2716.討論:首先先釐清1. Cell density與cell growth/senescence/death以及 viral reactivation有關2.

05/11 Lab Meeting- 小夏 Read More »

04/13 Lab Meeting- 小夏

To test the effect of U0126 on EBV Rta-induced EBV reactivation on TW01EREV-2716 1. 初步結果72hr 20uM U0126死了一半的細胞 (WST-1 assay) 2. 感覺Dox 48小時活細胞有隨著U0126濃度的增加而增加 3. Dox 72小時細胞全部懸浮於medium,感覺72小時Dox作用效果遠大於U0126。(這樣可以說U0126是擋不住ER的Function? 也許可以像學姊早上說的降低Dox的量) Next work will 1. Determine the cytotoxicity of U0126 on TW01EREV-2716 by WST-1 assay. 2. Confirm the expression kinetics (0-72hrs) of cell cycle regulators and viral proteins in Dox-treated

04/13 Lab Meeting- 小夏 Read More »

03/24 Lab Meeting- 小夏

1. U0126 (MEK1/2 inhibitor) can inhibit EBV Rta induced p21 expression and EBV reactivation in EREV8.2. caspase 3 is involved in the survival activity of DDR1 in OSCC (在OEC-M1 and TW2.6 中knockdown DDR1看到pro form的減少)。3. 用autophage marker LC3B看看autophage是否參予著DDR1調控生長的機制。

03/24 Lab Meeting- 小夏 Read More »

11/17 Lab Meeting- 小夏

報告這篇PAPER1. LMP1 increases the release of EGFR into exosomes and that purified exosomes containing LMP1 and EGFR are taken up by epithelial, endothelial, and fibroblast cells, leading to the activation of ERK and PI3K/Akt pathways.2. The ability to detect LMP1 in the exosome pellet harvested from serum of mice carrying the C15 tumor supports a

11/17 Lab Meeting- 小夏 Read More »

11/3 Lab Meeting- 小夏

1. EBV Rta induces growth arrest in the G1 phase of cell cycle in TW01TetER cell lines (the effect is #19>#7).2. Counting the viable cell by trypan blue exclusion method show that there is no difference between TW01TetER #7 and #19 in the growth rate for the period of 4 days.3. Briefly introduce the NPC

11/3 Lab Meeting- 小夏 Read More »

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