Monday Seminar 講題大全

2021/05/14  Seminar 暫停公告 因受到新冠肺炎疫情影響,謹依所長之囑,公告周知。 本所Seminar自5月17日起至6月底將暫停舉行,謝謝! 2021/05/10 講題:The role of TRPM1 in acral melanoma malignant transformation (研究報告) 講者:沈哲宏 助研究員 主持人: Dr.黃道揚 2021/05/03 講題:Regulation of aging and longevity by HSF-1:  The expected and unexpected mechanisms.  ( 外賓演講) 講者:許翺麟 教授[陽明大學-生化暨分子生物研究所] 主持人: Dr.黃智興 2021/04/26 講題:The mitochondrial response to the stress in the tumor microenvironment exacerbates the resistance to cancer immunotherapy: […]

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