
p-EMT 相關文獻

2018_02_Single cell RNA-seq highlights a role for a partial EMT in head and neck cancer (PubMed Link) 2019_12_Immunohistochemical quantification of partial-EMT in oral cavity squamous cell carcinoma primary tumors is associated with nodal metastasis (PubMed Link) 2020_11_Molecular margins in head and neck cancer- Current techniques and future directions (PubMed Link) ______________YHL Research Day Abstract Final______________ […]

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Cancer cell stemness (for TYL)

2018_07_Targeting breast cancer stem cell state equilibrium through modulation of redox signaling [Cell Metabolism Lo et al.]   雲端文獻下載連結 2018_11_Pluripotency transcription factors and metabolic reprogramming of mitochondria in tumor-initiating stem-like cells [Antioxidants & Redox Signaling Keigo Machida] 雲端文獻下載連結 2020_09_Oxidative metabolism drives immortalization of neural stem cells during tumorigenesis [Cell Bonnay et al.] 雲端文獻下載連結(本文)  雲端文獻下載連結(介紹文) A metabolic bottleneck for stem cell transformation [Baksh

Cancer cell stemness (for TYL) Read More »

2020-12-13 亞太生醫矽谷精準醫療旗艦計畫成果展示暨學術硏討會

Genomic and transcriptomic study of head and neck cancer in Taiwan 楊慕華副校長  (YouTube) Ref in Slide 2: EMT 2016 (PubMed) (pdf5564) Genomic alterations Found in 37/39 samples (94.87%) Compared to that in targeted-req (HNSCC panel), and TCGA (tier 1) 跨種族上泌尿道尿路上皮癌之基因體比較分析 魏子鈞 (北榮泌尿部主治醫師)  (YouTube) DIGI+Talent基因體大數據分析與精準醫療應用 喻秋華 (國衛院分基所研究員) 郭之凡 (中國醫藥大學同學) (YouTube)

2020-12-13 亞太生醫矽谷精準醫療旗艦計畫成果展示暨學術硏討會 Read More »

Good Talks – Mina Bissell, Eric Sahai, Howard Chang

 (From google Groups/sflinlab2020) Mina Bissell (LBNL, UC Berkeley):  Half the secret of the cell is outside of the cell (https://youtu.be/hBBOMTIXlL0) 記得開字幕 (雖然她的英文已經很標準) _____________________________________________ Eric Sahai 目前只找到 interviews… 2014/02/06 JCF meets cancer researcher Dr Erik Sahai (https://youtu.be/FXLLImUQdOs) 2014/03/21 Dr. Erik Sahai – at CANCERCON 2014 (https://youtu.be/_KvJyeDF3w0) (原來他有印度血統!) 2015/11/11 Tumour: stroma interactions (https://youtu.be/Avhon8jrSeQ) 2016/03/04 CF thank you – Dr Erik

Good Talks – Mina Bissell, Eric Sahai, Howard Chang Read More »

The hybrid E/M phenotype of EMT 竟然與 collective migration有關

Survival Outcomes in Cancer Patients Predicted by a Partial EMT Gene Expression Scoring Metric (PubMed Link)  Jason T George, Mohit Kumar Jolly , Shengnan Xu, Jason A Somarelli, Herbert Levine  Recent experimental and theoretical evidence suggests that cells can be stably halted en route to EMT in a hybrid E/M phenotype. Cells in this phenotype tend

The hybrid E/M phenotype of EMT 竟然與 collective migration有關 Read More »

Let’s Move On!

4/10 SFL wrote:Sorry FYC, 多兩篇給你! (ref new 1), (ref new 2)。另外, 下面的ref 3–7你可以先忽略不必看。—————————- 恭喜小丸子、Ingrid得獎!!也謝謝小夏、小嬿的努力,我們和knicks一樣→work as a team,個人獲獎就是整個team的榮耀! 所以請客這種事就是老闆出錢、夥計們出力就對了! 往下大家(包括FYC)的目標調整如下: 1. 要present的圖,包括平日lab meeting均要run一下統計。 2. EBV related: (a) Infection of NP460hTert with Akata-GFP EBV  (ref 1, ref 2) (b) Rta-mediated genome organization (ref 3, ref 4, ref 5, ref 6, ref 7)。3. Oral cancer related : (a)

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