July 2020


2019/02/14專注力的訓練 蔣揚仁欽 (https://youtu.be/61sd-CNeNJ0) 2020/03/25如何以般若而波羅蜜多_蔣揚仁欽博士_法鼓文理學院 (https://youtu.be/w5aWhTrnBEw)

蔣揚仁欽 Read More »

Good Talks – Mina Bissell, Eric Sahai, Howard Chang

 (From google Groups/sflinlab2020) Mina Bissell (LBNL, UC Berkeley):  Half the secret of the cell is outside of the cell (https://youtu.be/hBBOMTIXlL0) 記得開字幕 (雖然她的英文已經很標準) _____________________________________________ Eric Sahai 目前只找到 interviews… 2014/02/06 JCF meets cancer researcher Dr Erik Sahai (https://youtu.be/FXLLImUQdOs) 2014/03/21 Dr. Erik Sahai – at CANCERCON 2014 (https://youtu.be/_KvJyeDF3w0) (原來他有印度血統!) 2015/11/11 Tumour: stroma interactions (https://youtu.be/Avhon8jrSeQ) 2016/03/04 CF thank you – Dr Erik

Good Talks – Mina Bissell, Eric Sahai, Howard Chang Read More »

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