2024/03/23 第38屆生物醫學聯合學術年會
第38屆生醫年會 Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Science (JACBS) 將於三月23、24兩日假台北內湖區國防醫學院舉行,本屆大會論文競賽主題為「Biomedicine and Life」(官網連結)。
細胞及分子生物學會大會議程頁面連結; 台灣藥理學會大會議程頁面連結
大會特別演講 慈濟林欣榮醫師:(講題待補)
第二屆陳炯霖轉譯醫學獎得主: 林國儀研究員 (題目待補)
- Title: Arecoline Exposure Increases Stemness Gene Expression in Human Oral Keratinocytes
2023/03/18 第37屆生物醫學聯合學術年會
第37屆生醫年會 Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Science (JACBS) 將於三月18、19兩日假台北內湖區國防醫學院舉行,本屆大會論文競賽主題為「Metabolism in Human Health」(官網連結)。細胞及分子生物學會 the Chinese Society of Cell and Molecular Biology (CSCMB) 的大會議程 頁面連結。
JACBS comprises 9 research societies:
- The Pharmacological Society in Taiwan (台灣藥理學會 林琬琬 理事長 林泰元 秘書長)
- The Association of Anatomists of the Republic of China (中華民國解剖學學會 陳天華 理事長 江青樹 秘書長)
- The Chinese Society of Immunology (中華民國免疫學會 司徒惠康 理事長 顧正崙 秘書長)
- Taiwanese Society for Molecular Imaging (台灣分子生物影像學會 林康平 理事長 楊邦宏 秘書長)
- The Taiwan Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (台灣生物化學及分子生物學學會 鄭子豪 理事長 王琬菁 秘書長)
- The Chinese Society of Cell and Molecular Biology (CSCMB, 華民國細胞及分子生物學學會 陳瑞華 理事長 郭紘志 秘書長)
- Chinese Association for Clinical Biochemistry (中華民國臨床生化學會 徐慧貞 理事長 郭靜穎 秘書長)
- Toxicology Society of Taiwan (台灣毒物學學會, 王應然 理事長 郭靜娟 秘書長)
- The Chinese Physiological Society (中國生理學會 陳景宗 理事長 盧主欽 秘書長)
實驗室賴亭羽同學以CSCMB學員投稿參加大會,題目是 “Increases of anchorage independency and tumorigenicity in immortalized oral keratinocytes by chronic arecoline exposures”.
03/18 (Sat) A great trip from 汀州院區 to 內湖院區 -> recalled the days in 國醫七樓,where I met 家惠、美霞及靜娟! I biked along the way on 汀州路 and parked in the corner of 台北市替代役中心,got on the 8:30 am bus just in time。(Note: 星期六去的車有8:00, 8:30, 9:00; 回程有 13:00, 16:00, 17:05. 而星期天去程只有6:35一班車,回程只有16:30一班車)
Notes from Gillian Griffiths (Welcome Trust + Cambridge Institute for Medical Research): Cancer assassins: fine tuning the killers inside us. Identifying new pathways impacting T cell killing of cancer cells.
- CTL killing lies at the core of cancer cell killing
- The lethal hit is directed by the centrosome
- CTLs are serial killers (increase killing through multiple hits)
- BACH2: a transcriptional repressor in TCR-driven programs
- BACH2-/- splenocytes showed shift from naive to Tcm (central memory) CTLs.
- USP30: a mitochondrial protein
大會Keynote speech 林慧觀院士:Glucose metabolism and its signaling in cancer and immune regulation)

第一屆陳炯霖轉譯醫學獎得主: 楊慕華副校長 (Communication between cancer cells and immune cells during tumor progression)

第一屆吳成文院士講座:龔行健院士 (Therapy resistance of metabolic plasticity of prostate cancer)

加碼閱讀 2013/09_3781_Tumor suppressor p16INK4A is necessary for survival of cervical carcinoma cell lines

加碼閱讀 2013/11_6051_Super-Enhancers in the Control of Cell Identity and Disease(RA Young Lab, ABSTRACT) Super-enhancers are large clusters of transcriptional enhancers that drive expression of genes that define cell identity. Improved understanding of the roles that super-enhancers play in biology would be afforded by knowing the constellation of factors that constitute these domains and by identifying super-enhancers across the spectrum of human cell types. We describe here the population of transcription factors, cofactors, chromatin regulators, and transcription apparatus occupying super-enhancers in embryonic stem cells and evidence that super-enhancers are highly transcribed. We produce a catalog of super-enhancers in a broad range of human cell types and find that super-enhancers associate with genes that control and define the biology of these cells. Interestingly, disease-associated variation is especially enriched in the super-enhancers of disease-relevant cell types. Furthermore, we find that cancer cells generate super-enhancers at oncogenes and other genes important in tumor pathogenesis. Thus, super-enhancers play key roles in human cell identity in health and in disease.
加碼閱讀 2017/04_5258_A CD47-associated super-enhancer links pro-inflammatory signalling to CD47 upregulation in breast cancer. (RA Young & IL Weissman Labs, ABSTRACT) CD47 is a cell surface molecule that inhibits phagocytosis of cells that express it by binding to its receptor, SIRPa, on macrophages and other immune cells. CD47 is expressed at different levels by neoplastic and normal cells. Here, to reveal mechanisms by which different neoplastic cells generate this dominant ‘don’t eat me’ signal, we analyse the CD47 regulatory genomic landscape. We identify two distinct super-enhancers (SEs) associated with CD47 in certain cancer cell types. We show that a set of active constituent enhancers, located within the two CD47 SEs, regulate CD47 expression in different cancer cell types and that disruption of CD47 SEs reduces CD47 gene expression. Finally we report that the TNF-NFKB1 signalling pathway directly regulates CD47 by interacting with a constituent enhancer located within a CD47-associated SE specific to breast cancer. These results suggest that cancers can evolve SE to drive CD47 overexpression to escape immune surveillance.
加碼閱讀 2019/10_5484_A compendium of promoter-centered long-range chromatin interactions in the human genome (Bing Ren Lab, ABSTRACT) A large number of putative cis-regulatory sequences have been annotated in the human genome, but the genes they control remain poorly defined. To bridge this gap, we generate maps of long-range chromatin interactions centered on 18,943 well-annotated promoters for protein-coding genes in 27 human cell/tissue types. We use this information to infer the target genes of 70,329 candidate regulatory elements and suggest potential regulatory function for 27,325 noncoding sequence variants associated with 2,117 physiological traits and diseases. Integrative analysis of these promoter- centered interactome maps reveals widespread enhancer-like promoters involved in gene regulation and common molecular pathways underlying distinct groups of human traits and diseases.
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